Topic Review Peer Reviewed
Displacement Micropump with Check Valves for Diabetes Care—The Challenge of Pumping Insulin at Negative Pressure
The displacement micropump with passive check valves is an attractive solution for precise insulin infusion in patients with type I diabetes. Unlike most insulin pumps that push insulin from a cartridge using a piston, a displacement micropump will first pull insulin from the reservoir before infusing it into the patient. This dual sequence introduces new challenges in terms of insulin stability, notably if the reservoir is not pressurized. After an introduction to displacement micropumps and a brief review of the insulin degradation mechanism, micropump design rules are discussed in light of microfluidic theory.
  • 713
  • 14 May 2024
Topic Review
Smart Sensing Chair for Sitting Posture Monitoring
Smart sensing chairs, equipped with advanced sensor technologies such as Force Sensing Resistors (FSRs), show significant potential in mitigating the negative health impacts of incorrect sitting postures, which can lead to spinal misalignment and musculoskeletal disorders. Research emphasizes the use of sophisticated machine learning techniques, including Convolutional Neural Networks (CNNs) and Artificial Neural Networks (ANNs), for classifying sitting postures. Notably, these advanced models do not always outperform traditional models due to the limitations of the training datasets, which often lack sufficient diversity in representing different human body types and health conditions. This finding underscores the critical need for datasets that more accurately reflect the demographic and physiological diversity of users. Additionally, this research highlights a significant opportunity for innovation in user feedback mechanisms within smart sensing chairs, suggesting that enhanced interactive features could improve posture correction efforts and overall user health outcomes.
  • 470
  • 13 May 2024
Topic Review
Nanotechnology is opening new therapeutic possibilities of fighting against COVID-19 by enabling new prevention, diagnosis, drug delivery, and treatment methods. Nanomedicine is known as the branch of medicine involved in preventing and curing various diseases using nanoscale materials, such as biocompatible nanoparticles and nanorobots, for various applications, including diagnosis, delivery, and sensing. In addition, nanomedicines have exhibited important features, such as efficient transport through fine capillary blood vessels and lymphatic endothelium, longer circulation duration and blood concentration, higher binding capacity to biomolecules such as endogenous compounds including proteins, higher accumulation in target tissues, reduced inflammatory or immune responses, and oxidative stress in tissues.
  • 1.0K
  • 09 May 2024
Topic Review
Materials Science, Glasses
Glasses are solid amorphous materials which transform into liquids upon heating through the glass transition. The International Commission on Glass defines glass as a state of matter, usually produced when a viscous molten material is cooled rapidly to below its glass transition temperature, with insufficient time for a regular crystal lattice to form. The solid-like behaviour of glasses is separated from the liquid-like behaviour at higher temperatures by the glass transition temperature, Tg. The IUPAC Compendium on Chemical Terminology defines glass transition as a second order transition in which a supercooled melt yields, on cooling, a glassy structure. It states that below the glass-transition temperature the physical properties of glasses vary in a manner similar to those of the crystalline phase. Moreover, it is deemed that the bonding structure of glasses has the same symmetry signature in terms of Hausdorff-Besikovitch dimensionality of chemical bonds as for the crystalline materials. 
  • 3.3K
  • 09 May 2024
Topic Review
Digital Product Passport in Modern Manufacturing
Digital Product Passport (DPP)’s impact on supply chain transparency, providing crucial product lifecycle information that bolsters decision-making and facilitates optimal resource management. DPP model, when applied to sectors such as electronics manufacturing, promises transformative results. 
