Topic Review
Modelling Freight Last Mile
The transport of freight involves numerous intermediate steps, such as freight consolidation, truck allocation, and routing, all of which exhibit high day-to-day variability. On the delivery side, drivers usually cover specific geographic regions, also known as clusters, to optimise operational efficiency. A crucial aspect of this process is the effective allocation of resources to match business requirements. The discrete-event simulation (DES) technique excels in replicating intricate real-world operations and can integrate a multitude of stochastic variables, thereby enhancing its utility for decision making. 
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  • 18 Sep 2023
Topic Review
COVID-19 Lockdown on Online Car-Hailing Travel in Shanghai
Due to the restriction policies and people’s fear of contracting COVID-19, the riding of means of transportation decreased sharply, including trains, metros, taxis, and online car-hailing, both for inter-city and intra-city transportation modes. The way people travel and live was significantly affected. People needed to work from home or conduct online meetings if the working conditions permitted. Students needed to take classes online.
  • 244
  • 06 Nov 2023
Topic Review
Influences on Driving Style Preferences in Automated Driving
Automated driving is a rapidly evolving technology with the aim to revolutionize transportation by eliminating the need for human drivers. The predicted potentials of automated driving include increased driving comfort and safety, traffic flow optimization, reduced emissions, and enhanced mobility for people with disabilities or limited access to transportation. With automated driving, humans change their role from an active driver to that of a passenger, raising the question of how users prefer to be driven in the future when they are no longer driving themselves.
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  • 24 Aug 2023
Topic Review
Optimising Daylight and Ventilation Performance
Building envelopes serve as interfaces between indoor and outdoor environments and are significant components in improving human comfort and building energy efficiency. As a critical success factor for a sustainable building environment, adaptation aids in coping with variable environmental conditions (e.g., solar radiation and wind) instead of anticipating potential damages and uncomfortable conditions for humans. 
  • 241
  • 18 Dec 2023
Topic Review
Intelligent Technologies for Urban Hazardous Chemical Disaster Management
Urban safety production is a core component of social safety and is associated with the production, storage and transport of hazardous chemicals, which are potential sources of disaster in an urban area. Intelligent technologies are critical in improving disaster management and control.
  • 239
  • 24 Nov 2023
Topic Review
Origin-Destination Estimation
The origin–destination matrix (OD matrix) reflects the expected movement intensity of road users, where each element is the number of trips between the two traffic analysis zones (TAZs). It can represent the traffic demand over different time scales, from hours to years, corresponding to the dynamic and static OD inference problem, respectively. In the short term, it can be applied both as the initial input to the simulator and to boost the precision of short-term traffic flow forecasts. In the long term, the OD matrix provides the details on the average daily mobility needs of city’s inhabitants and can help assess the urban layout’s rationality and plan future infrastructure development.
  • 228
  • 23 Oct 2023
Topic Review
Prediction of Bike Sharing Demand and Design
As a consequence of the persistent trend towards urbanization, cities suffer from negative externalities (traffic congestion, air pollution, noise, etc.) caused by the increase in urban mobility. Since motorized individual transport comprises a sizable proportion of those negative effects, policymakers consider the promotion of active mobility (i.e., walking and cycling) as a way to address the key challenges of growing urban transport. In this regard, bike sharing systems have gained popularity, as they provide a sustainable and affordable alternative to motorized vehicles. Therefore, these systems are increasingly implemented in cities around the world.
  • 227
  • 15 Jan 2024
Topic Review
Quantifying the Complexity of the Autonomous Vehicles Environment
One of the challenges that autonomous vehicles (AVs) face is the large amount of data inundating the onboard computer from its sensors, which is beyond the real-time processing capabilities of current AV models. The onboard computer equipped by the AVs, which is required to operate in real- time, has the onus of perceiving the environment surrounding the AV, processing the incoming information, and making the most apt decisions to ensure the safe operations of the ego vehicle. 
  • 224
  • 18 Jan 2024
Topic Review
Walkability of Large Parking Lots on University Campuses
Car-dominated university campuses allocate large areas of land for parking lots, which are major hubs for users to start and end their daily walking trips.
  • 219
  • 12 May 2023
Topic Review
Passenger Cars Driven on Hilly Roads in Austria
Previous studies of road or railway infrastructures have shown that traffic emissions outweigh the environmental impacts of the product stage and construction stage over the entire life cycle. Traffic usage is therefore the main emitter over the life cycle (A1–C4). Due to the small number of sustainability assessment systems, the question of how to consider traffic emissions in detail in an integral life cycle assessment has arisen.
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  • 01 Feb 2024
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