Topic Review
Heterogeneous Catalysis for Biomass Valorization and Fine-Chemicals Production
Heterogeneous catalysts are progressively expanding their field of application, from high-throughput reactions for traditional industrial chemistry with production volumes reaching millions of tons per year, a sector in which they are key players, to more niche applications for the production of fine chemicals. These novel applications require a progressive utilization reduction of fossil feedstocks, in favor of renewable ones. Biomasses are the most accessible source of organic precursors, having as advantage their low cost and even distribution across the globe. Unfortunately, they are intrinsically inhomogeneous in nature and their efficient exploitation requires novel catalysts.
  • 622
  • 17 Dec 2021
Topic Review
Biogenic Silver Nanoparticles
Biogenic silver nanoparticles are environmentally safer compared to particles obtained by chemical or physical methods due to the absence of toxic compounds in the technological process, gentle synthesis conditions and the possibility of utilizing the biomass used in their production. Biogenic silver nanoparticles are capable of self-assembly, including that on various surfaces, and there are mechanisms for controlling their morphology and size. Approaches and methods for obtaining biogenic silver nanoparticles using various parts of plants, algae, fungi and microorganisms have been described.
  • 739
  • 17 Dec 2021
Topic Review
Marine Sponges of the Genus Callyspongia
In this entry, information about the common metabolites of the Callyspongia genus were grouped, as well as studies of the biological activity of these compounds. Through NMR data, 212 metabolites were identified from genus Callyspongia (15 species and Callyspongia sp.), belonging to classes such as polyacetylenes, terpenoids, steroids, alkaloids, polyketides, simple phenols, phenylpropanoids, nucleosides, cyclic peptides, and cyclic depsipep-tides. A total of 109 molecules have been reported with bioactive activity, mainly cytotoxic and antimicrobial (antibacterial and antifungal) action. 
  • 672
  • 16 Dec 2021
Topic Review
Spicules-Based Topical Delivery Systems
Sponge spicules have recently been utilized as scattered microneedles to disrupt the skin barrier and enhance the skin penetration of a series of therapeutics and even nanoparticles. Spicules can physically disrupt skin in a dose-dependent manner and be retained within the skin over a long time, which provides a convenient, safe, and effective skin delivery strategy.
  • 664
  • 16 Dec 2021
Topic Review
Natural and Synthetic Halogenated Amino Acids
The 3D structure and surface characteristics of proteins and peptides are crucial for interactions with receptors or ligands and can be modified to some extent to modulate their biological roles and pharmacological activities. The introduction of halogen atoms on the side-chains of amino acids is a powerful tool for effecting this type of tuning, influencing both the physico-chemical and structural properties of the modified polypeptides, helping to first dissect and then rationally modify features that affect their mode of action.
  • 855
  • 16 Dec 2021
Topic Review
Cubic Silicon Carbide
The cubic silicon carbide is the only polytype that can be grown on silicon wafers. This approach reduces the cost as no SiC substrate is used and only the silicon carbide layer thickness required for the specific application is grown on a cheaper Si substrate. This technology also offers the potential for faster scale-up with wafer size compared with the development of larger diameter hexagonal SiC wafers. In principle, with a large reactor, a 300 mm Si wafer can be obtained using the present process.
  • 783
  • 15 Dec 2021
Topic Review
RNA-Based Nano-Theranostic Approaches for Cancer Management
In the fight against cancer, early diagnosis is critical for effective treatment. Traditional cancer diagnostic technologies, on the other hand, have limitations that make early detection difficult. Therefore, multi-functionalized nanoparticles (NPs) and nano-biosensors have revolutionized the era of cancer diagnosis and treatment for targeted action via attaching specified and biocompatible ligands to target the tissues, which are highly over-expressed in certain types of cancers. Advancements in multi-functionalized NPs can be achieved via modifying molecular genetics to develop personalized and targeted treatments based on RNA interference. Modification in RNA therapies utilized small RNA subunits in the form of small interfering RNAs (siRNA) for overexpressing the specific genes of, most commonly, breast, colon, gastric, cervical, and hepatocellular cancer.
  • 628
  • 15 Dec 2021
Topic Review
Metal-Nitrosophenolato Complexes
Metal-nitrosophenolato complexes consist of a metal ion (most commonly copper(II)) flanked by typically two or more 2-nitrosophenolate ligands. The syntheses of them demonstrate a privileged introduction of a nitroso (and a hydroxyl via the Baudisch reaction) group to an aromatic ring. These complexes first appeared in the literature as early as 1939, and a range of applications has subsequently been published. However, optimisations of the preparative sequences were not considered, and as such, the reactions have seldom been utilised in recent years; indeed, there remains confusion in the literature as to how such complexes form.
  • 762
  • 15 Dec 2021
Topic Review
Glycol Chitosan for Cell Imaging and Drug Delivery
Glycol chitosan (GC), a water-soluble chitosan derivative with hydrophilic ethylene glycol branches, has both hydrophobic segments for the encapsulation of various drugs and reactive functional groups for facile chemical modifications.
  • 561
  • 15 Dec 2021
Topic Review
Biomanufacturing of Cell-Derived Matrices
Cell-derived matrices (CDM) are the decellularised extracellular matrices (ECM) of tissues obtained by the laboratory culture process. CDM is developed to mimic, to a certain extent, the properties of the needed natural tissue and thus to obviate the use of animals. The composition of CDM can be tailored for intended applications by carefully optimising the cell sources, culturing conditions and decellularising methods.
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  • 15 Dec 2021
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