Topic Review
Earthquake Consideration in Architectural Design: Guidelines for Architects
The need for architects and engineers to take earthquake resilience into account in their designs is becoming increasingly critical as urbanization keeps growing and more people move into earthquake-prone areas. Architectural earthquake-resistant designs are necessary to protect building integrity and occupant safety during seismic disasters.
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  • 21 Sep 2023
Topic Review
Solar Mobility
As proposed by CEA-INES (namely the French National Institute for Solar Energy) [1], the concept of solar mobility seeks a synergy between the following three systems: EVs, PV systems and the electricity network. The basic idea is to combine a standard grid-connected PV system with standard EVs, also connected to the grid [2]. In the extended solar mobility scope, the energy prosumers are equipped with their own renewable energy systems, electrical storage, EVs and other electrical appliances. The buildings are connected into a renewable energy sharing microgrid, in which the surplus renewable production can be delivered from one building to another. Such energy sharing network provides a platform for the buildings in a micro grid to share their surplus renewable energy generations with other buildings, thus helping enhance the overall cluster-level performances. The energy sharing micro grid is also connected to the power grid, in case there is surplus/insufficient cluster-level renewable generations and electricity exchanges with the power grid is needed. The power exchange of the building cluster with the power grid will be metered by advanced metering facilities.
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  • 28 Jan 2022
Topic Review
Alternative Aviation Fuels/Pathways
The Paris Agreement’s objectives related to climate change put aviation under great pressure and environmental inspection. In particular, the aviation industry is committed to achieving a 50% reduction in CO2 emissions by 2050 compared to 2005 levels. A shift to alternative aviation fuels seems imperative. The International Air Transport Association (IATA) has identified the production of drop-in sustainable liquid fuels (SAFs) as the most promising strategy, at least short term, to reduce the environmental impact of the sector.
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  • 03 Mar 2023
Topic Review
Refuse Derived Fuel
One viable and robust form of waste-to-energy from municipal solid waste is refuse derived fuel (RDF). Generally, RDF refers to the segregated high calorific fractions of waste from MSW: household, commercial, or industrial process wastes. RDF from municipal solid waste particularly is sorted portions, which consist of combustible components such as waste plastics, paper, cardboard, textiles, and wood.
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  • 28 Feb 2022
Topic Review
Peak Load Shaving in Microgrid
Peak load is a particularly sensitive issue for microgrids as it happens occasionally for a small percentage of the time in a day. Peak load increases the risk of microgrid failure and also leads to power quality issues. To maintain grid stability and improve power quality, the microgrids must solve the peak loading problem.
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  • 30 Mar 2022
Topic Review
Low-Temperature Hot Stamping Technologies
Improvement of the hot stamping process is important for reducing processing costs and improving the productivity and tensile properties of final components. One major approach to this has been to conduct all or part of the process at lower temperatures.
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  • 23 Dec 2020
Topic Review
Rare Earth Elements Recovery
The manuscript covers the issues related to the characteristics, application, and some methods of rare earth elements (REEs) recovery from coal fly ashes. REEs are elements with growing demand and a very wide range of application, especially when it comes to modern technologies. The development of the REE recovery technology would involve solving several problems related to REE speciation, optimization of factors controlling their extractivity and selection of the REE separation method from obtained extraction solutions with a very extreme pH and complicated composition. The paper presented advantages and disadvantages of usually used methods of REE separation from coal fly ashes, like physical and acid–base leaching. It was also presented alternative REE recovery techniques in the form of membrane and biological methods and based on ion liquids (ILs) or chelating agents. The directions of further modifications, which will allow the efficient REE recovery were presented. The aim of this article was to propose specific solutions based on the creation of appropriate multistage method of REE recovery. It will be a combination of magnetic and size separation, acid–base leaching (including roasting in justified cases), removal of matrix elements with ILs (Al, Si, and Fe), and finally REE membrane separation, allowing one to obtain the appropriate process efficiency.  
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  • 29 Jan 2021
Topic Review
Bioactive Ceramic Scaffolds
A wide variety of bioactive ceramic scaffolds, which encompass CaP, doped HA and CS, bioactive glasses and ceramics, and their respective composites, have been used as the constructs for replacing cancellous bone (restoration of the bone loss), shown in. Synthetic HA, which is similar to the CaP minerals within bones and teeth, is successfully applied as a bone implant with suitable mechanical strength and osteoconductivity. Bioactive scaffolds processed through PBSLP with the various modes of functionalization through the incorporation of drugs, stem cells, and growth factors facilitate bone regeneration and ameliorate critical-sized bone defects based on the fracture site length for personalized medicine. The keyhole pores, apart from the designed porosity from the CAD design, usually affect the mechanical strength of the scaffolds when fabricated through powder bed selective laser processing techniques.
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  • 24 Sep 2021
Topic Review
Automated Driving System
An automated driving system is a complex combination of various components that can be defined as systems where perception, decision making, and operation of the automobile are performed by electronics and machinery instead of a human driver, and as introduction of automation into road traffic. This includes handling of the vehicle, destination, as well as awareness of surroundings. While the automated system has control over the vehicle, it allows the human operator to leave all responsibilities to the system.
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  • 28 Sep 2022
Topic Review
Hp-NCL Network in Routing Encoding
Goal-directed navigation is a crucial behavior for the survival of animals, especially for the birds having extraordinary spatial navigation ability. In neural mechanism of the goal-directed behavior, especially involving the information encoding mechanism of the route, the hippocampus (Hp), nidopallium caudalle (NCL) and their local networks of the avian brain play important roles.
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  • 09 Nov 2020
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