Topic Review
Electric Vehicle Technologies
The vehicle technology is typically divided into four main categories. The sources of energy for a conventional vehicle are petrol or diesel fuel, which are the main contributors of carbon radiation in the environment. Therefore, the carbon emission rate of a hybrid is less than for conventional combustion engine vehicles. The third and fourth types are also known as zero-emission vehicles (measured at the tailpipe) which depend on the hydrogen fuel cell and battery, respectively.
  • 1.0K
  • 17 Aug 2021
Topic Review
Electric Vehicle Thermal Management Requirements
The burgeoning electric vehicle industry has become a crucial player in tackling environmental pollution and addressing oil scarcity. As these vehicles continue to advance, effective thermal management systems are essential to ensure battery safety, optimize energy utilization, and prolong vehicle lifespan.
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  • 29 Jun 2023
Topic Review
Electric Vehicle Travel by Considering Preferences of Users
The dual-carbon strategy advocates a green, environmentally friendly, and low-carbon lifestyle. In the field of transportation, electric vehicles (EVs) have been regarded as an effective solution to reduce carbon emissions and to conserve energy. Developing a reasonable charging guidance scheme for users is a feasible way to solve problems, such as the range anxiety of EV users, and has a great application value for the promotion of EVs in the future. In the whole travel charging process, the preference habits of EV users directly affect their choice of charging stations. Therefore, it is necessary to consider users’ preferences in charging guidance strategies.
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  • 11 Jul 2023
Topic Review
Electric Vehicles
E-mobility sustainability assessment is becoming more comprehensive with research integrating social aspects without focusing only on technical, economic, and/or environmental perspectives. The transportation sector is indeed one of the leading and most challenging greenhouse-gas polluters, and e-mobility is seen as one of the potential solutions; however, a social perspective must be further investigated to improve the perception of and acceptance of electric vehicles. 
  • 1.8K
  • 04 Feb 2021
Topic Review
Electric Vehicles Adoption Scenario in Malaysia
In the roadmaps of the automotive industry, the electric vehicle (EV) is regarded as a crucial technology for the future of automotive power systems. The EV has become a top priority of major global car manufacturers and is expected to disrupt the road transportation sector. In Malaysia and Indonesia, EVs just started as an important force. However, in Malaysia, the lack of EV infrastructure, along with its strong dependency on fossil fuels, poses an enormous challenge. 
  • 10.9K
  • 05 May 2022
Topic Review
Electric Vehicles Charging/Discharging and Battery Degradation
The high penetration of electric vehicles (EVs) will burden the existing power delivery infrastructure if their charging and discharging are not adequately coordinated. The degradation of lithium-ion batteries occurs throughout their lives due to several chemicals and mechanical processes that reduce the cyclable lithium and other active materials. Battery degradation depends on many factors, such as the charging and discharging rates, depth of discharge (DOD), temperature, voltage, cycle number, and storage stage of charge.
  • 2.9K
  • 17 Jan 2023
Topic Review
Electric Vehicles for Vehicle-to-Grid Services
With every passing second, we witness the effect of the global environmental impact of fossil fuels and carbon emissions, to which nations across the globe respond by coming up with ambitious goals to become carbon-free and energy-efficient. At the same time, electric vehicles (EVs) are developed as a possible solution to reach this ambitious goal of making a cleaner environment and facilitating smarter transportation modes. This excellent idea of shifting towards an entirely EV-based mobility industry and economy results in a range of issues that need to be addressed. The issues range from ramping up the electricity generation for the projected increase in consumption to developing an infrastructure that is large enough to support the higher demand for electricity that arises due to the market penetration of EVs. Vehicle to grid (V2G) is a concept that is largely in a testing phase in the current scenario. However, it appears to offer a solution to the issues created by a mobility sector that the constantly growing EV fleet will dominate. Furthermore, the integration of EVs with the grid seems to offer various cost-wise and environment-wise benefits while assisting the grid by tapping into the idle energy of parked EVs during peak hours
  • 1.1K
  • 17 Apr 2024
Topic Review
Electric Vehicles in Hong Kong
The adoption of electric vehicles in Hong Kong is actively supported by the HK government, which recognizes battery electric vehicles, plug-in hybrids, and conventional hybrid electric vehicles to be environmentally friendly and eligible for financial incentives. As of 31 October 2017, there were 11,039 electric vehicles in Hong Kong, up from less than 100 in 2010. At present, 73 EV models from eight countries have been approved by the Transport Department to be eligible for the incentives. These include 51 models for private cars and motorcycles and 22 models for public transport and commercial vehicles.
  • 1.8K
  • 21 Nov 2022
Topic Review
Electric Vehicles with Vehicle-to-Grid Capability
Electric vehicles (EVs) with vehicle-to-grid (V2G) capability can serve various applications that are being investigated in literature and tested in the field. EVs can participate in existing markets via V2G technology such as energy trading (i.e., spot markets) and frequency control. Furthermore, V2G capability can be utilized to execute behind-the-meter energy flow optimization such as load leveling and peak shaving. Heiltmann and Friedl review factors influencing the economic success of vehicle-to-grid applications in market and behind-the-meter use cases. They find that load leveling and secondary frequency control provide the highest economic benefits for PHEV controlled charging applications. Furthermore, DSO services such as congestion management, power loss minimization, power quality improvement and voltage regulation are topics of investigation for EV participation utilizing V2G technology.
  • 720
  • 08 Jul 2022
Topic Review
Electrical Contacts
An electrical contact is an electrical circuit component found in electrical switches, relays, connectors and circuit breakers. Each contact is a piece of electrically conductive material, typically metal. When a pair of contacts touch, they can pass an electrical current with a certain contact resistance, dependent on surface structure, surface chemistry and contact time; when the pair is separated by an insulating gap, then the pair does not pass a current. When the contacts touch, the switch is closed; when the contacts are separated, the switch is open. The gap must be an insulating medium, such as air, vacuum, oil, SF6. Contacts may be operated by humans in push-buttons and switches, by mechanical pressure in sensors or machine cams, and electromechanically in relays. The surfaces where contacts touch are usually composed of metals such as silver or gold alloys that have high electrical conductivity, wear resistance, oxidation resistance and other properties.
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  • 04 Nov 2022
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