Topic Review
Energy Efficiency Improvement
The school buildings represent an energivorus sector of the real estate where different efficiency actions are necessary. Literature shows how the design of a multi-energy system offers numerous advantages, however, there are problems related to the integration of cogeneration units with renewable energy sources due to the low flexibility of the first one and the high degree of uncertainty of the latter. The authors provide an alternative solution through the analysis of a case study consisting of a Multiple Energy System on three Sicilian schools, focusing on the system's operational strategy, on design and sizing of components and trying to exploit the energy needs complementarity of buildings instead of integrating the conventional energy storage systems. Not considering school activities in summer, it was decided to install a cogeneration unit sized on winter thermal loads, whereas the electricity demand not covered was reduced with photovoltaic systems designed to maximizing production for seasonal use and with loads concentrated in the morning hours. The effectiveness of this idea, which can be replicated for similar users and areas, is proved by a payback-time less than 11 years and a reduction of 31.77%, of the CO2 emissions.
  • 892
  • 10 Nov 2020
Topic Review
Energy Efficiency in a Global Context
Energy efficiency is, in principle, a simple idea: an output of human value, for example, vehicle-km traveled, divided by the needed input energy. Efficiency improvements are regarded as an important means of mitigating not only climate change, but also other environmental problems. Much has been written about energy efficiency, but it is mainly concerned with means for improving efficiency, or barriers to implementing higher energy efficiency. In contrast, this entry argues that the concept of energy efficiency needs to be broadened, both conceptually to include ethical considerations, and spatially, to include distant as well as local impacts.
  • 336
  • 28 Jun 2023
Topic Review
Energy Efficiency in Smart Cities
Cities are constantly facing major challenges, mainly due to continuous population growth and their diversion to urban living. These challenges depend on cities’ geography and culture but, not exhaustively, are, namely: congestion management, excess pollution, resource usage, absence of satisfactory physical and social infrastructures, necessity to maintain continuous sustainable economic growth, and increasingly narrower energy and environmental obligations. The energy transition on the roadmap to a decarbonized economy can never be implemented effectively, both in terms of costs and timing, without energy efficiency being the priority, and cities will have a crucial role in such a process.
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  • 10 Dec 2021
Topic Review
Energy Efficiency Management in Small and Medium-Sized Enterprises
Energy efficiency is a key factor to meet the ambitious climate targets of the European Union (EU) aligned with the international policy directives. On their own, Small and Medium-sized Enterprises (SMEs) do not consume big amounts of energy, but taking into consideration that they represent about 99% of businesses worldwide, their cumulative energy consumption is remarkable. Even though SMEs experience several barriers in their effort to improve their energy efficiency, their contribution to the EU’s energy efficiency improvement targets is crucial through the implementation of measures to improve their energy footprint. 
  • 577
  • 01 Mar 2023
Topic Review
Energy Efficiency Measures
Nowadays, the importance of implementing energy efficiency (EE) measures is growing significantly worldwide, based on its potential to reduce energy demands and mitigate climate change effects. 
  • 761
  • 17 Dec 2020
Topic Review
Energy Efficiency of Induction Motor Drives
Despite activities to introduce low-carbon energy sources worldwide, the share of conventional facilities burning organic fuels remains high. One approach to address this problem is to look for solutions to reduce energy consumption. There are various research projects in the area of energy efficiency that lead to diverse results—such as models, methodologies, new data and theories. On the other hand, induction motor drives are becoming a major consumer of electric power because of their wide range of applications. 
  • 381
  • 26 Oct 2023
Topic Review
Energy Efficiency of Tall Buildings
Design priorities for tall and supertall buildings have for some time shifted to achieving more energy efficiency to address the energy needs of the increasing global population. Engineers and architects aim to achieve energy conservation through active and passive approaches, pursuing technological innovations and adopting climate-responsive design. The advent of recent building technologies in facade design, mechanical and electrical systems, new materials including smart materials, and computer-based intelligent systems has greatly impacted the design of tall buildings. It is expected that the incorporation of newer and more sophisticated technologies into the design process in the future will result in novel solutions mitigating the challenge of achieving optimal energy efficiency of tall buildings.
  • 667
  • 13 Mar 2023
Topic Review
Energy Efficiency, Vibrations and Noise of Fan
Fans as industrial devices are among the most significant single recipients of driving energy. Therefore, they represent an important area of energy savings to reduce CO2 emissions. The ubiquity of fans and their operation under conditions different from the optimum provides an opportunity for more significant global reductions in the energy used to drive them. The second important aspect, besides energy efficiency, related to the operation of fans is the noise they generate.
  • 1.3K
  • 08 Feb 2023
Topic Review
Energy Grid Applications
In the energy usage scenario, the demands on energy load and the tariffs on the usage of electricity are two main areas that require a lot of attention. Energy forecasting is an ideal solution that would help us to better understand future needs and formulate solutions accordingly. Some important factors to investigate are the quantity and quality of smart grids as they are significantly influenced by the transportation, storage, and load management of energy.
  • 331
  • 26 Oct 2023
Topic Review
Energy Harvesting from Fluid Flow Using Piezoelectric Materials
The use of piezoelectric-energy harvesting has grown in popularity during the previous two decades. Several implantable energy-harvesting technologies are being developed by scientists to power portable gadgets and medical equipment. Thanks to new technologies, researchers have been able to fabricate highly flexible piezoelectric devices and electronics, paving the way for the development of biocompatible and long-lasting harvesters. 
  • 1.3K
  • 16 Dec 2022
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