Topic Review
Energy Situation in Informal Settlements
Informal Settlements (ISs) are a widespread phenomenon in cities in the global south. In Sub-Saharan Africa (SSA), about 56% of the urban population lives in ISs. More than half of the urban population of Sub-Saharan Africa lives in informal housing conditions. While urban areas are, in general, characterized by a high electrification rate, residents of informal settlements are still affected by energy poverty, the use of traditional energy sources and unreliable electricity supply. 
  • 422
  • 04 Jul 2023
Topic Review
Energy Situation of Pakistan
Pakistan has been facing energy crises as a result of its reliance on imported fossil fuels, circular debt, political instability, and absurd energy policies. However, the country has abundant renewable energy resources which, if harnessed, may help to effectively cope with ever-increasing energy demand. The economic situation of the country has remained severely stressed, and energy sector performance has been compromised over the years for various underlying reasons. The energy policy narrative in the early decades of the post-independence period focused on water resource management, whereas energy concerns were only realized in the late 1960s as demand grew. The first-ever energy and power planning study in Pakistan was conducted in 1967, and since then, various studies have been conducted to support the medium-term development plans of the government. These planning studies inspired further development, and in 1994, the first-ever electricity-focused power policy was announced by the government in response to industrial growth and subsequent electricity demand. However, this and subsequent policies were fossil-fuel-centric until 2006, when the government announced the first-ever renewable energy policy. This 2006 policy focused on increasing renewable energy penetration in the overall energy mix by setting specific targets. However, these targets have rarely been accomplished as a result of a lack of an effective planning paradigm, as most of studies have been conducted without sound demand forecasting and without considering renewable energy’s potential to meet growing demand. As such, planning efforts based on proven methodologies/modeling tools and the undertaking of demand forecasts and renewable energy assessments are inevitable for countries such as Pakistan.
  • 410
  • 16 Jan 2023
Topic Review
Energy Storage and Battery Management for Electrified Vehicles
The transport sector is tackling the challenge of reducing vehicle pollutant emissions and carbon footprints by means of a shift to electrified powertrains, i.e., battery electric vehicles (BEVs) and plug-in hybrid electric vehicles (PHEVs). However, electrified vehicles pose new issues associated with the design and energy management for the efficient use of onboard energy storage systems (ESSs). Thus, strong attention should be devoted to ensuring the safety and efficient operation of the ESSs. In this framework, a dedicated battery management system (BMS) is required to contemporaneously optimize the battery’s state of charge (SoC) and to increase the battery’s lifespan through tight control of its state of health (SoH).
  • 206
  • 11 Jan 2024
Topic Review Peer Reviewed
Energy Storage Flywheel Rotors – Mechanical Design
Definition: Energy storage flywheel systems are mechanical devices that typically utilize an electrical machine (motor/generator unit) to convert electrical energy in mechanical energy and vice versa. Energy is stored in a fast-rotating mass known as the flywheel rotor. The rotor is subject to high centripetal forces requiring careful design, analysis, and fabrication to ensure the safe operation of the storage device.
  • 1.7K
  • 13 Apr 2022
Topic Review
Energy Storage in Rail Transportation
With the development of the global economy and the increase in environmental awareness, energy technology in transportation, especially the application of energy storage technology in rail transportation, has become a key area of research. Rail transportation systems are characterized by high energy consumption and poor power quality due to the more flexible regulation capability of energy storage technology in these aspects. 
  • 598
  • 28 Dec 2022
Topic Review
Energy Storage in Urban Areas
Positive Energy Districts can be defined as connected urban areas, or energy-efficient and flexible buildings, which emit zero greenhouse gases and manage surpluses of renewable energy production. Energy storage is crucial for providing flexibility and supporting renewable energy integration into the energy system. It can balance centralized and distributed energy generation, while contributing to energy security. Energy storage can respond to supplement demand, provide flexible generation, and complement grid development. Photovoltaics and wind turbines together with solar thermal systems and biomass are widely used to generate electricity and heating, respectively, coupled with energy system storage facilities for electricity (i.e., batteries) or heat storage using latent or sensible heat. Energy storage technologies are crucial in modern grids and able to avoid peak charges by ensuring the reliability and efficiency of energy supply, while supporting a growing transition to nondepletable power sources.
  • 329
  • 06 Mar 2024
Topic Review
Energy Storage Systems
Energy storage is one of the essential components of grid-independent green power generation units. These energy storage units modulate the unpredictable changes in power generation renewable energy sources. For better performance of energy storage and off-grid green microgrids, these units must be economically and reliably in suitable condition, meaning that the size of the components of the clean power generation units should be optimized to be cost-effective.
  • 687
  • 16 Jun 2022
Topic Review
Energy Storage Systems for Automotive Applications
In the automotive industry, many devices are used to store energy in different forms. The most commonly used ones are batteries and supercapacitors, which store energy in electrical form, as well as flywheels, which store energy in mechanical form. Other less commonly used storage devices include fuel cell hydrogen tanks and compressed-air systems, which store energy in chemical and mechanical forms, respectively.
  • 299
  • 11 Mar 2024
Topic Review
Energy Storage Systems for Urban-Driven Electric Vehicles
The prevalence of electric vehicles (EVs) is of a great significance to help reduce greenhouse gas emissions. Boosting the performance of energy management systems (EMSs) of electric vehicles (EVs) helps encourage their mass adoption by addressing range anxiety concerns. 
  • 301
  • 26 Jun 2023
Topic Review
Energy Storage Systems in Microgrids
Energy storage systems (ESSs) are commonly used to shift the electric energy time and reduce operation costs by storing electrical energy during low-cost and excess power periods and injecting power during peak hours. Energy storage technologies have a wide range of applications in microgrids, including providing backup power and balancing the supply and demand of energy.
  • 322
  • 22 Aug 2023
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