Topic Review
Gall Stone Dissolving Plants
Medicinal plants have been known for thousands of years and are highly esteemed throughout the world as a rich source of therapeutic agents for the prevention and cure of diseases. There is large number of population suffers from gall stone. Gall stones problem is now being increased significantly due to changes in living style and conditions i.e. industrialization and malnutrition. Medicinal plants are used from centuries due to its, cultural acceptability, efficacy, safety and lesser side effects as compared to synthetic drugs.
  • 1.7K
  • 15 Aug 2022
Topic Review
Gallstone Disease
Gallstone disease (GSD) has, for many years, remained a high-cost, socially significant public health problem. Over the past decade, a number of studies have been carried out—both in humans and in animal models—confirming the role of the microbiota in various sections of the gastrointestinal tract as a new link in the etiopathogenesis of GSD. The microbiome of bile correlates with the bacterial composition of saliva, and the microbiome of the biliary tract has a high similarity with the microbiota of the duodenum. Pathogenic microflora of the oral cavity, through mechanisms of immunomodulation, can affect the motility of the gallbladder and the expression of mucin genes (Muc3, MUC4), and represent one of the promoters of stone formation in the gallbladder. The presence of H. pylori infection contributes to the formation of gallstones and affects the occurrence of complications of GSD, including acute and chronic cholecystitis, cholangitis, pancreatitis. Intestinal bacteria (Clostridium, Bifidobacterium, Peptostreptococcus, Bacteroides, Eubacterium, and Escherichia coli) participating in the oxidation and epimerization of bile acids can disrupt enterohepatic circulation and lead to the formation of gallstones. At the same time, cholecystectomy due to GSD leads to the further transformation of the composition of the microbiota in various parts of the gastrointestinal tract, increasing the risk of developing stomach cancer and colorectal cancer. Further research is required to determine the possibility of using the evaluation of the composition of the microbiota of the gastrointestinal and biliary tracts as an early diagnostic marker of various gastroenterological diseases.
  • 677
  • 27 Oct 2020
Topic Review
Gastric Cancer Due to Chronic H. pylori Infection
Helicobacter pylori is an established cause of many gastrointestinal pathologies including peptic ulcer disease, gastritis, and gastric cancer. It is an entity that affects the global population, and its true nature has only been known since the 1980s. Although there is much known about H. pylori including its pathophysiology, detection, and eradication, resistance to therapy models is common. This is problematic because untreated or inadequately treated H. pylori increases morbidity and mortality related to gastric cancer and peptic ulcer disease among others. In order to improve the treatment and reduce resistance, there is significant ongoing research identifying new detection and eradication methods for H. pylori.
  • 295
  • 02 Sep 2022
Topic Review
Gastric Hyperplastic Polyps
Gastric hyperplastic polyps (GHP) are frequently found to be benign polyps and have been considered to have a low carcinogenic potential. The characteristics of the hyperplastic polyp-associated gastric cancer (HPAGC) remain unclear. 
  • 521
  • 02 Dec 2021
Topic Review
Gastric Intestinal Metaplasia
Gastric cancer (GC) remains one of the most common causes of mortality worldwide. Intestinal metaplasia (IM) is one of the preneoplastic gastric lesions and is considered an essential predisposing factor in GC development. Here we present a review of recent most relevant papers to summarize major findings on the molecular alterations in gastric IM. The latest progress in novel diagnostic methods allows scientists to identify various types of molecular alterations in IM, such as polymorphisms in various genes, changes in the expression of micro-RNAs and long noncoding RNAs, and altered microbiome profiles. The results have shown that some of these alterations have strong associations with IM and a potential to be used for screening, treatment, and prognostic purposes; however, one of the most important limiting factors is the inhomogeneity of the studies. Therefore, further large-scale studies and clinical trials with standardized methods designed by multicenter consortiums are needed. As of today, various molecular alterations in IM could become a part of personalized medicine in the near future, which would help us deliver a personalized approach for each patient and identify those at risk of progression to GC.
