Topic Review
Digital Marketing Utilization Index in Digital Marketing Capability
The digital marketing utilization index (DMUI) measures an organization’s ability to utilize digital marketing to create value for the company through the utilization of the readiness of the innovation ecosystem, digital marketing technology, and digital transformation.
  • 1.9K
  • 06 Sep 2022
Topic Review
Digital Preservation for UNESCO Architectural Heritage
Architectural heritage includes built structures that are of outstanding value of natural and cultural identity and require conservation, preservation, presentation and transmission to the future generations. In this regard, UNESCO has enlisted six World Heritage Sites in Pakistan that need to be preserved. Moreover, the heritage sites are undergoing theft, vandalism, natural decay and other socio-cultural harms. One of the state-of-the-art methodologies is the digital preservation of the historic sites. Amongst the various available computer technologies, photogrammetry is the quickest and most cost-effective method that can be used for digital preservation. The research will focus on the digital preservation of UNESCO World Heritage Sites, which is an emerging trend in an architectural context. Developing countries have limited funds and resources and most historic sites are being neglected by the lack of financial resources. This research suggests digital preservation as an emerging solution, identifies its challenges and suggests photogrammetry as a cost-effective solution to six UNESCO enlisted historic sites of Pakistan. It also suggests that once digitally recorded, information of historic sites can also be used in diverse applications to generate further finances. 
  • 1.2K
  • 19 Apr 2022
Topic Review
Digital Product Passport in Modern Manufacturing
Digital Product Passport (DPP)’s impact on supply chain transparency, providing crucial product lifecycle information that bolsters decision-making and facilitates optimal resource management. DPP model, when applied to sectors such as electronics manufacturing, promises transformative results. 
  • 342
  • 23 Apr 2024
Topic Review
Digital Protective Relay
In utility and industrial electric power transmission and distribution systems, a digital protective relay is a computer-based system with software-based protection algorithms for the detection of electrical faults. Such relays are also termed as microprocessor type protective relays. They are functional replacements for electro-mechanical protective relays and may include many protection functions in one unit, as well as providing metering, communication, and self-test functions.
  • 7.0K
  • 09 Oct 2022
Topic Review
Digital Storytelling in Education
Digital storytelling in education can be made possible by introducing user-friendly tools into the process, representing not just a fashion of the time but mostly a renewal trend, aiming at revitalizing the course to attract and engage learners. Undoubtedly, today’s pupils have grown up with technological means, becoming familiar with their use so their implication causes undiminished interest in most daily activities, including schooling. In this high-tech generation, it is absurd to address the transmission of knowledge and values in outdated ways. Apart from adapting to the timely students’ needs, lesson plans on transmedia storytelling practices can also satisfy tutors, triggering their inspiration and co-creation potentials.
  • 569
  • 13 Sep 2022
Topic Review
Digital Technologies in the Water System
Urban water supply systems are complex and dynamic in nature, and as a result, can be considered complex to manage owing to enhanced urbanization levels, climate change, growing and varying consumer demands, and limited water resources. The operation of such a system must be managed effectively for sustainable water supply to satisfy the growing consumer demand. With the increasing growth in technology, the water sector is moving to the full phase of digitalization to enhance the sustainability of systems.
  • 1.5K
  • 22 Sep 2022
Topic Review
Digital Technologies towards Circular Economy
The enabling role of Digital Technologies towards the Circular Economy transition has been recognized. Nonetheless, to support the transition, the operationalization of the discourse is still needed. The present study performs a systematic literature review, deepening the knowledge on the role of Digital Technologies in operationalizing the Circular Economy transition. The analysis is shaped according to the ReSOLVE framework, as it has been recognized as able to operationally guide industrial firms towards the Circular Economy transition. Despite the broad focus on the topic by the extant literature, the results of the analysis show limited Circular Economy aspects addressed and specific technologies considered, making it difficult to have a complete overview on the implementation of Digital Technologies in the Circular Economy transition, operatively addressing it. Shortcomings are identified regarding the lack of an integrated and holistic analysis of the relationships, the need for investigating the decision-making process and specific Circular Economy practices, all from an empirical perspective
  • 732
  • 20 Apr 2021
Topic Review
Digital Technology Adopted by Airlines during COVID-19 Pandemic
Airlines’ major adoption of digital technology during the COVID-19 crisis may have changed how customers experience the services and may affect passengers’ perceptions compared to the past. The pandemic has forced the airline industry to change and adopt new business strategies. Apart from ensuring business continuity, passengers also have higher expectations. Maintaining the same level of service standards as in the pre-pandemic era may be insufficient to retain passengers’ satisfaction with the airlines. Passengers are now more stringent with health and hygiene. New digital technology can assist the airline industry in overcoming the challenges posed by the crisis. During the pandemic period, many airlines have strengthened their digital technology capability, significantly accelerating transformation and innovation to digitalization.
  • 2.3K
  • 15 Dec 2022
Topic Review
Digital Thread
The term “digital thread” refers to the set of data created across the life cycle of a given component. It is called a thread for several reasons. First, for the data to be most useful, it must be collected starting at the beginning of a component’s life cycle, from raw materials, processing, transit, manufacturing, installation, operation, maintenance/repair, and the end-of-life. The “thread” must be pulled for it to maintain its value, and a break in the thread can severely compromise the entire thread’s integrity.
  • 367
  • 08 Mar 2023
Topic Review
Digital Transformation
The conceptual definition of digital transformation (DT) is composed of five corporate activities (AT Kearney) that increase a business’s competitiveness in response to changes in the business environment, which are triggered by new digital technologies, such as big data (BD), artificial intelligence (AI), the Internet of things (IoT), smart factories (SF), cyber-physical systems (CPS), and interoperability (IOP). DT claims to maintain a sustainable business and positively impact overall business performance.
  • 1.0K
  • 28 Jun 2021
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