Topic Review
Cooling Techniques in Solar Cells
Non-concentrated photovoltaics (PV) have modest efficiency of up to around 20% because they utilise only a narrow spectrum of solar irradiation for electricity conversion. Therefore, recent advances employed multi-junction PV or concentrated photovoltaic (CPV) to widen the irradiation spectrum for conversion. CPV systems concentrate solar irradiation on the cell’s surface, producing high solar flux and temperature. The efficient cooling of CPV cells is critical to avoid thermal degradation and ensure optimal performance. 
  • 364
  • 27 Mar 2023
Topic Review
Cooper (Profession)
A cooper is a person trained to make wooden casks, barrels, vats, buckets, tubs, troughs and other similar containers from timber staves that were usually heated or steamed to make them pliable. Journeymen coopers also traditionally made wooden implements, such as rakes and wooden-bladed shovels. In addition to wood, other materials, such as iron, were used in the manufacturing process. The trade is the origin of the surname Cooper.
  • 2.3K
  • 17 Oct 2022
Topic Review
Cooperative Spectrum Sensing
The rapid advancement of wireless communication combined with insufficient spectrum exploitation opens the door for the expansion of novel wireless services. Cognitive radio network (CRN) technology makes it possible to periodically access the open spectrum bands, which in turn improves the effectiveness of CRNs. Spectrum sensing (SS), which allows unauthorized users to locate open spectrum bands, plays a fundamental part in CRNs. A precise approximation of the power spectrum is essential to accomplish this. On the assumption that each secondary user's (SU) parameter vector contains some globally and partially shared parameters, spectrum sensing is viewed as a parameter estimation issue. Distributed and cooperative spectrum sensing (CSS) is a key component of this concept.
  • 254
  • 08 Sep 2023
Topic Review
Copper Heap Leaching
Heap leaching is a firm extractive metallurgical technology facilitating the economical processing of different kinds of low-grade ores that are otherwise not exploited.
  • 4.7K
  • 13 Oct 2021
Topic Review
Copper RTD directly fabricated on ceramic-coated stainless-steel tube
Reducing the economic and environmental impact of industrial process may be achieved by the smartisation of different components. In this work, tube smartisation is presented via direct fabrication of a copper (Cu)-based resistive temperature detector (RTD) on their outer surfaces. The testing was carried out between room temperature and 250 °C. For this purpose, copper depositions were studied using mid-frequency (MF) and high-power impulse magnetron sputtering (HiPIMS). Stainless steel tubes with an outside inert ceramic coating were used after giving them a shot blasting treatment. The Cu deposition was performed at around 425 °C to improve adhesion as well as the electrical properties of the sensor. To generate the pattern of the Cu RTD, a photolithography process was carried out. The RTD was then protected from external degradation by a silicon oxide film deposited over it by means of two different techniques: sol–gel dipping technique and reactive magnetron sputtering.
  • 276
  • 25 Jun 2023
Topic Review
Copper-Coated Used Fuel Container
The Copper Coated Used Fuel Container is the main containment barrier in the engineered barrier system. The role of copper coated used fuel container is to provide containment for used CANDU (CANada Deuterium Uranium) fuel and any other fuel deemed acceptable for a deep geological repository in accordance with the Nuclear Fuel Waste Act (S.C. 2002, c.23) and Nuclear Waste Management Organization’s waste acceptance criteria.
  • 764
  • 07 Dec 2021
Topic Review
Copper/Carbon Composites Prepared by Infiltration Technique
The liquid metal infiltration of carbon preformed with copper and its alloys is already an established and well-known process. It is extensively used by the electronic industry to produce heat sinks of power electronics and electric contacts and sliding electric contacts. The advantage of the process is its ability to produce near net shape components with high volume fractions of carbon at a relatively low price. The process is carried out in a vacuum and with low applied pressure. However, a strong dependence on the temperature of infiltration and its precise control is significant for the sound final product. For certain pair carbon matrix–copper alloys, different results could be obtained according to the infiltration temperature. If the temperature is too low, the solidification may occur prior to complete infiltration (high final porosity). When the temperature is too high, undesirable reactions may occur at the fiber–matrix interface (e.g., corrosive carbides). Therefore, there are still a lot of scientific papers pushing this technology to new directions and over old limits. Publications inside scientific journals within this field deal with composite materials for sliding electrical contact and electrical contact materials, sealing materials, parts of brake disks, pantograph strips for high-speed railways, other electric and mechanical applications and even for wall surface shields in future fusion devices.
  • 969
  • 04 Aug 2022
Topic Review
A coracle is a small, rounded, lightweight boat of the sort traditionally used in Wales, and also in parts of the West Country and in Ireland, particularly the River Boyne, and in Scotland, particularly the River Spey. The word is also used of similar boats found in India , Vietnam, Iraq and Tibet. The word "coracle" is an English spelling of the original Welsh cwrwgl, cognate with Irish and Scottish Gaelic currach, and is recorded in English text as early as the sixteenth century. Other historical English spellings include corougle, corracle, curricle and coricle.
  • 1.4K
  • 05 Nov 2022
Topic Review
Core Directions in Miscanthus Research
Мискантус является ценным возобновляемым сырьем и обладает значительным потенциалом для производства разнообразных продуктов на основе таких макромолекул, как целлюлоза, гемицеллюлозы и лигнин. 
  • 325
  • 17 Oct 2023
Cornelius J. Barton
Cornelius J. Barton (born 1936) is an United States metallurgical engineer, businessman and the acting president of Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute from April 1998 until July 1999.[1] He received bachelor's, master's and Ph.D. degrees in metallurgical engineering from Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute. He is a member of the engineering honor society Sigma Xi and is a brother of the Delta Phi so
  • 641
  • 09 Dec 2022
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