Topic Review
Metal-Nitrosophenolato Complexes
Metal-nitrosophenolato complexes consist of a metal ion (most commonly copper(II)) flanked by typically two or more 2-nitrosophenolate ligands. The syntheses of them demonstrate a privileged introduction of a nitroso (and a hydroxyl via the Baudisch reaction) group to an aromatic ring. These complexes first appeared in the literature as early as 1939, and a range of applications has subsequently been published. However, optimisations of the preparative sequences were not considered, and as such, the reactions have seldom been utilised in recent years; indeed, there remains confusion in the literature as to how such complexes form.
  • 758
  • 15 Dec 2021
Topic Review
Chitosan in Metal Nanoparticles Synthesis
Chitosan (CS) has been widely used as a surface coating for metal nanoparticles. CS can work as a reducing agent, a shape director, or a size-controllable agent in the synthesis of metal nanoparticles. The previous studies have shown that functionalizing the surface of metal nanoparticles by CS can offer many advantages, including improving physicochemical stability, a drug carrier, controlling drug release, promoting muco-adhesiveness and tissue penetration, encouraging cell interactions, and enhancing antimicrobial effects.
  • 757
  • 19 Feb 2021
Topic Review
Reactive Oxygen Species Generated by Copper–Peptide Complexes
Reactive oxygen species (ROS) are involved in many biological and medical processes, ranging from neurodegenerative disorders and cancer to bacterial and viral diseases, and sometimes are of major commercial interest. They are important regulators of and secondary messengers in several cell-signaling pathways, including the reactive oxygen species-mediated death of different cells.
  • 757
  • 25 Mar 2022
Topic Review
Bimetallic Nanomaterials
Bimetallic nanomaterials (BMNs) are one kind of innovative nanomaterials, referring to nano-bimetallic alloy, intermetallic compounds, or the combination of two kinds of metallic nanoparticles. Compared with monometallic nanomaterials, BMNs perform similar or even better physical and chemical properties in the medical field. BMNs possess excellent physical and chemical properties, such as easy surface modification, superior photothermal properties, multiple catalytic properties, delicate sensitivity, and good stability. Synthesis methods of bimetallic nanomaterials. The preparation methods of BMNs commonly used for cancer therapy, such as co-reduction method, hydrothermal method, seed-mediated growth method, and electrodeposition method.
  • 756
  • 21 Dec 2022
Topic Review Peer Reviewed
Homogenization Methods of Lattice Materials
The existing methods for analyzing the behaviors of lattice materials require high computational power. The homogenization method is the alternative way to overcome this issue. Homogenization is an analysis to understand the behavior of an area of lattice material from a small portion for rapid analysis and precise approximation. This paper provides a summary of some representative methodologies in homogenization.
  • 756
  • 06 Jun 2022
Topic Review
Polyphenols Analysis in Plants Matrices
Phenolic compounds are plants’ bioactive metabolites that have been studied for their ability to confer extensive benefits to human health. As currently there is an increased interest in natural compounds identification and characterization, new analytical methods based on advanced technologies have been developed. 
  • 755
  • 27 May 2021
Topic Review
Dimeric/Multimeric Anticoagulant DNA Aptamers
Multivalent interactions frequently occur in biological systems and typically provide higher binding affinity and selectivity in target recognition than when only monovalent interactions are operative. Thus, taking inspiration by nature, bivalent or multivalent nucleic acid aptamers recognizing a specific biological target have been extensively studied in the last decades. Indeed, oligonucleotide-based aptamers are suitable building blocks for the development of highly efficient multivalent systems since they can be easily modified and assembled exploiting proper connecting linkers of different nature. Thus, substantial research efforts have been put in the construction of dimeric/multimeric versions of effective aptamers with various degrees of success in target binding affinity or therapeutic activity enhancement. Several dimeric and multimeric DNA-based aptamers, including those forming G-quadruplex (G4) structures, were designed as anti-inflammatory, antiviral, anticoagulant, and anticancer agents and their number is certainly bound to grow in the near future. In this content, we here focus on dimeric/multimeric constructs designed as anticoagulant agents.
  • 755
  • 01 Dec 2020
Topic Review
Voltage Gated Ion Channels
Safety Pharmacology is one of the most dynamically developing disciplines, whose objective is to assess the potential risks of improperly conducted pharmacotherapy. Evaluation of a potential risks in the use of a given substance is vital for placing a new medicine on the market. The Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) has issued a number of guidelines for drug safety testing [1, 2]. However, the continuous development of medicine demands the extension and refinement of the test panel that a new molecule must undergo before it can be released for use by patients. Toxic effects of compounds on the most important organs are among the most frequent reasons of elimination of substances from further tests. Additionally, safety tests are also performed for medicines already approved for use. Such trials are required, e.g., to register new indications for "old" drugs.  The above mentioned activities require a suitable identifications of the antitargets which are commonly defined as undesirable molecular targets that play an essential role in the proper functioning of cells. Down modulation of an antitarget results in clinically unacceptable side effects, initiation of disease, or deleterious alterations in disease progression. This results in shorter onset time of the disease, increased disease burden, poorer patient outcome, or decreased survival time.
  • 754
  • 27 Jan 2021
Topic Review
Self-Healing Polymer, Metal, and Ceramic Matrix Composites
Composites can be divided into three groups based on their matrix materials, namely polymer, metal and ceramic. Composite materials fail due to micro cracks. Repairing is complex and almost impossible if cracks appear on the surface and interior, which minimizes reliability and material life. In order to save the material from failure and prolong its lifetime without compromising mechanical properties, self-healing is one of the emerging and best techniques. 
  • 754
  • 07 Dec 2022
Topic Review
Electrospun Nanofibers for Skin Tissue Engineering
Surface modification of electrospun products has been an attractive method for increasing multifunctionality and biocompatibility properties. 
  • 754
  • 29 Mar 2022
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