Topic Review
Efficiency of Mediterranean Container Ports
Container ports located in the wider Mediterranean area act as important maritime gateways connecting Europe, Asia and North Africa. They are considered as important and strategic nodes that facilitate intercontinental transport activities. Port performance is formed by a set of components, among which efficiency and effectiveness are two major interrelated ones.
  • 337
  • 20 Jul 2023
Topic Review
Electric Cars in Brazil
Brazil has been successful to reduce its carbon footprint using biofuels, but it is facing a dilemma in vehicle electrification. It cannot shift abruptly to battery electric vehicles, as current consumers are unable to afford them and investment in recharging infrastructure is uncertain. However, it has a significant manufacturing base, and it cannot isolate itself from global industrial trends. The emergence of a dominant design (set of core technologies defining a product category and adopted by the majority of players in the market) in small and affordable segments is essential for the diffusion of electric cars in developing countries. Biofuel hybrid technologies may support the transition. The Brazilian industry can engage in electric vehicle development by designing small cars based on global architectures, targeting consumers in emerging markets. 
  • 1.4K
  • 27 May 2022
Topic Review
Electric Powertrain Architectures in Off-Road Equipment
Though the wave of electric vehicles is transforming the on-road passenger and commercial vehicle fleets, similar attempts in the off-road equipment sector appear to be lacking. Because of the diverse equipment categories and varied applications, electrifying off-road equipment requires significant research and development.
  • 1.6K
  • 26 Aug 2022
Topic Review
Electric Vehicle Charger Cybersecurity Vulnerabilities
Worldwide growth in electric vehicle use is prompting new installations of private and public electric vehicle supply equipment (EVSE). EVSE devices support the electrification of the transportation industry but also represent a linchpin for power systems and transportation infrastructures. Cybersecurity researchers have identified several vulnerabilities that exist in EVSE devices, communications to electric vehicles (EVs), and upstream services, such as EVSE vendor cloud services, third-party systems, and grid operators. 
  • 4.1K
  • 02 Jun 2022
Topic Review
Electrification of Transportation in Islands
Electric vehicles (EVs) represent an important socio-economic development opportunity for islands and remote locations because they can lead to reduced fuel imports, electricity storage, grid services, and environmental and health benefits. This entry presents an overview of opportunities, challenges, and examples of EVs in islanded power systems, and is meant to provide background to researchers, utilities, energy offices, and other stakeholders interested in the impacts of electrification of transportation. The impact of uncontrolled EV charging on the electric grid operation is discussed, as well as several mitigation strategies.
  • 562
  • 16 Aug 2021
Topic Review
Emissions, Decarbonization, and Alternative Fuels in Inland Navigation
In response to the pressing need for transportation decarbonization, the often overlooked domain of inland waterway transport and seeks to answer which alternative fuel or power source is the most promising for that sector. As the shipping industry significantly contributes to global carbon emissions, it has been shifting towards alternative fuels and decarbonization measures in the effort to reduce them, whereas the inland waterways, operating predominantly on diesel engines, have not achieved equivalent substantial progress. Liquified natural gas (LNG) initially emerged as a favored alternative fuel, but recent studies emphasize a shift towards “greener” solutions like batteries and hydrogen. Europe and Asia lead in these developments. This investigation uncovers critical gaps in research and development, particularly in the Northern European countries that have extensive inland waterway networks. It also calls for future studies to explore the performance of vessels that have adopted LNG compared to other emerging alternatives and emphasizes the importance of considering the time lag between technology development and research publication.
  • 255
  • 20 Nov 2023
Topic Review
Emitted Radiated Interference of Video Monitoring Systems
Video monitoring systems (VMSs) operated throughout an extensive railway area are responsible for the safety of people and property transport processes. Emissions of radiated electromagnetic interference generated in an unintended manner by traction vehicles within a railway line lead to interference in the VMS operating process. Based on the knowledge of actual VMS operating process data, spectral characteristics and values of individual components of disturbing signals occurring in the emissions of radiated electromagnetic interference, it is possible to determine the parameters of damage intensities for the devices and elements of this system. Using that data enables determining the VMS reliability parameters within its operating system, for an extensive railway area. 
  • 323
  • 05 Sep 2022
Topic Review
Emotional Well-Being during Travel
Well-being has been suggested as another indicator of social development level besides income and economic prosperity. Traveler emotional well-being as a specific domain of subjective well-being has attracted attention across the field of transportation.
  • 494
  • 26 Apr 2022
Topic Review
Enabling Technologies in Intermodal Freight Transport
Enabling technologies have wide application in intermodal freight transport (IFT). Their application is observed on components of IFT including, in ports, terminals, transport services, and loading units. Several enabling technologies such as wireless communication technologies, sensors, positioning technology, and web-based platforms are highly utilized in intermodal freight transport globally. In contrast, electronic data interchange (EDI), wireless communication technologies, and web-based platforms also have potential applications in low-income countries, and their adoption should be studied further. 
  • 2.0K
  • 17 Feb 2022
Topic Review
End-of-Life Vehicles Recycling
End-of-life vehicle (ELV) recycling is a process that spends energy and could be an energy source as well. This part of energy recovering depends on many different factors related to the broad and local aspects of ELV recycling. The ELV recycling process is consuming energy from different energy sources (electrical, fossil), however, this consumption is lower in relation to energy consumption during the production of new vehicle parts from the very beginning. ELVs have, in the first phase, been considered as an environmental problem, which must be solved through many decision-making approaches, directives, and standards. Accordingly, it may be concluded, that this issue is very complex since it includes a lot of relations concerning ELV recycling, as well as broad infrastructure and socio-economic environment factors. On the other hand, there is not enough relevant and reliable information related to the ELV recycling and energy recovery through ELV recycling process. This information can be obtained through user responses, financial analysis, business analysis, or some government body relevant information sources. Due to new regulations related to ELV recycling, the responsibility of manufacturers is becoming increasingly important. They are obligated to design and revise their processes and adapt them to new legislation norms.
  • 3.2K
  • 26 Oct 2020
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