Topic Review
Circular Design Strategy for Bio-Based Food Packaging Preproduction
The success factor of the industrial transition to circularity is that this new economy model is regenerative by design. The Circular Design Guide prepared by the Ellen MacArthur Foundation in cooperation with IDEO distinguishes six circular design strategies: Two circular design strategies are directly applicable in food packaging: smart material choice, considering a product’s end-of-life treatment in the choice of materials and inputs (for example, durable, biodegradable, recycled or recyclable materials) and closed loop or take back, referring to collections of old or used products and recovering the value of the materials by recycling or reusing them to make new products. The smart material choice circular design strategy (the choice of packaging material), which is applied in the preproduction life cycle stage, directly correlates with all circular re-strategies: firstly, packaging material savings (reduce) could be achieved if optimal material properties and minimum material usage were applied.
  • 462
  • 08 Jun 2022
Topic Review
Circular Economy and Product Durability
Due to the large and unsustainable use of valuable natural resources and electronic waste generation worldwide, which poses risks to human health and the environment, different organizations have initiated efforts to shift from a linear economy to a circular economy. A crucial aspect of promoting a circular economy is improving product durability, which can reduce resource extraction and waste because products remain in use for a longer period. Methods for measuring and indexing durability should encourage consumers to buy more durable products and incentivize manufacturers to compete in improving durability.
  • 272
  • 16 Oct 2023
Topic Review
Circular Economy Implementation
The circular economy, as a promising response to sustainability issues, is a crucible for carefully designed ecofriendly actions and integrative mechanisms in enterprises, households, and societies for the attainment of the desired outcomes. It is in this context that CE strategies are examined, with the use of metrics, indicators, and standards. The desired outcomes of the CE are well embedded and articulated in the sustainable development goals that the UN and its member countries have vowed to achieve along a designated timeline.
  • 499
  • 15 Jun 2021
Topic Review
Circular Economy in the Building Sector
The building sector had the highest share by weight of waste, with 37% of waste generation, compared to all the other economic activities in Europe in 2022. The building sector contributes to the building stock that is in a continuous state of growth, placing pressure on resource consumption, related contributions to greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions, and planetary degradation. The circular economy (CE)  principles would thus help alleviate this risk. However, the application of CE principles to the building sector is limited. Shedding more light on the possibilities for a CE in the building sector to transition to a more circularly built environment is thus crucial.
  • 393
  • 26 Apr 2023
Topic Review
Circular Economy Practices Used in the Built Environment
The linear economy model that is generally practised in the construction industry is one of the main reasons hindering the achievement of sustainability in construction. Alternatively, the Circular Economy (CE) model is becoming a promising approach to achieve sustainable construction, in which materials and products are circulated at their highest economic value and, thereby, contribute towards mitigating the negative economic, social, and environmental impacts of the construction industry. For a successful transition towards CE in the construction industry, it is important not only to understand CE practices that could be implemented across different stages of the life cycle of construction projects, but also to understand how a particular practice relates to another at those stages.
  • 261
  • 12 Mar 2024
Topic Review
Circular Economy within Geotechnical Engineering
The construction industry currently relies heavily on primary aggregates which is unsustainable. There are many recycled and secondary aggregates which may be adopted as an alternative to primary aggregates, offering the potential for reducing reliance on a finite resource and diverting waste from landfill.
  • 591
  • 10 Dec 2021
Topic Review
Circular Economy, Industry 4.0 and Supply Chain
The vertical disintegration of companies has increased the complexity of management in terms of time and quality and increased uncertainty in the markets, making it impossible today for companies to compete effectively if they are isolated from their suppliers and other stakeholders. In this context, adopting the concept of supply chains (SCs) is increasingly essential for a company’s performance. Moreover, two themes are being increasingly discussed in the context of SCs, the circular economy (CE) and Industry 4.0 (I4.0). The CE paradigm consists of a possible way to achieve environmental objectives and economic sustainability by developing systemic changes that go beyond the individual company and involve the other actors in the SC, contributing to adding value to a product and/or service
  • 513
  • 26 May 2022
Topic Review
Circular Material Usage Strategies and Principles in Buildings
Building construction accounts for a significant proportion of global greenhouse gas emissions, raw material extraction, and waste production. Applying circular economy (CE) principles in the building construction industry would considerably reduce these values. However, uptake by the industry is relatively slow, which is largely attributed to sectoral barriers, including limitations in knowledge and experience.
  • 435
  • 01 Mar 2024
Topic Review
Circular Product Readiness Method
Design indicators can be used by companies to track circular design implementation, which can yield insights into their performance and opportunities for improvement. Existing indicator methods either lack depth with regard to circular design, are incomplete, or do not use design semantics.
  • 411
  • 24 Feb 2023
Topic Review
Circular-economy in the Built Environment
       The circular economy in the building sector is an approach aiming at minimizing waste and emissions, as well as closing water, energy, and material loops. Under a circular built environment, landfilling is no longer an option to handle construction and demolition waste, and design for disassembly has a central role. Design for disassembly is a concept in which buildings and products are designed intentionally for material recovery, value retention, and meaningful next use.
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  • 12 Oct 2020
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