Topic Review
Data-Driven Modeling in Drilling in Well Operations
Swab and surge pressure fluctuations are decisive during drilling for oil. The axial movement of the pipe in the wellbore causes pressure fluctuations in wellbore fluid; these pressure fluctuations can be either positive or negative, corresponding to the direction of the movement of the pipe. For example, if the drill string is lowering down in the borehole, the drop is positive (surge pressure), and if the drill string is pulling out of the hole, the drop is negative (swab pressure). The intensity of these pressure fluctuations depends on the speed of the lowering down (tripping in) or withdrawing the pipe out (tripping out). High tripping speed corresponds to higher pressure fluctuations and can lead to fracturing the well formation. Low tripping speed leads to a slow operation, causing non-productive time, thus increasing the overall well budget. 
  • 655
  • 22 Apr 2022
Topic Review
Data-Driven Decision-Making
Decision-making for manufacturing and maintenance operations is benefiting from the advanced sensor infrastructure of Industry 4.0, enabling the use of algorithms that analyze data, predict emerging situations, and recommend mitigating actions. 
  • 648
  • 22 Apr 2021
Topic Review
Exploring Lean HRM Practices in the Aerospace Industry
Lean management is an approach that allows companies to reduce costs and improve quality to achieve significant growth. As such, myriad organizations across many different sectors are deploying resources and effort to implement Lean management principles. However, the adoption of Lean within a company is not straightforward because it is not just a set of tools to be used, but rather a process that requires the active participation and commitment of all the members of the organization, with special emphasis on the employees, as they are the ones doing the actual implementation work. Lean places people at its core, acknowledging their contribution to the company’s growth and the fundamental role human resources management (HRM) practices play in the success and sustainability of Lean transformations. However, the relationship between HRM practices and Lean remains largely unexplored in the literature. 
  • 647
  • 02 Jun 2022
Topic Review
Innovation Management Systems
Standardized innovation management systems (SIMS) are homogeneous management systems which accelerate the conversion of an organization’s innovation strategy into effective actions. Thus, SIMSs ensure that innovation means not mere shiny novel inventions, but rather an organization’s ability to recognize and pursue new areas of opportunity while reacting to fluctuating conditions in its environment. In 2006, the Spanish Association for Standardization and Certification (AENOR) issued the Spanish UNE 166002: 2006, the first innovation management standard, as sets of principles intended to aid organizations in navigating the multifaceted process of innovation, schematizing their activities and improving management efficiency.
  • 643
  • 27 Jul 2021
Topic Review
Digital Twins for Production Logistics
Digital Twins (DTs) are one of the main opportunities to strengthen the overall competitiveness of manufacturing enterprises. Various technologies and technological concepts are discussed in production logistics, which can be classified as Cyber-Physical Systems (CPS), Internet of Things (IoT), interfaces, decentralized applications, real-time localization systems, automatic identification, virtual environments including Digital Twins (DTs), and applications of data science such as machine learning, data mining, and big data analytics.
  • 629
  • 24 Jan 2022
Topic Review
Ultrasound and HPP to Control Fruit Enzymatic Browning
Polyphenoloxidase (PPO) is an endogenous enzyme, which is naturally present in plant tissues, and it has also been referred to as polyphenol oxidase, catechol oxidase, tyrosinase, phenolase, catecholase, and o-diphenol oxidase. It is an oxidoreductase-copper-containing metalloprotein, which catalyses the degradation of phenolic fruit constituents to o-quinones in the presence of oxygen. The combination of ultrasound with temperature, and high pressure processing (HPP) with temperature to inactivate polyphenoloxidase enzyme in three fruits (pear, apple and strawberry) was investigated and compared with PPO inactivation exclusively by a thermal process. 
  • 624
  • 12 Jul 2022
Topic Review
Microprobe System for Coordinate Metrology
A coordinate measuring machine (CMM) is a measuring instrument that can measure three-dimensional (3D) shapes of an object, including a probing system to detect an object’s surface, a positioning stage system to move either the probing system or the object, length scales to determine the coordinate of detected points by the probing system, as well as software to control the entire measurement.  Micro-coordinate measuring machines (micro-CMMs) for measuring microcomponents require a probe system with a probe tip diameter of several tens to several hundreds of micrometers. Scale effects work for such a small probe tip, i.e., the probe tip tends to stick on the measurement surface via surface adhesion forces. These surface adhesion forces significantly deteriorate probing resolution or repeatability. 
  • 620
  • 30 Jan 2022
Topic Review
Last-Mile Drone Delivery
Sustainable green products and services garner more attention from companies and enterprises that aim to succeed and grow in highly competitive markets by imposing less harms on the environment and ecosystems. Last-mile delivery from local distribution centers to customers plays an essential role in the retail business. Retail companies are leaning towards implementing green, efficient transportation methods, such as drones, in their last-mile delivery operations to conserve ecosystems.
  • 620
  • 06 Feb 2023
Topic Review
Acoustic Technology in Food Processing
Acoustic technology is characterized as environmentally friendly and is considered an alternative method due to its sustainability and economic efficiency. This technology provides advantages such as the intensification of processes, increasing the efficiency of processes and eliminating inefficient ones, improving product quality, maintaining the product’s texture, organoleptic properties, and nutritional value, and ensuring the microbiological safety of the product.
  • 619
  • 10 Oct 2023
Topic Review
Structural Batteries
Structural power composites are a new class of materials/structural configurations capable of storing electric energy and, at the same time, carrying mechanical loads. They stand out as a possible solution to the demands of the modern transportation system of more efficient and eco-friendly vehicles.
  • 614
  • 16 May 2021
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