Topic Review
Phenolic Compounds
Phenolic compounds are phytochemicals with functions in pigmentation, astringency, protection against ultraviolet rays and antioxidant activity, being widely found in natural sources such as fruits, teas, spices, wine and honey. These compounds have received much attention in recent decades due to evidence related to positive health effects, such as anti-inflammatory, antimicrobial, antithrombotic, vasodilatory and cardioprotective activity, contributing to the improvement in metabolic markers associated with diabetes, hypertension and obesity.
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  • 30 Jun 2021
Topic Review
Communication Signal Delay and the Power Grid
In the electricity grid, communication delays arise at a number of stages, which include signal transmission from phasor measurement units (PMUs) to management centers, from management centers to controllers, analog-to-digital conversion, computing on overall entry adjustable, and phase synchronization of alerts through the Global Positioning System (GPS). Such delays will have an effect on controllers and device performance.
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  • 15 Mar 2022
Topic Review
Permeate flux prediction
In any membrane filtration, the prediction of permeate flux is critical to calculate the membrane surface required, which is an essential parameter for scaling-up, equipment sizing, and cost determination. Permeate flux prediction is an essential parameter in membrane performance evaluation and the projections for scaling-up from laboratory to the pilot plant or the industrial scale. 
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  • 03 Jun 2021
Topic Review
Lithium-Ion Battery Capacity Estimation Methods for Management Systems
With the widespread use of Lithium-ion (Li-ion) batteries in Electric Vehicles (EVs), Hybrid EVs and Renewable Energy Systems (RESs), much attention has been given to Battery Management System (BMSs). By monitoring the terminal voltage, current and temperature, BMS can evaluate the status of the Li-ion batteries and manage the operation of cells in a battery pack, which is fundamental for the high efficiency operation of EVs and smart grids. Battery capacity estimation is one of the key functions in the BMS, and battery capacity indicates the maximum storage capability of a battery which is essential for the battery State-of-Charge (SOC) estimation and lifespan management.
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  • 02 Dec 2022
Topic Review
Extraction and Purification of Volatile Fatty Acids
Volatile fatty acids (VFA) are intermediary degradation products during anaerobic digestion (AD) that are subsequently converted to methanogenic substrates, such as hydrogen (H2), carbon dioxide (CO2), and acetic acid (CH3COOH). VFA recovered from the AAD fermentation can be further converted to sustainable biofuels and bioproducts. This text describes the latest developments in the extraction techniques of VFA from complex organic materials.
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  • 28 Jan 2023
Topic Review
Balloon Satellite
A balloon satellite (also occasionally referred to as a "satelloon", which is a trademarked name owned by Gilmore Schjeldahl's G.T. Schjeldahl Company) is a satellite that is inflated with gas after it has been put into orbit.
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  • 17 Oct 2022
Topic Review
EV Charging
EVs or Plug-In EVs (PEVs) are powered by rechargeable batteries and classified in the green technology vehicles, which will replace the Internal Combustion Engine (ICE). The transferring technologies from petroleum-based transportation to green transportation has a number of benefits in several areas like economic, environment, and technical support.
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  • 31 Oct 2023
Topic Review
Pre-clinical Cerebral Perfusion MRI Techniques
Alterations to the cerebral microcirculation have been recognized to play a crucial role in the development of neurodegenerative disorders. However, the exact role of the microvascular alterations in the pathophysiological mechanisms often remains poorly understood. The early detection of changes in microcirculation and cerebral blood flow (CBF) can be used to get a better understanding of underlying disease mechanisms. This could be an important step towards the development of new treatment approaches. Animal models allow for the study of the disease mechanism at several stages of development, before the onset of clinical symptoms, and the verification with invasive imaging techniques. Specifically, pre-clinical magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) is an important tool for the development and validation of MRI sequences under clinically relevant conditions. This article reviews MRI strategies providing indirect non-invasive measurements of microvascular changes in the rodent brain that can be used for early detection and characterization of neurodegenerative disorders. The perfusion MRI techniques: Dynamic Contrast Enhanced (DCE), Dynamic Susceptibility Contrast Enhanced (DSC) and Arterial Spin Labeling (ASL), will be discussed, followed by less established imaging strategies used to analyze the cerebral microcirculation: Intravoxel Incoherent Motion (IVIM), Vascular Space Occupancy (VASO), Steady-State Susceptibility Contrast (SSC), Vessel size imaging, SAGE-based DSC, Phase Contrast Flow (PC) Quantitative Susceptibility Mapping (QSM) and quantitative Blood-Oxygenation-Level-Dependent (qBOLD). We will emphasize the advantages and limitations of each strategy, in particular on applications for high-field MRI in the rodent’s brain. 
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  • 02 Jun 2021
Topic Review
Mobile-Applications for Assessing Human Posture
Postural assessment corresponds to a stage of the physical examination that aims to identify possible misalignment of the body that may be caused by changes in the spine or other body segments. To assist in this evaluation procedure, several methods and resources are used by health professionals, including software solutions such as desktop and mobile systems.
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  • 18 Aug 2020
Topic Review
Silicon Multi-Mode Routing Devices
The multi-mode routing devices are used for transferring higher-order modes in the multi-mode bus waveguide without introducing mode-dependent losses or inter-modal crosstalk, including multi-mode bend, multi-mode crossing and multi-mode splitter.
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  • 29 Sep 2020
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