Topic Review
Microbiome in Hidradenitis Suppurativa
Hidradenitis suppurativa is a chronic disease of the pilosebaceous unit. The name of the condition is a testament to the presumed relationship between the disease and the microbiome. The pathophysiology of hidradenitis suppurativa is, however, complex and believed to be the product of a multifactorial interplay between the interfollicular epithelium, pilosebaceous unit, microbiome, as well as genetic and environmental factors.
  • 804
  • 08 Oct 2021
Topic Review
Preferentially Expressed Antigen in Melanoma and Malignant Melanoma
Preferentially expressed antigen in melanoma (PRAME) is a cancer testis antigen (CTA) identified in 1997 through analysis of the specificity of tumor-reactive T-cell clones derived from a patient with metastatic cutaneous melanoma. Although at first it seemed even more specific, various studies have shown that PRAME can also be expressed in the context of atypical lesions that do not correspond solely to the definition of malignant melanoma. Various studies have shown that PRAME can also be expressed in the context of atypical lesions apart from MM and, for this reason, the diagnostic sensitivity and specificity (hence accuracy) are clearly lower. 
  • 778
  • 28 Apr 2022
Topic Review
Dermatan Sulfate in Tissue Development
The crucial roles of dermatan sulfate (DS) have been demonstrated in tissue development of the cutis, blood vessels, and bone through construction of the extracellular matrix and cell signaling. DS classically exerts physiological functions via interaction with collagens, growth factors, and heparin cofactor-II.
  • 765
  • 14 Jul 2022
Topic Review
Acne Syndromes and Mosaicism
Abnormal mosaicism is the coexistence of cells with at least two genotypes, by the time of birth, in an individual derived from a single zygote, which leads to a disease phenotype. Somatic mosaicism can be further categorized into segmental mosaicism and nonsegmental somatic mosaicism. Acne is a chronic illness characterized by inflammatory changes around and in the pilosebaceous units, commonly due to hormone- and inflammatory signaling-mediated factors. Several systemic disorders, such as congenital adrenal hyperplasia, polycystic ovarian syndrome, and seborrhoea-acne-hirsutism-androgenetic alopecia syndrome have classically been associated with acne. Autoinflammatory syndromes, including PAPA, PASH, PAPASH, PsAPASH, PsaPSASH, PASS, and SAPHO syndromes include acneiform lesions as a key manifestation. Mosaic germline mutations in the FGFR2 gene have been associated with Apert syndrome and nevus comedonicus, two illnesses that are accompanied by acneiform lesions.
  • 761
  • 03 Dec 2021
Topic Review
Cytokines in Vitiligo
Vitiligo is a chronic autoimmune dermatosis of which the pathogenesis remains scarcely known. A wide variety of clinical studies have been proposed to investigate the immune mediators which have shown the most recurrency.
  • 758
  • 27 Oct 2021
Topic Review
Applications of Curcumin in Wound-Healing
Wound healing is an intricate process of tissue repair or remodeling that occurs in response to injury. Plants and plant-derived bioactive constituents are well explored in the treatment of various types of wounds. Curcumin is a natural polyphenolic substance that has been used since ancient times in Ayurveda for its healing properties, as it reduces inflammation and acts on several healing stages.
  • 757
  • 11 Nov 2022
Topic Review
Cutaneous Findings in NF1
Neurofibromatosis type 1 (NF1) is a complex autosomal dominant disorder associated with germline mutations in the NF1 tumor suppressor gene. NF1 belongs to a class of congenital anomaly syndromes called RASopathies, a group of rare genetic conditions caused by mutations in the Ras/mitogen-activated protein kinase pathway. Generally, NF1 patients present with dermatologic manifestations.
  • 756
  • 02 Feb 2021
Topic Review
Aberrant Expression of Immunohistochemical Markers
Malignant melanoma can rarely present with unusual staining patterns. This includes aberrant expression of non-melanocytic markers and/ or lack of expression of specific melanocytic markers. 
  • 750
  • 24 Nov 2021
Topic Review
Atopic Dermatitis (AD)
The skin harbors a huge number of different microorganisms such as bacteria, fungi and viruses, and it acts as a protective shield to prevent the invasion of pathogens and to maintain the health of the commensal microbiota. Several studies, in fact, have shown the importance of the skin microbiota for healthy skin. This balance can be altered by intrinsic and extrinsic factors, leading to the development of skin disease, such as acne vulgaris (AV), atopic dermatitis (AD) and rosacea (RS).
  • 750
  • 27 Oct 2022
Topic Review
Innovative Strategies for Wound Healing
Wound healing is highly specialized dynamic multiple phase process for the repair of damaged/injured tissues through an intricate mechanism. Various emerging and innovative strategies for promoting quality wound healing have been discussed. 
  • 746
  • 15 Aug 2022
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