Topic Review
Hydrogel-Based Flexible Supercapacitors for Wearable Applications
Hydrogels are often known as three-dimensional networks of polymer chains capable of holding a large quantity of water while also being water insoluble. Research into “hydrogels” is currently a growing topic of scientific interest due to their diverse applications and eco-friendly properties.
  • 446
  • 28 Apr 2023
Topic Review
Hydrogel in Bone/Cartilage Regeneration
Hydrogel is a polymer matrix containing a large amount of water. It is similar to extracellular matrix components. It comes into contact with blood, body fluids, and human tissues without affecting the metabolism of organisms. It can be applied to bone and cartilage tissues. 
  • 578
  • 16 Mar 2021
Topic Review
Hydrogel Adhesives for Gastrointestinal Perforation
The gastrointestinal tract (GI) contains all the major organs of the digestive system, including the esophagus, stomach, small intestine (duodenum, jejunum, and ileum), and large intestine (cecum, colon, and rectum). It is essential for the transportation, digestion, and absorption of food. Hydrogel adhesives are emerging as an attractive alternative to sutures and staples for treating internal tissue wounds including wounds present in the GI tract. Hydrogels are three-dimensional, hydrophilic, crosslinked polymer networks that absorb and retain large amounts of water to maintain a gel-like swollen state.
  • 549
  • 13 Apr 2023
Topic Review
Hydrodynamics on Microbial Adhesion and Biofilm Formation
Studying microbial adhesion and biofilm growth is crucial for understanding the physiology of sessile organisms and forming the basis for the development of novel antimicrobial materials. Fluid hydrodynamics is one of the most important factors affecting cell adhesion, as well as biofilm structure and behavior. Therefore, to simulate the relevant biofilms of different fields (environment, industry, and medicine) in the laboratory, it is of utmost importance to select an adequate biofilm platform and be able to operate it at hydrodynamic conditions that are as close as possible to those encountered in a real scenario.
  • 536
  • 21 Oct 2021
Topic Review
Hydrodynamically Closed Capillary Electrophoresis
Several research disciplines require fast, reliable and highly automated determination of pharmaceutically active compounds and their enantiomers in complex biological matrices. To address some of the challenges of Capillary Electrophoresis (CE), such as low concentration sensitivity and performance degradation linked to the adsorption and interference of matrix components, CE in a hydrodynamically closed system was evaluated using the model compounds Pindolol and Propranolol. Some established validation parameters such as repeatability of injection, efficiency, resolution and sensitivity were used to assess its performance, and it was found to be broadly identical to that of hydrodynamically opened systems. While some reduction in separation efficiency was observed, this was mainly due to dispersion caused by injection and it had no impact on the ability to resolve enantiomers of model compounds even when spiked into complex biological matrix such as blood serum. An approximately 18- to 23-fold increase in concentration sensitivity due to the employment of wide bore capillaries was observed. This brings the sensitivity of CE to a level similar to that of liquid chromatography techniques. In addition to this benefit and unlike in hydrodynamically opened systems, suppression of electroosmotic flow, which is essential for hydrodynamically closed systems practically eliminates the matrix effects that are linked to protein adsorption.
  • 734
  • 29 Sep 2020
Topic Review
Hydrochar for Potential Wastewater Treatment Applications
In today’s world, due to population increase, there are many alarming and potential catastrophic problems like climate change, environmental pollution and an enormous mass of wastes constantly produced by humankind to find innovative solutions for the management, recycling, and valorization of biowaste from agricultural production, food processing, and organic household residues. The search for sustainable and efficient wastewater treatment technologies has gained scientific interest; particular focus is on using biowaste to produce hydrochars (HCs) via the hydrothermal carbonization (HTC) process used as adsorbent materials for dye, heavy metal, and emerging pollutant removal. HTC materials derived from renewable resources are an environmentally friendly and adequate way to adsorb pollutants such as organic and inorganic molecules from wastewaters. 
  • 912
  • 10 Aug 2022
Topic Review
Hydraulic Powered Soft Actuators
Soft actuators have received extensive attention in robotics and smart device applications due to their distinctive dexterity and compliance. Among them, hydraulic soft actuators play an important role in the area because they have much higher specific power and power density than other types such as pneumatic soft actuators. Nevertheless, the deformation of flexible materials in soft actuators brings about inherent hysteresis and nonlinearity, which severely hinders them from producing the desired movement in the presence of advanced control strategies. 
  • 888
  • 21 Dec 2022
Topic Review
Hydraulic Actuators
Hydraulic actuators are elements converting the energy of the working fluid into mechanical energy related to the reciprocating motion. The most frequently applied materials used in power hydraulics are described, and various surface modifications of the discussed elements, which are aimed at improving the operating parameters of actuators, are presented. The most frequently used materials for actuators elements are iron alloys. However, due to rising ecological requirements, there is a tendency to looking for modern replacements to obtain the same or even better mechanical or tribological parameters. Sealing systems are manufactured mainly from thermoplastic or elastomeric polymers, which are characterized by low friction and ensure the best possible interaction of seals with the cooperating element. In the field of surface modification, among others, the issue of chromium plating of piston rods has been discussed, which, due, to the toxicity of hexavalent chromium, should be replaced by other methods of improving surface properties.
  • 11.3K
  • 23 Mar 2021
Topic Review
Hybrid Sol-Gel Materials
Microorganism-cell-based biohybrid materials have attracted considerable attention over the last several decades. They are applied in a broad spectrum of areas, such as nanotechnologies, environmental biotechnology, biomedicine, synthetic chemistry, and bioelectronics. Sol-gel technology allows to obtain a wide range of high-purity materials from nanopowders to thin-film coatings with high efficiency and low cost, which makes it one of the preferred techniques for creating organic-inorganic matrices for biocomponent immobilization.
  • 1.0K
  • 06 Apr 2022
Topic Review
Hybrid Reinforced Polymer Matrix Composites
The use of composite materials has seen many new innovations for a large variety of applications. The area of reinforcement in composites is also rapidly evolving with many new discoveries, including the use of hybrid fibers, sustainable materials, and nanocellulose.
  • 819
  • 22 Feb 2023
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