Topic Review
Implementation of Smart Retrofitting
Recovering old machinery, once it reaches its end of life, allows companies to be sustainable. Several strategies are available for this purpose, both from the point of view of hardware and software modifications. Especially in the industrial sector, these strategies are classified as revamping, remanufacturing and retrofitting. Machinery revamping, retrofitting and remanufacturing are all used to improve industrial equipment performance, efficiency and sustainability. Each approach has unique benefits and trade-offs, depending on the specific needs and requirements of the equipment and business. Moreover, according to Industry 4.0 principles, it is also possible to talk about smart retrofitting, involving the integration of various technologies such as sensors, automation systems, Digital Twins, artificial intelligence and data analytics software to control and optimise the operation of the machinery. Digital Twins, in particular, have been widely used among smart retrofit solutions and can integrate several innovative aspects of dated systems. 
  • 437
  • 22 May 2023
Topic Review
Structural Health Monitoring of the Wilford Suspension Bridge
Structural health monitoring (SHM) is vital for ensuring the service safety of aging bridges. As one of the most advanced sensing techniques, Global Navigation Satellite Systems (GNSS) could capture massive spatiotemporal information for effective bridge structural health monitoring (BSHM). Unfortunately, GNSS measurements often contain outliers due to various factors (e.g., severe weather conditions, multipath effects, etc.). All such outliers could jeopardize the accuracy and reliability of BSHM significantly. Previous studies have examined the feasibility of integrating the conventional multi-rate Kalman filter (MKF) with an adaptive algorithm in the data processing processes to ensure BSHM accuracy. However, frequent parameter adjustments are still needed in tedious data processing processes.
  • 304
  • 22 May 2023
Topic Review
Physiological and Biomechanical Monitoring in American Football Players
American football is the sport with the highest rates of concussion injuries. Biomedical engineering applications may support athletes in monitoring their injuries, evaluating the effectiveness of their equipment, and leading industrial research in this sport. 
  • 260
  • 22 May 2023
Topic Review
Spatter in Laser Powder Bed Fusion Additive Manufacturing
Spatter is an inherent, unpreventable, and undesired phenomenon in laser powder bed fusion (L-PBF) additive manufacturing. Spatter, metal vapor and molten pool are important physical phenomena in laser-matter interaction. During L-PBF, the spatter formation mechanism can be demonstrated as the hot spatter ejection mainly driven by the instability of the molten pool due to the vapor-induced recoil pressure, and the cold spatter ejection mainly driven by the vapor-induced entrainment of the shielding gas. Spatter behavior has an intrinsic correlation with the forming quality in L-PBF because it leads to metallurgical defects and the degradation of mechanical properties. This impact becomes more severe in the fabrication of large-sized parts during the multi-laser L-PBF process. Therefore, investigations of spatter generation and countermeasures have become more urgent. 
  • 683
  • 19 May 2023
Topic Review
Joint Pathologies and Acoustic Emissions
The condition of a joint in a human being is prone to wear and several pathologies, particularly in the elderly and athletes. Current means towards assessing the overall condition of a joint to assess for a pathology involve using tools such as X-ray and magnetic resonance imaging, to name a couple. These expensive methods are of limited availability in resource-constrained environments and pose the risk of radiation exposure to the patient. The prospect of acoustic emissions (AEs) presents a modality that can monitor the joints’ conditions passively by recording the high-frequency stress waves emitted during their motion.
  • 294
  • 19 May 2023
Topic Review
General Theory of Photodetectors
Photodetectors are one of the popular types of technology used in ultraviolet radiation research. They are widely used in the industrial area (flame detectors, fire alarm systems, extreme UV lithography), national security (missile defense, military recognition, explosives detection, forensic analysis, secure communications), in fields such as medicine (UV imaging, protein analysis, and DNA sequencing) or biology (biological agent detection), and when dealing with environmental issues (ozone detection, air pollution determination, disinfection, and decontamination).
  • 804
  • 19 May 2023
Topic Review
Lectin Activity
A purificação de biomoléculas com alto grau de especificidade, como as lectinas, tem despertado interesse no uso de leitos fixos não tradicionais funcionalizados com ligantes de particular interesse. A interação é robusta o suficiente para permitir a adsorção de glicoproteínas e reversível o suficiente para permitir a dissociação de moléculas em resposta a mudanças no pH da solução. Estudos sobre adsorventes não convencionais, como suportes cromatográficos, podem fundamentar, enriquecer e auxiliar projetos em diversas áreas do conhecimento. Criogênios de poliacrilamida são emergentes e eficientes, podendo ser sintetizados e ter suas matrizes modificadas para múltiplos fins e técnicas cromatográficas. Também são funcionais e apresentam baixo custo quando comparados aos adsorventes cromatográficos convencionais. Nesse contexto, as lectinas podem ser utilizadas principalmente na prevenção de doenças autoimunes e em estudos com biossensores.
  • 519
  • 18 May 2023
Topic Review
Hydrogen Storage
Hydrogen is one of the main energy carriers playing a prominent role in the future decarbonization of the economy. However, several aspects regarding the transport and storage of this gas are challenging. The intermediary conversion of hydrogen into high-density energy molecules may be a crucial step until technological conditions are ready to attain a significant reduction in fossil fuel use in transport and the industrial sector. 
  • 599
  • 18 May 2023
Topic Review
AI Applications for Virtual Sensing of Underground Utilities
Accurately identifying the location and depth of buried utility assets became a considerable challenge in the construction industry, for which accidental strikes can cause important economic losses and safety concerns. While the collection of as-built utility locations is becoming more accurate, there still exists an important need to be capable of accurately detecting buried utilities in order to eliminate risks associated with digging. With advances in artificial intelligence (AI), an opportunity arose in conducting virtual sensing of buried utilities by combining robotics (e.g., drones), knowledge, and logic.
  • 547
  • 18 May 2023
Topic Review
Optimization of Additive Manufacturing Electrical Machines
Optimization in electrical machine design refers to the process of making improvements to the design of an electrical machine in order to maximize its performance and/or cost-effectiveness. To examine and optimize several aspects of the machine, including various parameters such as the shape of the machine, mathematical models and algorithms are often used. 
  • 371
  • 18 May 2023
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