  • 805
  • 24 Jun 2021
Topic Review
Gastric Mucosal Atrophy for Predicting Gastric Cancer Risk
Patients suffering from chronic gastritis and developing gastric mucosa atrophy are at increased risk of the development of gastric cancer. The diagnosis of chronic atrophic gastritis (CAG) is a complex procedure involving a detailed history taking, a thorough physical examination and the use of laboratory and instrumental diagnostic methods among which the endoscopy of the upper digestive tract is the cornerstone because it allows the assessment of the topography of gastritis and identification of erosions and areas of intestinal metaplasia with the use of narrow band imaging (NBI) endoscopy. However, the diagnosis of CAG requires morphological examination of the gastric mucosa.
  • 376
  • 26 Oct 2023
Topic Review
Gastric Outlet Obstruction Management
Gastric outlet obstruction (GOO) poses a common and challenging clinical scenario, characterized by mechanical blockage in the pylorus, distal stomach, or duodenum, resulting in symptoms such as nausea, vomiting, abdominal pain, and early satiety. Its diverse etiology encompasses both benign and malignant disorders. The spectrum of treatment modalities extends from conservative approaches to more invasive interventions, incorporating procedures like surgical gastroenterostomy (SGE), self-expandable metallic stents (SEMSs) placement, and the advanced technique of endoscopic ultrasound-guided gastroenterostomy (EUS-GE). While surgery is favored for longer life expectancy, stents are preferred in malignant gastric outlet stenosis. The novel EUS-GE technique, employing a lumen-apposing self-expandable metal stent (LAMS), combines the immediate efficacy of stents with the enduring benefits of gastroenterostomy. 
  • 398
  • 17 Feb 2024
Topic Review
Gastric Polyps and Gastric Cancer
Gastric cancer is still an important disease causing many deaths worldwide, although there has been a marked reduction in prevalence during the last few decades. The decline in gastric cancer prevalence is due to a reduction in Helicobacter pylori infection which has occurred for at least 50 years. The most probable mechanism for the carcinogenic effect of H. pylori is hypergastrinemia since H. pylori infected individuals do not have increased risk of gastric cancer before the development of oxyntic atrophy. When atrophy has developed, the carcinogenic process continues independent of H. pylori. Autoimmune gastritis also induces oxyntic atrophy leading to marked hypergastrinemia and development of ECL cell neoplasia as well as adenocarcinoma. Similarly, long-term treatment with efficient inhibitors of acid secretion like the proton pump inhibitors (PPIs) predisposes to ECL cell neoplasia of a different degree of malignancy. Contrasting the colon where most cancers develop from polyps, most polyps in the stomach have a low malignant potential. Nevertheless, gastric polyps may also give rise to cancer and have some risk factors and mechanisms in common with gastric cancer.
  • 692
  • 22 Jun 2021
Topic Review
Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease
This entry describes the actual knowledge on diagnosis and management of extra-esophageal manifestations of gastro-esophageal reflux disease. The 2006 Montreal consensus defined GERD as a condition that develops when the reflux of the stomach contents causes troublesome symptoms and/or complications into the esophagus. Tissue damage related to GERD range from esophagitis to Barrett’s esophagus and esophageal adenocarcinoma; troublesome symptoms attributable to reflux can be esophageal (heartburn, regurgitation) or extra-esophageal (EE). GERD can be further classified by the presence of erosions on endoscopic examination (Erosive Reflux Disease [ERD] and Nonerosive Reflux Disease [NERD]).
  • 551
  • 23 Jun 2021
Topic Review
Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease (GERD)
Gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD) is a common esophageal disorder characterized by troublesome symptoms associated with increased esophageal acid exposure. The cornerstones of therapy in this regard include treatment with acid-suppressive agents, lifestyle modifications, and dietary therapy, although the latter has not been well defined. As concerns regarding long-term proton pump inhibitor (PPI) use continue to be explored, patients and healthcare providers are becoming increasingly interested in the role of diet in disease management. 
  • 305
  • 22 Aug 2023
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