Topic Review
Autonomous Vehicles Affect Traffic Conditions in Mixed Traffic
Different methodologies are being used to study the effects of autonomous vehicles (AVs) in mixed traffic to exhibit the interactions between autonomous and human-driven vehicles (HVs). Microscopic simulation tools are popular in such an assessment, as they offer the possibility to experiment in economical, robust, and optimistic ways. A lack of reliable real-world data (also known as natural data) to calibrate and evaluate the connected autonomous vehicle (CAV) simulation model is a major challenge.
  • 479
  • 25 Mar 2024
Topic Review
Blockchain Integration in Vehicle-to-Everything and IoT for Transportation
As smart transportation systems evolve, secure and efficient Vehicle-to-Everything (V2X) communication between vehicles and infrastructure becomes crucial. A Vehicle-to-Blockchain (V2B) communication architecture is introduced, leveraging blockchain technology for transparent and decentralized interactions. Researchers' contributes to the integration of blockchain into V2X and IoT for next-generation transportation systems. Researchers propose several novel blockchain use cases, including a blockchain-based vehicle ownership system based on the multi-token standard, a vehicle scoring system, blockchain-IoT integration, and a decentralized ticket management system for transportation services. The architecture addresses key aspects such as data integration, validity, secure messaging, and introduces a decentralized payment system and marketplace for transportation in smart cities. Researchers specifically emphasize the technical implementation of smart contracts for these use cases, underscoring their role in ensuring robust and reliable interactions. Through decentralized approach, researchers pave the way for a transformative transportation ecosystem that is adaptable, resilient, and capable of meeting the evolving needs of smart cities.
  • 472
  • 29 Aug 2023
Topic Review
The Urban Transit Routing Problem
The Urban Transit Routing Problem (UTRP) is a challenging problem in transportation planning that involves designing and optimizing transit route networks for urban areas. The objective is to find the most efficient routes for public transportation vehicles, considering factors such as travel time, passenger demand, transfer connections, vehicle capacities, operating costs, and environmental impacts. 
  • 468
  • 21 Aug 2023
Topic Review
Factors in Modeling the Car-Following Behavior
Car-following behavior is the result of the interaction of various elements in the specific driver-vehicle-environment aggregation. Under the intelligent and connected condition, the information perception ability of vehicles has been significantly enhanced, and abundant information about the driver-vehicle-environment factors can be obtained and utilized to study car-following behavior. Therefore, it is necessary to comprehensively take into account the driver-vehicle-environment factors when modeling car-following behavior under intelligent and connected conditions.
  • 466
  • 19 Sep 2022
Topic Review
Real-Time Coaching Program
Real-time coaching programs are designed to give feedback on driving behavior to usage-based motor insurance users; they are often general purpose programs that aim to promote smooth driving. 
  • 463
  • 08 Sep 2021
Marcin Kiciński
Freight and passenger transport and logistics, Sustainability transport and logistics, Transport infrastructure development, Military logistics (military air bases), Transport accessibility. Methods and techniques: multicriteria decision making (MCDM/MCDA), multiple criteria optimization, mathematical modelling.  2014-2015: postgraduate studies: project manager of research and dev
  • 460
  • 26 Jul 2023
Topic Review
Hydrogen Fuel Cells in Transportation
Conventional transportation systems are facing many challenges related to reducing fuel consumption, noise, and pollutants to satisfy rising environmental and economic criteria. These requirements have prompted many researchers and manufacturers in the transportation sector to look for cleaner, more efficient, and more sustainable alternatives. An overview of the application of hydrogen fuel cells in the transportation sector is presented.
  • 452
  • 29 Jun 2023
Topic Review
Cycling Education in Europe
Owing to the active promotion of environmentally friendly lifestyles in several European nations, the bicycle is progressively emerging as a predominant mode of transportation on the roadways. This phenomenon can be attributed to a plethora of factors. Numerous cities are gradually prioritizing the development of sustainable transportation systems, which includes restricting car access to central areas. Moreover, there is a growing ecological awareness among individuals who are averse to contributing to urban pollution with vehicle emissions. Additionally, the bicycle offers a means of travel that enables users to maintain and enhance their physical health and overall well-being.
  • 451
  • 11 Oct 2023
Topic Review
Geo-Design in Planning for Bicycling
Cities have increasingly promoted bicycling as a mode of transport as part of their strategy to develop a more sustainable transportation system. Australia is one of the countries that seeks to promote bicycling in a significant manner. There are two primary barriers faced in this effort. The first is the organizational complexity of planning and of implementing cycling-related projects, which can span across different agencies in government at various levels, from federal to local. Second is the lack of a clear framework for effectively planning a bicycling network using multiple data and tools available to these agencies within a limited budget. The use of a geo-design-based, collaborative, and data-driven framework for planning bicycling networks brings various stakeholders, such as transport planners, urban designers, and academics, into the planning practice, thus overcoming the mentioned barriers. Geo-design is an environmental design framework for complex problems involving the collaboration of different teams and stakeholders, supported by digital computing and communication technologies.
  • 448
  • 02 Dec 2022
Topic Review
Impact of Autonomous Navigation in Short Sea Shipping
Short sea shipping (SSS) is a concept created in the European Union (EU), building upon the traditional concept of cabotage, but expanding it to an EU scale and adding maritime connections to countries across seas surrounding Europe. In spite of being a European concept, the fact is that it applies very well to other areas of the world, often under other designations such as coastal shipping or international cabotage.
  • 445
  • 27 Feb 2024
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