Topic Review
Magnetic Polymers for Microfluidic Sorting
Magnetophoresis offers many advantages for manipulating magnetic targets in microsystems. The integration of micro-flux concentrators and micro-magnets allows achieving large field gradients and therefore large reachable magnetic forces. However, the associated fabrication techniques are often complex and costly, and besides, they put specific constraints on the geometries. Magnetic composite polymers provide a promising alternative in terms of simplicity and fabrication costs, and they open new perspectives for the microstructuring, design, and integration of magnetic functions.
  • 1.0K
  • 30 Jul 2021
Topic Review
Perovskite Materials
In the development of hydrogen-based technology, a key challenge is the sustainable production of hydrogen in terms of energy consumption and environmental aspects. However, existing methods mainly rely on fossil fuels due to their cost efficiency, and as such, it is difficult to be completely independent of carbon-based technology. Electrochemical hydrogen production is essential, since it has shown the successful generation of hydrogen gas of high purity. Similarly, the photoelectrochemical (PEC) method is also appealing, as this method exhibits highly active and stable water splitting with the help of solar energy. We discuss the exceptional optical and electrical characteristics of perovskite materials which often dictate PEC performance. We further extend our discussion to the material limit of perovskite under a hydrogen production environment, i.e., that PEC reactions often degrade the contact between the electrode and the electrolyte.
  • 6.6K
  • 30 Jul 2021
Topic Review
Halide Perovskites
Halide perovskites (HPs), with an excellent photoactive nature, dielectric, piezoelectric, ferroelectric, and pyroelectric properties, have been potential candidates for obtaining flexible nanogenerator-based self-powered sensors including light, pressure, and temperature. Additionally, the photo-stimulated dielectric, piezoelectric, and triboelectric properties of HPs make them efficient entrants for developing bimodal and multimode sensors to sense multi-physical signals individually or simultaneously. 
  • 1.3K
  • 30 Jul 2021
Topic Review
Barrier Layer of Cu Interconnects
The barrier layer in Cu technology is essential to prevent Cu from diffusing into the dielectric layer at high temperatures; therefore, it must have a high stability and good adhesion to both Cu and the dielectric layer. In the past three decades, tantalum/tantalum nitride (Ta/TaN) has been widely used as an inter-layer to separate the dielectric layer and the Cu. However, to fulfill the demand for continuous down-scaling of the Cu technology node, traditional materials and technical processes are being challenged. Direct electrochemical deposition of Cu on top of Ta/TaN is not realistic, due to its high resistivity. Therefore, pre-deposition of a Cu seed layer by physical vapor deposition (PVD) or chemical vapor deposition (CVD) is necessary, but the non-uniformity of the Cu seed layer has a devastating effect on the defect-free fill of modern sub-20 or even sub-10 nm Cu technology nodes. New Cu diffusion barrier materials having ultra-thin size, high resistivity and stability are needed for the successful super-fill of trenches at the nanometer scale. In this review, we briefly summarize recent advances in the development of Cu diffusion-proof materials, including metals, metal alloys, self-assembled molecular layers (SAMs), two-dimensional (2D) materials and high-entropy alloys (HEAs). Also, challenges are highlighted and future research directions are suggested.
  • 4.3K
  • 30 Jul 2021
Topic Review
Calcium Silicate-Based Materials - Antimicrobial
Endodontic materials have significantly improved dental treatment techniques in several aspects as they can be used for vital pulp treatments, as temporary root canal medication, in definitive fillings, in apical surgeries, and for regenerative procedures. Calcium silicate-based cement is a class of dental material that is used in Endodontics in direct contact with the dental structures, connective tissue, and bone. Because the material interacts with biological tissues and stimulates biomineralization processes, its properties are of major importance. The main challenge in endodontic treatments is the elimination of biofilms that are present in the root canal system anatomical complexities, as it remains even after chemical-mechanical preparation and disinfection procedures. Thus, an additional challenge for these biomaterials is to exert antimicrobial activity while maintaining their biological properties in parallel.
  • 819
  • 29 Jul 2021
Topic Review
Titanium Base Substrates
Titanium base alloys are state-of-the-art implant materials in various surgery applications, including dentistry, bone and craniofacial reconstruction/fixation, and temporary anchorage devices (TAD), etc. Titanium is a lightweight and bioinert metal that possesses a high specific strength (strength to density ratio) and an elastic modulus close to that of human bone. Titanium additionally features excellent corrosion resistance and relatively high X-ray translucency, thus facilitating post-treatment diagnosis. 
  • 579
  • 29 Jul 2021
Topic Review
Low-energy electron Damage to DNA
The complex physical and chemical reactions between the large number of low-energy (0-30 eV) electrons (LEEs) released by high energy radiation interacting with genetic material can lead to the formation of various DNA lesions such as single strand breaks (SSBs), crosslinks (CLs), base modifications, double strand breaks (DSBs) and other clustered lesions.
  • 563
  • 29 Jul 2021
Topic Review
CDs as Antimicrobial Agents
Carbon dots (CDs) have been identified as a promising class of photosensitiser nanomaterials for the specific detection and inactivation of different bacterial species. CDs possess exceptional and tuneable chemical and photoelectric properties that make them excellent candidates for antibacterial theranostic applications, such as great chemical stability, high water solubility, low toxicity and excellent biocompatibility. 
  • 867
  • 29 Jul 2021
Topic Review
Thermosensitive Gelling Rectal Systems
Thermosensitive gelling system is drug delivery system that becomes a gel at physiological temperature.  The transition sol-gel temperature (Tsol-gel) is below body temperature (<37◦C), making it possible to prepare liquid preparations, which gel back at body temperature. Thermosensitive gelling system could be used to rectal administration. Rectal drug delivery is an effective alternative to oral and parenteral treatments. This route allows for both local and systemic drug therapy. Traditional rectal dosage formulations have historically been used for localised treatments, including laxatives, hemorrhoid therapy and antipyretics. However, this form of drug dosage often feels alien and uncomfortable to a patient, encouraging refusal. Thermosensitive liquid suppositories are easier to administer to the anus as they remain liquid at lower temperatures. In addition, this rectal gel minimize the feeling of a foreign body compared with solid suppositories, does not cause any harm on mucosal layers and act as mucoadhesive to the rectal tissues preventing leakage after administration.
  • 1.1K
  • 29 Jul 2021
Topic Review
Manufacture Microneedles by 3D Printing
Microneedles (MNs) represent the concept of attractive, minimally invasive puncture devices of micron-sized dimensions that penetrate the skin painlessly and thus facilitate the transdermal administration of a wide range of active substances. MNs have been manufactured by a variety of production technologies, from a range of materials, but most of these manufacturing methods are time-consuming and expensive for screening new designs and making any modifications. Additive manufacturing (AM) has become one of the most revolutionary tools in the pharmaceutical field, with its unique ability to manufacture personalized dosage forms and patient-specific medical devices such as MNs. 
  • 1.3K
  • 28 Jul 2021
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