Topic Review
Polyphenols in Dental Applications
Polyphenols are a broad class of molecules extracted from plants and have a large repertoire of biological activities. Biomimetic inspiration from the effects of tea or red wine on the surface of cups or glass lead to the emergence of versatile surface chemistry with polyphenols. Owing to their hydrogen bonding abilities, coordination chemistry with metallic cations and redox properties, polyphenols are able to interact, covalently or not, with a large repertoire of chemical moieties, and can hence be used to modify the surface chemistry of almost all classes of materials.
  • 521
  • 29 Mar 2022
Topic Review
Polyphenols and Visual Health
Dietary polyphenols are a group of natural compounds that have been proposed to have beneficial effects on human health. They were first known for their antioxidant properties, but several studies over the years have shown that these compounds can exert protective effects against chronic diseases. Nonetheless, the mechanisms underlying these potential benefits are still uncertain and contradictory effects have been reported. The effect of these compounds on visual health, and particularly on retinal degenerative diseases, is a matter of renewed interest and recent studies show promising results for the use of these compounds to improve visual function.
  • 554
  • 11 Jun 2021
Topic Review
Polyphenols Analysis in Plants Matrices
Phenolic compounds are plants’ bioactive metabolites that have been studied for their ability to confer extensive benefits to human health. As currently there is an increased interest in natural compounds identification and characterization, new analytical methods based on advanced technologies have been developed. 
  • 749
  • 27 May 2021
Topic Review
Polyphenols against Skin Aging
Polyphenols représente a superfamily of diverse naturally occurring phytochemicals, which exert a particularly potent antioxidant activity, thereby contributing to delay skin aging.
  • 3.1K
  • 19 Nov 2020
Topic Review
Polyphenols against Adverse Effects of Antitumor Therapies
Polyphenolic compounds, encompassing flavonoids (e.g., quercetin, rutin, and cyanidin) and non-flavonoids (e.g., gallic acid, resveratrol, and curcumin), show several health-related beneficial effects, which include antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, hepatoprotective, antiviral, and anticarcinogenic properties, as well as the prevention of coronary heart diseases. Polyphenols have also been investigated for their counteraction against the adverse effects of common anticancer chemotherapeutics.
  • 199
  • 04 Feb 2024
Topic Review
Polyphenolic-Loaded Nanocarriers for Inflammation-Mediated Diseases
The global increase and prevalence of inflammatory-mediated diseases have been a great menace to human welfare. Several works have demonstrated the anti-inflammatory potentials of natural polyphenolic compounds, including flavonoid derivatives (EGCG, rutin, apigenin, naringenin) and phenolic acids (GA, CA, etc.), among others (resveratrol, curcumin, etc.). In order to improve the stability and bioavailability of these natural polyphenolic compounds, their recent loading applications in both organic (liposomes, micelles, dendrimers, etc.) and inorganic (mesoporous silica, heavy metals, etc.) nanocarrier technologies are being employed. 
  • 391
  • 27 Apr 2023
Topic Review
Polyphenol Analysis
The analysis of polyphenols can be approached from two main perspectives: by liquid chromatography, which provides the polyphenolic profile, but also allows the quantification of target individual polyphenols, or by spectrophotometric or electrochemical assays, which provide an estimation of the total polyphenol content or the antioxidant capacity.
  • 2.0K
  • 11 Feb 2022
Topic Review
Polypeptides for Anticancer Drug Delivery
Even though polypeptide drug delivery systems have already achieved good results in preclinical studies, there is still a significant lack of clinical trials using these systems. Obviously, there is a large gap between preclinical studies and their translation to the clinic. The lack of consistency in reporting preclinical studies using drug delivery systems has prevented a systematic assessment of these studies. For the effective application of nanotechnology in the clinical environment, researchers should be able to compare new data with previously published results in a reliable and meaningful way. This requires a standard of specific information that needs to be reported, including material characterization, biological characterization, and so on, so that quantitative comparisons, meta-analyses and in silico modeling can be conducted and facilitated.
  • 382
  • 12 May 2022
Topic Review
Polyoxometalates as Electrocatalysts
Polyoxometalates (POMs) are polyatomic ions with closed 3D frameworks and unique structure containing a large number of redox active sites that make them promising electrocatalysts for electrochemical energy conversion and storage applications.
  • 640
  • 09 Dec 2022
Topic Review
Polymers–HA Composite
Hydroxyapatite (HA), especially in the form of HA nanoparticles (HANPs), has excellent bioactivity, biodegradability, and osteoconductivity and therefore has been widely used as a template or additives for drug delivery in clinical applications, such as dentistry and orthopedic repair. Due to the atomically anisotropic distribution on the preferred growth of HA crystals, especially the nanoscale rod-/whisker-like morphology, HA can generally be a good candidate for carrying a variety of substances. HA is biocompatible and suitable for medical applications, but most drugs carried by HANPs have an initial burst release. In the adsorption mechanism of HA as a carrier, specific surface area, pore size, and porosity are important factors that mainly affect the adsorption and release amounts.
  • 573
  • 09 Mar 2022
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