Topic Review
Principles of Underwater Wireless Power Transmission Technology
In order to solve the problem of energy supply for underwater equipment, wireless power transmission technology is becoming a new way of underwater power transmission. It has incomparable technical advantages over traditional power supply method, and can effectively improve the safety, reliability, convenience and concealment of power supply for underwater equipment. The wireless power transfer (WPT) has a natural electrical isolation between the primary and secondary sides to ensure safe charging in an underwater environment. 
  • 771
  • 11 Jan 2023
Topic Review
Multi-Attribute Decision-Making Methods in Additive Manufacturing
Multi-attribute decision-making (MADM) refers to making preference decisions via assessing a finite number of pre-specified alternatives under multiple and usually conflicting attributes. Many problems in the field of additive manufacturing (AM) are essentially MADM problems or can be converted into MADM problems. 
  • 771
  • 02 Mar 2023
Topic Review
Geosynthetics in Sustainable Engineering Solutions
Geosynthetics have proven to provide sustainable solutions for geotechnical and geoenvironmental problems when used with natural materials.
  • 770
  • 03 Dec 2021
Topic Review
Thin-Film Fabrication for Low-Temperature Solid Oxide Fuel Cells
Solid oxide fuel cells (SOFCs) are amongst the most widely used renewable alternative energy systems with near-zero carbon emission, high efficiency, and environment-friendly features. However, the high operating temperature of SOFCs is still considered a major challenge due to several issues regarding the materials’ corrosion, unwanted reactions between layers, etc. Thus, low-temperature SOFCs (LT-SOFCs) have gained significant interest during the past decades. Despite the numerous advantages of LT-SOFCs, material selection for each layer is of great importance as the common materials have not shown a desirable performance so far. In addition to the selection of the materials, fabrication techniques have a great influence on the properties of the SOFCs. As SOFCs with thinner layers showed lower polarisation resistance, especially in the electrolyte layer, different thin-film fabrication methods have been employed, and their effect on the overall performance of SOFCs has been evaluated.
  • 770
  • 23 Aug 2023
Topic Review
Multiscapes on an Urbanising Planet
The two most significant signatures of the Anthropocene—agriculture and urbanisation— have yet to be studied synoptically. The term periurban is used to describe territory where the urbanising trend of the planet extends into multiscapes. A periurban praxis is required that spatially reconciles urbanisation and agriculture, simultaneously permitting urban growth and the enhance- ment of critical ecosystem services provided by agricultural hinterlands.
  • 770
  • 18 Mar 2022
Topic Review
Business Process Re-Engineering to Digitalise Quality Control Checks
Business process re-engineering allows optimising processes within businesses. One way to do so is to use lean thinking to maximise customer value whilst minimising waste. Just-in-time is one of the core elements of lean production and is the material flow design upon which the lean production model is founded. For such a production model to succeed and achieve high efficiency and productivity levels, it needs to have a robust quality management system to accomplish the notion of ‘right first time’ and have quality controls at the source to prevent defects from entering the production system altogether. Defects occur when products are produced outside of agreed tolerances of the approved specification. Defects are a significant contributor to product waste and waste of resources, including raw materials, energy, water, and human resources. A reduction in waste generation helps to boost business performance by lowering environmental, economic and social impacts, i.e., the three pillars of sustainability. Optimised process monitoring helps identify defects in advance or as they happen in real time. A key function of the quality control (QC) process is to provide evidence that customer requirements (tolerances) of the product are met; therefore, measuring and controlling the values of the different variables that regulate the manufacturing processes is critical. However, collecting these values and handling the data manually tends to be slow, tedious, and prone to human error, as data can be misread, misplaced, or misrecorded easily. Furthermore, human judgement may not be consistent due to various factors including fatigue, mental or physical stress, as well as variability in heuristic and cognitive capabilities. Data capturing and analysing technology can be used instead to acquire such data and use it to control processes within acceptable parameters, ensuring optimum product flow and quality. Furthermore, as computing devices get smaller and cheaper, it is increasingly possible to tailor them to meet more needs on the factory floor, enabling machines to gather data, measure key performance indicators, and track operational efficiency. Data archiving is also necessary so that results can be reviewed later for auditing purposes. As cloud storage becomes safer, more affordable and with connection speeds that provide quick access, companies are increasingly moving away from paper records. This change introduces the challenge of reviewing and re-writing internal procedures to capture these new ways of data collection and reporting. It is important to know and prove who does what, when, how, and why for the purposes of traceability, accuracy, and consistency.
  • 769
  • 01 Dec 2021
Topic Review
List of Pilot Boats
This list of pilot boats is a list of notable pilot boats for New York, New Jersey, and Boston, Massachusetts. Pilot boats with the same ship numbers are organized by date and location.
  • 769
  • 15 Nov 2022
Topic Review
Supramolecular Adhesive Materials with Antimicrobial Activity
Taking advantage of the dynamic and reversible interactions such as hydrogen bonding, pi-pi stacking, electrostatic interactions, host-guest interactions, hydrophobic effects, and van der Waals interactions, a variety of functional supramolecular adhesive materials have been developed to realize tough bonding on tissues or organs. Non-covalent interactions are widely exploited and proved effective in developing supramolecular polymers and polymer composites with desired mechanical strength, interfacial adhesion, and intelligent, responsive properties. These supramolecular adhesive materials are promising for a range of biomedical applications.
  • 769
  • 25 Aug 2022
Topic Review
Thin-Film Solar Cells
Due to the surge in silicon demand for solar modules, thin-film photovoltaic (PV) modules have a potential to penetrate the market in significant numbers. As an alternate candidate, thin film technologies in PVs have the ability to achieve better performance. The competing thin-film PV technologies have the flexibility to adapt to any sort of curvature compared to rigid solar cells (SCs). Due to the peculiar characteristics of newer solar materials, stability issues, reflection losses, advancements in electrode materials and dopant materials with a photoactive layer are current challenges driving the industrial-academic voyage of development of solar materials for the betterment of Photo-conversion Efficiency (PCE). Based on the photoactive materials used over time, SC evolution was broadly classified into first, second and third generation SCs.  
  • 769
  • 25 Nov 2022
Topic Review
Things Software-Defined Network
The Industrial Internet of Things (IIoT) network generates great economic benefits in processes, system installation, maintenance, reliability, scalability, and interoperability. Wireless sensor networks (WSNs) allow the IIoT network to collect, process, and share data of different parameters among Industrial IoT sense Node (IISN). ESP8266 are IISNs connected to the Internet by means of a hub to share their information. In this article, a light-diffusion algorithm in WSN to connect all the IISNs is designed, based on the Peano fractal and swarm intelligence, i.e., without using a hub, simply sharing parameters with two adjacent IINSs, assuming that any IISN knows the parameters of the rest of these devices, even if they are not adjacent. We simulated the performance of our algorithm and compared it with other state-of-the-art protocols, finding that our proposal generates a longer lifetime of the IIoT network when few IISNs were connected. Thus, there is a saving-energy of approximately 5% but with 64 nodes there is a saving of more than 20%, because the IIoT network can grow in a 3n way and the proposed topology does not impact in a linear way but log3 , which balances energy consumption throughout the IIoT network.
  • 769
  • 29 Oct 2020
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