Topic Review
Environment Perception System of Quadruped Robots
Due to the high stability and adaptability, quadruped robots are highly discussed in the robotics field. To overcome the complicated environment indoor or outdoor, the quadruped robots should be configured with an environment perception system, which mostly contain LiDAR or a vision sensor, and SLAM (Simultaneous Localization and Mapping) is deployed. 
  • 251
  • 12 Jun 2023
Topic Review
Environmental Aspects of Rail Transport
The development of railways stands as a pivotal milestone in the history of transportation, transforming the world and revolutionising the movement of people and goods. From their humble beginnings as rudimentary track systems to the sophisticated and interconnected networks we witness today, railways have played a crucial role in fostering economic growth, promoting globalisation, and shaping modern societies. Railways have long been recognised as one of the most environmentally friendly means of mass transit, offering lower carbon emissions, energy efficiency, and reduced congestion compared to other transportation modes. However, there are still many challenges to overcome to provide continuous sustainability in the context of environmental impacts, especially related to wildlife and habitat protection. 
  • 1.2K
  • 19 Sep 2023
Topic Review
Environmental Aspects of the Electric Car
Electric cars (or electric vehicles, EVs) have different environmental impacts compared to conventional internal combustion engine vehicles (ICEVs). While aspects of their production can induce similar, less or alternative environmental impacts, some models produce little or no tailpipe emissions, and some have the potential to reduce dependence on petroleum and greenhouse gas emissions, depending on the source of electricity used to charge them, and health effects from air pollution. Electric motors are significantly more efficient than internal combustion engines and thus, even accounting for typical power plan efficiencies and distribution losses, less energy is required to operate an EV. Producing batteries for electric cars requires additional resources and energy, so they may have a larger environmental footprint from the production phase. EVs also generate different impacts in their operation and maintenance. EVs are typically heavier and could produce more tire, brake, and road dust, but their regenerative braking could reduce brake particulate pollution. EVs are mechanically simpler, which reduces the use and disposal of engine oil.
  • 1.8K
  • 30 Nov 2022
Topic Review
Environmental Assessment of GHG Emissions from Thermochemical Reactions
The environmental assessment considers greenhouse gaseous (GHG) emissions as a comparative parameter for different thermochemical processes. Several approaches exist for measuring greenhouse gaseous emissions, mainly CO, CO2, N2O, and CH4, from thermochemical reactors. This text recommends monitoring equipment and techniques to monitor and eliminate greenhouse gaseous emissions in thermochemical reaction such as pyrolysis and gasification.
  • 360
  • 19 Apr 2023
Topic Review
Environmental Audio Extensions
The Environmental Audio Extensions (or EAX) are a number of digital signal processing presets for audio, present in Creative Technology Sound Blaster sound cards starting with the Sound Blaster Live and the Creative NOMAD/Creative ZEN product lines. Due to the release of Windows Vista in 2007, which deprecated the DirectSound3D API that EAX was based on, Creative discouraged EAX implementation in favour of its OpenAL-based EFX equivalent – though at that point relatively few games used the API.
  • 795
  • 11 Nov 2022
Topic Review
Environmental Concepts in Additive Manufacturing
Additive manufacturing (AM) is a technological advancement that produces three-dimensional objects by layering polymers, ceramics, metals, composite materials, concrete, and human tissue materials in precise geometric shapes. When this new manufacturing technology is employed, it aims to create a healthy environment free of pollutants. Using additive manufacturing over traditional subtractive technologies may result in considerable material and energy resource savings, especially if the component is appropriately designed for manufacture.
  • 807
  • 29 Jan 2023
Topic Review
Environmental Impact of Waste Wood Ash
Waste wood ash (WWA) is used with other waste materials in geopolymer production and is found in pulp and paper, wood-burning industrial facilities, and wood-fired plants. 
  • 1.9K
  • 15 Aug 2022
Topic Review
Environmental Management Strategies in Mining Industry in Chile
Sustainable development in the mining industry is a critical concern for companies because it covers multiple environmental, social, and economic approaches. The principal aim of sustainable development is to find the equilibrium between environmental, social, and economic aspects to maintain the system’s stability. In this sense, defining mining sustainability is a complex task because of the multidimensional definition of sustainability. However, the primary concern of the environmental sustainability of the mining industry is to avoid and reduce environmental impact at different stages of the mining life cycle, where the mining industry needs to anticipate possible negative effects that its operations may generate. The mining industry faces diverse challenges to maintain sustainable production, particularly regarding critical water and energy supplies. As a significant player in the copper mining industry, Chile has become a global reference. The most prevailing strategies involved implementing Environmental Management Systems, which allow organisations to define, implement, and track their specific goals and standards.
  • 1.0K
  • 28 Apr 2022
Topic Review
Environmental Performance of FRP
FRPs (fiber-reinforced polymers) have gained increasing popularity in the last few years due to their durability, high corrosion resistance, light weight and high strength. Life cycle assessment is considered one of the most important methods to investigate the environmental impacts of the FRP. 
  • 1.1K
  • 13 Oct 2022
Topic Review
Environmental Risk Assessment and Management in Industry 4.0
According to the International Labour Organization, occupational injury is a personal injury, disease, or death that results from an occupational accident. Occupational accidents, in turn, are unexpected occurrences, including acts of violence, arising out of or in connection with work and resulting in one or more workers incurring personal injury, disease, or death. Occupational diseases are acquired through personal exposure to environmental risks, such as physical, chemical, and biological agents in situations above the tolerance limits imposed by legislation or applicable standards. These diseases are caused or aggravated by specific activities, and are characterized when the causal link is established. between damage to the worker’s health and exposure to certain work-related risks. Occupational diseases occur after various years of exposure, and in some cases, they can arise even after the worker is no longer in contact with the causative agent.
  • 431
  • 30 Aug 2022
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