Topic Review
Synthesis of Functional Geopolymeric Hybrid Materials
New synthetic hybrid materials, with an inorganic and organic nature, have been developed to promote their application as protective coatings and/or structural consolidants for several substrates in the construction industry and cultural heritage field. In this background, the scientific community paid attention to geopolymers and their new hybrid functional derivatives to design and develop innovative and sustainable composites with better chemical resistance, durability and mechanical characteristics. 
  • 735
  • 14 Mar 2022
Topic Review
Albumin Nanostructures in Cancer
Albumin is a versatile protein being used widely for developing carriers for drugs and nucleic acids. It provides biocompatibility, tumor specificity, the possibility for surface modification, and reduces toxicity. 
  • 735
  • 23 Jul 2021
Topic Review
Electrolysis of BO2 into BH4
The recycling of sodium borohydride poses a huge challenge to the drive towards a hydrogen economy. Mechano-chemical, thermo-chemical and electrochemical are the only reported methods of recycling sodium metaborate into sodium borohydride. Much attention have been devoted towards the mechano-chemical and thermo-chemical methods of reduction, little focus is devoted to electrochemical methods. This research describes the electrochemical behaviour of borohydride (BH4ˉ) and metaborate (BO2ˉ) anion in alkaline solutions. The electrochemical characteristics of BH4ˉ is controlled by the alkaline concentration, the concentration of the BH4ˉ and the type of electrode material. The attempts to electro-reduce the BO2ˉ into BH4ˉ is reviewed and the challenges, suggestions and future outlook of electro-reduction to recycle the BO2ˉ into BH4ˉ is highlighted.
  • 735
  • 16 Jan 2023
Topic Review
X-ray Photoelectron Spectroscopy
X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS) is a qualitative and quantitative chemical analysis technique. It is surface-sensitive due to its limited sampling depth, which confines the analysis only to the outer few top-layers of the material surface. This enables researchers to understand the surface composition of the sample and how the chemistry influences its interaction with the environment. 
  • 734
  • 02 Jul 2022
Topic Review
Mathematical models predict corrosion inhibition
The use of corrosion inhibitors is an important method to retard the process of metallic attack by corrosion. The construction of mathematical models from theoretical-computational and experimental data obtained for different molecules is one of the most attractive alternatives in the analysis of corrosion prevention, whose objective is to define those molecular characteristics that are common in high-performance corrosion inhibitors.
  • 734
  • 11 Mar 2021
Topic Review
Recovery of Bioactive from Food Waste
Biowastes, especially food wastes, contain bioactive compounds that are suitable for producing functional foods, supplements, and nutricosmetics. Vegetables and fruits have primary metabolites (e.g., amino acids, lipids, dietary fibers, cellulose, hemicellulose, lignin, and fatty acids), and secondary metabolites (e.g., flavonoids, phenols, alkaloids, glucosinolates, carotenoids, and terpenes). The extraction of bioactive compounds from biowastes depends on the source, functionality, chemical properties, and end-use. Various temperatures, pH values, electromagnetic waves, and extraction techniques are used (e.g., supercritical fluid, subcritical water, ultrasonic wave, microwave, and pulsed electric field).
  • 734
  • 29 Mar 2022
Topic Review
Multivariate Analysis
Multivariate analysis (MA) is becoming a fundamental tool for processing in an efficient way the large amount of data collected in X-ray diffraction experiments. Multi-wedge data collections can increase the data quality in case of tiny protein crystals; in situ or operando setups allow investi-gating changes on powder samples occurring during repeated fast measurements; pump and probe experiments at X-ray free-electron laser (XFEL) sources supply structural characterization of fast photo-excitation processes. In all these cases, MA can facilitate the extraction of relevant in-formation hidden in data, disclosing the possibility of automatic data processing even in absence of a priori structural knowledge.
  • 734
  • 12 Jan 2021
Topic Review
Applications of Bioplastics and Reinforced Bioplastics
The introduction of bioplastics has been an evolution for plastic industry since conventional plastics have been claimed to cause several environmental issues. Apart from its biodegradability, one of the advantages can be identified of using bioplastic is that they are produced by renewal resources as the raw materials for synthesis. Nevertheless, bioplastics can be classified into two types, which are biodegradable and non-biodegradable, depending on the type of plastic that is produced. Although some of the bioplastics are non-biodegradable, the usage of biomass in synthesising the bioplastics helps in preserving non-renewable resources, which are petrochemical, in producing conventional plastics. However, the mechanical strength of bioplastic still has room for improvement as compared to conventional plastics, which is believed to limit its application. Ideally, bioplastics need to be reinforced for improving their performance and properties to serve their application. Synthetic reinforcement has been used to reinforce conventional plastic to achieve its desire properties to serve its application, such as glass fiber.
  • 734
  • 05 Jun 2023
Topic Review
Proteins from Industrial Biowastes
A great amount of biowastes, comprising byproducts and biomass wastes, is originated yearly from the agri-food industry. These biowastes are commonly rich in proteins and polysaccharides and mainly discarded or used for animal feeding. 
  • 734
  • 20 May 2021
Topic Review
Hydrodynamically Closed Capillary Electrophoresis
Several research disciplines require fast, reliable and highly automated determination of pharmaceutically active compounds and their enantiomers in complex biological matrices. To address some of the challenges of Capillary Electrophoresis (CE), such as low concentration sensitivity and performance degradation linked to the adsorption and interference of matrix components, CE in a hydrodynamically closed system was evaluated using the model compounds Pindolol and Propranolol. Some established validation parameters such as repeatability of injection, efficiency, resolution and sensitivity were used to assess its performance, and it was found to be broadly identical to that of hydrodynamically opened systems. While some reduction in separation efficiency was observed, this was mainly due to dispersion caused by injection and it had no impact on the ability to resolve enantiomers of model compounds even when spiked into complex biological matrix such as blood serum. An approximately 18- to 23-fold increase in concentration sensitivity due to the employment of wide bore capillaries was observed. This brings the sensitivity of CE to a level similar to that of liquid chromatography techniques. In addition to this benefit and unlike in hydrodynamically opened systems, suppression of electroosmotic flow, which is essential for hydrodynamically closed systems practically eliminates the matrix effects that are linked to protein adsorption.
  • 733
  • 29 Sep 2020
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