  • 263
  • 23 Apr 2024
Topic Review
Smart Grid
Traditional power grid models are based on a central system for generating and distributing energy and have undergone significant changes in recent years. The integration of the latest generation of technologies, rare in critical infrastructure such as the Internet of Things (IoT), has facilitated the evolution to a more dynamic and connected power grid model now known as the Smart Grid (SG). SG’s contributions result from introducing a mutual flow of information between manufacturers and customers, from which both can benefit. This flow enables fine-grained consumption measurements reported to each energy service provider in near real-time to provide consumers with up-to-date price data or control a utility that contains the grid’s energy load in real-time according to actual demand, allowing utilities to perform accurate demand response procedures by anticipating high demand peaks, avoiding and mitigating power outages, and distributing the load on available generators. On the other hand, consumers can take part in programs that reduce electricity consumption in the event of rising energy prices while using home-generated (renewable) electricity (such as the so-called microgrid).
  • 665
  • 17 Apr 2024
Topic Review
Electric Vehicles for Vehicle-to-Grid Services
With every passing second, we witness the effect of the global environmental impact of fossil fuels and carbon emissions, to which nations across the globe respond by coming up with ambitious goals to become carbon-free and energy-efficient. At the same time, electric vehicles (EVs) are developed as a possible solution to reach this ambitious goal of making a cleaner environment and facilitating smarter transportation modes. This excellent idea of shifting towards an entirely EV-based mobility industry and economy results in a range of issues that need to be addressed. The issues range from ramping up the electricity generation for the projected increase in consumption to developing an infrastructure that is large enough to support the higher demand for electricity that arises due to the market penetration of EVs. Vehicle to grid (V2G) is a concept that is largely in a testing phase in the current scenario. However, it appears to offer a solution to the issues created by a mobility sector that the constantly growing EV fleet will dominate. Furthermore, the integration of EVs with the grid seems to offer various cost-wise and environment-wise benefits while assisting the grid by tapping into the idle energy of parked EVs during peak hours
  • 1.0K
  • 17 Apr 2024
Topic Review
Hydrogen Production in Arctic Region
The development of markets for low-carbon energy sources requires reconsideration of issues related to extraction and use of oil and gas. Significant reserves of hydrocarbons are concentrated in Arctic territories, e.g., 30% of the world’s undiscovered natural gas reserves and 13% of oil. Associated petroleum gas, natural gas and gas condensate could be able to expand the scope of their applications. Natural gas is the main raw material for the production of hydrogen and ammonia, which are considered promising primary energy resources of the future, the oxidation of which does not release CO2. Complex components contained in associated petroleum gas and gas condensate are valuable chemical raw materials to be used in a wide range of applications.
  • 1.7K
  • 17 Apr 2024
Topic Review
Personalized Wearable Biomedical Devices
Wearable devices have emerged as promising tools for personalized health monitoring, utilizing machine learning to distill meaningful insights from the expansive datasets they capture. Within the bio-electrical category, these devices employ biosignal data, such as electrocardiograms (ECGs), electromyograms (EMGs), electroencephalograms (EEGs), etc., to monitor and assess health. 
  • 263
  • 16 Apr 2024
Topic Review
Basics of High-Entropy Materials
High-entropy materials (HEMs) constitute a revolutionary class of materials that have garnered significant attention in the field of materials science, exhibiting extraordinary properties in the realm of energy storage. These equimolar multielemental compounds have demonstrated increased charge capacities, enhanced ionic conductivities, and a prolonged cycle life, attributed to their structural stability. In the anode, transitioning from the traditional graphite (372 mAh g−1) to an HEM anode can increase capacity and enhance cycling stability. For cathodes, lithium iron phosphate (LFP) and nickel manganese cobalt (NMC) can be replaced with new cathodes made from HEMs, leading to greater energy storage. HEMs play a significant role in electrolytes, where they can be utilized as solid electrolytes, such as in ceramics and polymers, or as new high-entropy liquid electrolytes, resulting in longer cycling life, higher ionic conductivities, and stability over wide temperature ranges. The incorporation of HEMs in metal–air batteries offers methods to mitigate the formation of unwanted byproducts, such as Zn(OH)4 and Li2CO3, when used with atmospheric air, resulting in improved cycling life and electrochemical stability.
  • 199
  • 15 Apr 2024
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