Topic Review
Coastal Erosion Risks Assessment on Yunlin Coast
A coastal erosion risk assessment was framed as the basis for the intervention of coastal adaptation strategies under time-variant scenarios. The framework was devised to assess the influence of coastal erosion on coastal defense, the coastal inundation induced by the erosion-induced malfunction of defense, and risks using a downscaling analysis and the mechanism of the compound hazard interaction, which are innovative and practical for the application of coastal management in Taiwan.
  • 315
  • 25 Nov 2022
Topic Review
Coastal Motor Boat
During the First World War, following a suggestion from three junior officers of the Harwich destroyer force that small motor boats carrying a torpedo might be capable of travelling over the protective minefields and attacking ships of the Imperial German Navy at anchor in their bases, the Admiralty gave tentative approval to the idea and, in the summer of 1915, produced a Staff Requirement requesting designs for a Coastal Motor Boat for service in the North Sea. These boats were expected to have a high speed, making use of the lightweight and powerful petrol engines then available. The speed of the boat when fully loaded was to be at least 30 knots (56 km/h) and sufficient fuel was to be carried to give a considerable radius of action. They were to be armed in a variety of ways, with torpedoes, depth charges or for laying mines. Secondary armament would have been provided by light machine guns, such as the Lewis gun. The weight of a fully loaded boat, complete with 18-inch (450 mm) torpedo, was to not exceed the weight of the 30-foot (9.1 m) long motor boat then carried in the davits of a light cruiser, i.e. 4.5 tons. The CMBs were designed by Thornycroft, who had experience in small fast boats. Engines were not proper maritime internal combustion engines (as these were in short supply) but adapted aircraft engines from firms such as Sunbeam and Napier.
  • 1.1K
  • 10 Oct 2022
Topic Review
Coatings Empowering Antiviral/Viricidal Properties
In the surge of the current, alarming scenario of SARS-CoV-2 infections, there is a immediate necessity for developing highly-innovative antiviral agents to work against the viruses with a broad spectrum of antiviral activity. Here-in, science-based methods, mechanisms, and procedures are implemented in obtaining resultant antiviral coated substrates, used in the destruction of the strains of the different viruses are presented. we pay particular attention to recent examples from the materials science and engineering field that highlight how some classes of antiviral drug candidates, such as polymeric materials, metal ions/metal oxides and functional nanomaterials result in acting against the viral spread. Based on the available literature and data, we also disclose some of the strategies for development of a universal and reusable virus deactivation system against the emerging COVID-19.
  • 1.1K
  • 25 Sep 2020
Topic Review
Coaxial Sealing System
Coaxial sealing systems are widely used for both pistons and rods of hydraulic cylinders.A coaxial sealing system consists of a seal that can have various cross-section forms and is in direct contact with the mobile surface and with a pre-stressing ring that can also have a number of different cross section geometries (circular, rectangular, complex). The pre-stressing rings do not engage in contact with the mobile surface and are, thus, not subject to wear; their role is merely to generate the pressure required for tensioning the entire system. Pre-stressing rings are also vibration dampers. A pre-stressing ring is mounted in its seat in pre-compressed state, with an initial specific radial deformation of 10–25%. As the pressure of the fluid in the hydraulic cylinder builds up, the deformation of the pre-stressing ring increases and generates a larger radial force.
  • 568
  • 27 Jan 2022
Topic Review
Cogenerator Using a Power Electronic System
Cogeneration sources play a very important role in the power industry with dispersed renewable sources with forced generation (e.g. photovoltaics and wind generators). They also fit into the circular economy by increasing the efficiency of fuel use, including biogas from agricultural or livestock waste. 
  • 249
  • 31 May 2023
Topic Review
Cognitive Hybrid RF/VLC Systems for Sensor Networks
Building on the foundations of Cognitive Radio (CR), Visible Light Communication (VLC), and Radio Frequency (RF), this integration of Cognitive Radio Sensor Networks (CRSNs) fuses CR, VLC, and RF technologies with sensor networks. This integration navigates the complexities of dynamic and heterogeneous wireless environments, offering a novel framework to harness the combined potential of these domains. CRSNs leverage the adaptability and intelligence of CR, the high data rates and energy efficiency of VLC, and the ubiquity and range of RF. Sensor nodes in CRSNs, equipped with CR, VLC, and RF capabilities, autonomously sense, analyze, and adapt to the wireless environment. This optimizes spectrum usage, enhances network performance, and facilitates efficient data transmission.
  • 139
  • 25 Sep 2023
Topic Review
Cognitive-Radio-Based Internet-of-Things Networks
Cognitive radio is pivotal in the utilization of an adequate radio spectrum source, with spectrum sensing optimizing cognitive radio network operations, opportunistic spectrum access and sensing able to boost the efficiency of cognitive radio networks, and cooperative spectrum sharing together with simultaneous wireless information and power transfer able increase spectrum and energy efficiency in 6G wireless communication networks and across IoT devices for efficient data exchange.
  • 507
  • 12 Oct 2023
Topic Review
Cohesive Sediment Transport in River Systems
Mathematical modelling of cohesive sediment transport is a challenge because of the large number of governing parameters controlling the transport processes. These parameters have to be determined using a rotating circular flume for site specific sediments. The parameters that that need to be determined using a rotating circular flume during the application of the RIVFLOC model to different river systems include the critical shear stress for erosion of the cohesive sediment, critical shear stress for deposition according to the definition of Partheniades, critical shear stress for deposition according to the definition of Krone, the cohesion parameter governing the flocculation of cohesive sediment and a set of empirical parameters that define the density of the floc in terms of the size of the flocs. An examination of the variability of these parameters shows the need for testing site-specific sediments using a rotating circular flume to achieve a reliable prediction of the RIVFLOC model. Application of the model to various river systems has highlighted the need for including the entrapment process in a cohesive sediment transport model.
  • 921
  • 28 Jan 2022
Topic Review
Cold Plasma
Plasma is referred to as the fourth state of matter. It is an ionized gas comprising several excited atomic, molecular, ionic, and radical species, co-existing with electrons, positive and negative ions, free radicals, gas atoms, molecules in the ground or excited state, and quanta of electromagnetic radiation (UV photons and visible light).
  • 2.0K
  • 03 Dec 2021
Topic Review
Cold Plasma Treatment on Biopolymer-Based Films
Biopolymers, like polysaccharides and proteins, are sustainable and green materials with excellent film-forming potential. Bio-based films have gained a lot of attention and are believed to be an alternative to plastics in next-generation food packaging. Compared to conventional plastics, biopolymers inherently have certain limitations like hydrophilicity, poor thermo-mechanical, and barrier properties. Therefore, the modification of biopolymers or their films provide an opportunity to develop packaging materials with desired characteristics. Among different modification approaches, the application of cold plasma has been a very efficient technology to enhance the functionality and interfacial characteristics of biopolymers. Cold plasma is biocompatible, shows uniformity in treatment, and is suitable for heat-sensitive components.
  • 642
  • 21 Feb 2022
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