Topic Review
Amperometric Biosensors and Biofuel Cells
Amperometric biosensors and biofuel cells are mostly based on immobilized enzymes or living cells. Among the many oxidoreductases, glucose oxidase (GOx) is used mostly in biosensor design. The same GOx can be well applied for the development of biofuel cells and self-charging capacitors based on the operation of biofuel cells. 
  • 955
  • 24 Aug 2021
Topic Review
Graphene/Tourmaline-Composite-Modified Asphalt
In graphene/tourmaline-composite-modified asphalt, graphene can be used to further improve the road performance and emission reduction effect of tourmaline-modified asphalt. The temperature susceptibility, high temperature, anti-aging properties and rheological performance of the graphene/tourmaline-composite-modified asphalt are better than those of the tourmaline-modified asphalt and base asphalt. The asphalt fume reduction rate of graphene/tourmaline-composite-modified asphalt is higher than that of tourmaline-modified asphalt. With the increase of graphene content, the emission reduction performance increases gradually, and the enhancement effect of graphene on tourmaline performance is more obvious.
  • 787
  • 24 Aug 2021
Topic Review
Factors Affecting NCGs Removal
Bast fiber plants require a post-harvest process to yield useable natural cellulosic fibers, denoted as retting or degumming. It encompasses the degradation of the cell wall’s non-cellulosic gummy substances (NCGs), facilitating fibers separations, setting the fiber’s quality, and determining downstream usages. Due to the inconvenience of traditional retting practices, bacterial inoculum and enzyme applications for retting gained attention. Therefore, concurrent changes of agroclimatic and socioeconomic conditions, the conventional water retting confront multiple difficulties, bast industries become vulnerable, and bacterial agents mediated augmented bio-retting processes trying to adapt to sustainability. However, this process’s success demands a delicate balance among substrates and retting-related biotic and abiotic factors. These critical factors were coupled to degrade bast fibers NCGs in bacterial retting while holistically disregarded in basic research. In this study, a set of factors were defined that critically regulates the process and requires to be comprehended to achieve optimum retting without failure. 
  • 541
  • 24 Aug 2021
Topic Review
Geopolymers vs. Cement Matrix Materials
Geopolymers are spreading more and more in the cementitious materials field, exhibiting technological properties that are highly competitive to conventional Portland concrete mixes.
  • 777
  • 24 Aug 2021
Topic Review
Nanofiber-Based Face Masks and Respirators
Wearing face masks, use of respirators, social distancing, and practicing personal hygiene are all measures to prevent the spread of coronavirus disease (COVID-19). This pandemic has revealed the deficiency of face masks and respirators across the world. Therefore, significant efforts are needed to develop air filtration and purification technologies, as well as innovative, alternative antibacterial and antiviral treatment methods. It has become urgent—in order for humankind to have a sustainable future—to provide a feasible solution to air pollution, particularly to capture fine inhalable particulate matter in the air.
  • 792
  • 24 Aug 2021
Topic Review
Added-Value Chemicals from Lignin Oxidation
Lignocellulosic biomass, including hardwood, softwood, and herbaceous crops, is an abundant renewable resource mainly composed of cellulose, hemicellulose, and lignin. The typical lignin content may vary from 18 to 33% in softwoods, 15 to 30% in hardwoods, and 5 to 30% in herbaceous crops. However, most biorefineries are currently focused on the valorization of cellulose and hemicellulose, a so-called sugar-based platform. In this context, lignin is usually considered as a low-value residual product and has significant potential as a renewable resource to produce bio-based materials, fuels, and valuable chemicals.
  • 1.0K
  • 23 Aug 2021
Topic Review
Printed Electronics
Printed electronics are manufactured in a process of registering thin functional material (ink) layer combinations on a low-cost substrate that may be recycled and/or naturally degraded in nature. Correspondingly, the manufacturing process is composed of three complementary stages: material selection, printing and post-printing. The materials for the printed electronics are principally inks of conducting, semiconducting or dielectric characteristics and substrates, which are derived from synthetic or natural polymers.  The inks are transferred with a master through direct contact to the substrate in case of contact printing, while they are deposited onto the substrate typically through nozzles in case of non-contact printing. Posterior to the printing process, it is often necessary to conduct sintering/curing in order to reach the desired functional ink and substrate characteristics. The inks, substrate and the printing technology along with the post printing requirements must be carefully evaluated for quality, repeatability and life-time aspects of the yield.
  • 1.1K
  • 23 Aug 2021
Topic Review
Bioethanol Production Using Seawater
  Bioethanol has many environmental and practical benefits as a transportation fuel. It is one of the best alternatives to replace fossil fuels due to its liquid nature, which is similar to the gasoline and diesel fuels traditionally used in transportation. In addition, bioethanol production technology has the capacity for negative carbon emissions, which is vital for solving the current global warming dilemma. However, conventional bioethanol production takes place based on an inland site and relies on freshwater and edible crops (or land suitable for edible crop production) for production, which has led to the food vs. fuel debate. Establishing a coastal marine biorefinery (CMB) system for bioethanol production that is based on coastal sites and relies on marine resources (seawater, marine biomass and marine yeast) could be the ultimate solution. In this paper, we aim to evaluate the environmental impact of using seawater for bioethanol production at coastal locations as a step toward the evaluation of a CMB system. Hence, a life cycle assessment for bioethanol production was conducted using the proposed scenario, named Coastal Seawater, and compared to the conventional scenario, named Inland Freshwater (IF). The impact of each scenario in relation to climate change, water depletion, land use and fossil depletion was studied for comparison. The Coastal Seawater scenario demonstrated an improvement upon the conventional scenario in all the selected impact categories. In particular, the use of seawater in the process had a significant effect on water depletion, showing an impact reduction of 31.2%. Furthermore, reductions were demonstrated in natural land transformation, climate change and fossil depletion of 5.5%, 3.5% and 4.2%, respectively. This indicates the positive impact of using seawater and coastal locations for bioethanol production and encourages research to investigate the CMB system.
  • 1.6K
  • 21 Aug 2021
Topic Review
Categories of Quantum Photoinitiators
The use of novel photoinitiators (PIs) for free-radical polymerization has attracted significant attention from the scientific community. Quantum PIs, quantum-confined nanoscale crystals with semiconductor properties, have received interest for use in photopolymerization, due to their precisely tunable properties as a function of structural and surface engineering.
  • 485
  • 20 Aug 2021
Topic Review
Electrophoretic Deposition for Biomedical Applications
Electrophoretic deposition (EPD) is a powerful technique to assemble metals, polymer, ceramics, and composite materials into 2D, 3D, and intricately shaped implants. Polymers, proteins, and peptides can be deposited via EPD at room temperature without affecting their chemical structures. Furthermore, EPD is being used to deposit multifunctional coatings (i.e., bioactive, antibacterial, and biocompatible coatings).
  • 1.3K
  • 20 Aug 2021
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