Topic Review
MoS2 Based Photodetectors
The properties of molybdenum disulfide (MoS2), such as direct band gap transition in low dimensional structures, strong light–matter interaction and good carrier mobility, combined with the possibility of fabricating thin MoS2 films, have attracted interest for this material in the field of optoelectronics. 
  • 791
  • 27 May 2021
Topic Review
MOS Sensors for Detecting Chemical Warfare Agents
On-site detection of chemical warfare agents (CWAs) can be performed by various analytical techniques. Devices using well-established techniques such as ion mobility spectrometry, flame photometry, infrared and Raman spectroscopy or mass spectrometry (usually combined with gas chromatography) are quite complex and expensive to purchase and operate. For this reason, other solutions based on analytical techniques well suited to portable devices are still being sought. Analyzers based on simple semiconductor sensors may be a potential alternative. In sensors of this type, the conductivity of the semiconductor layer changes upon interaction with the analyte. Metal oxides (both in the form of polycrystalline powders and various nanostructures), organic semiconductors, carbon nanostructures, silicon and various composites that are a combination of these materials are used as a semiconductor material. Due to the fact that the dominant group of semiconductor resistive sensors is metal oxide semiconductors (MOS sensors), it will be the focus herein.
  • 630
  • 03 Apr 2023
Topic Review
MOS Gas Sensor for Lung Cancer Diagnosis
Lung cancer is the most prevalent severe illness in both sexes and all ages and the leading cause of cancer-related deaths globally. Late-stage diagnosis is the primary cause of its high mortality rate. Therefore, the management of lung cancer needs early-stage screening. Breath analysis is a non-invasive, low-cost, and user-friendly approach to diagnosing lung cancer. Among the various types of breath sensors, metal oxide semiconductor (MOS) gas sensors are preferred due to their high gas responses, fast response times, robustness, and lower price.
  • 528
  • 06 May 2023
Topic Review
Morphological Characterization of Capsules
Encapsulation is a process in which a micron-sized particle of the main substance is coated and surrounded by a wall/carrier material that insulates and protects the contents from the external environment. The resulting encapsulation product is called a capsule or encapsulate.
  • 494
  • 18 May 2023
Topic Review
Morella and Myrica Phytochemicals
Myrica and Morella (Myricaceae) are taxonomically close genera, which include species of trees or shrubs with edible fruits that exhibit relevant uses in traditional medicine. A wide array of compounds isolated from different parts of Myrica and/or Morella species possess several biological activities, like anticancer, antidiabetic, anti-obesity, and cardio-/neuro-/hepatoprotective activities, both in vitro and in vivo, with myricanol, myricitrin, quercitrin, and betulin being the most promising. There are still many other compounds isolated from both genera whose biological activities have not been evaluated, which represents an excellent opportunity to discover new applications for those compounds and valorize Morella/Myrica species.
  • 752
  • 07 Feb 2021
Topic Review
Monounsaturated Fat
In biochemistry and nutrition, monounsaturated fatty acids (abbreviated MUFAs, or more plainly monounsaturated fats) are fatty acids that have one double bond in the fatty acid chain with all of the remainder carbon atoms being single-bonded. By contrast, polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFAs) have more than one double bond.
  • 1.8K
  • 30 Oct 2022
Topic Review
Monoterpenes as Anticancer Therapeutic Agents
Terpenes—a diverse group of secondary metabolites—constitute the largest class of natural products abundant in almost every plant species.
  • 1.1K
  • 17 May 2021
Topic Review
Monoclonal Antibodies Production Processes
Monoclonal Abs detect only one epitope, because they are produced from a family of genetically stable cells (cloned hybridoma); consequently, they have high specificity to the Ag than the polyclonal Abs that are less specific, because they are produced by different cell clones.
  • 656
  • 27 Mar 2021
Topic Review
Monochromatic X-rays
Monochromatic X-ray has a single energy level in contrast to white X-rays used in conventional radiation therapy. Irradiation of high Z elements such as gadolinium, gold and silver with a monochromatic X-ray can result in photoelectric effects that includes the release of the Auger electrons that have strong cell killing effect. To apply this principle to cancer therapy, various nanoparticles loaded with high Z elements have been developed that enabled high Z elements to be delivered to tumor. The recent addition is gadolinium-loaded mesoporous silica nanoparticle (Gd-MSN). Tumor spheroids have been used as a convenient tumor model to demonstrate that monochromatic X-rays with energy level at or higher than the K-edge energy of gadolinium can destruct tumor mass that has Gd-MSN distributed throughout tumor spheroids.
  • 9.2K
  • 22 Jul 2020
Topic Review
Mono and Hybrid Nanofluids' Preparation, Characterization and Stability
Nanofluids are colloidal mixtures of nanosized particles (10–100 nm) suspended in base fluids. They possess good physical or chemical properties and thermal or rheological properties. Hybrid nanofluids are suspensions of a mixture of dissimilar nanoparticles or nanocomposites infused in the conventional base fluid, which yield better thermal conductivity and heat transfer characteristics due to hybridization.
  • 619
  • 04 May 2023
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