Topic Review
Non-Titania Based Semiconductor Hetero-Nanoarchitectures
Plasmonic photocatalysts combining metallic nanoparticles and semiconductors have been aimed as versatile alternatives to drive light-assisted catalytic chemical reactions beyond the ultraviolet (UV) regions, and overcome one of the major drawbacks of the most exploited photocatalysts (TiO2 or ZnO). The strong size and morphology dependence of metallic nanostructures to tune their visible to near-infrared (vis-NIR) light harvesting capabilities has been combined with the design of a wide variety of architectures for the semiconductor supports to promote the selective activity of specific crystallographic facets. The search for efficient heterojunctions has been subjected to numerous studies, especially those involving gold nanostructures and titania semiconductors. In the present review, we paid special attention to the most recent advances in the design of gold-semiconductor hetero-nanostructures including emerging metal oxides such as cerium oxide or copper oxide (CeO2 or Cu2O) or metal chalcogenides such as copper sulfide or cadmium sulfides (CuS or CdS). These alternative hybrid materials were thoroughly built in past years to target research fields of strong impact, such as solar energy conversion, water splitting, environmental chemistry, or nanomedicine.
  • 737
  • 15 Apr 2021
Topic Review
Multivariate Analysis
Multivariate analysis (MA) is becoming a fundamental tool for processing in an efficient way the large amount of data collected in X-ray diffraction experiments. Multi-wedge data collections can increase the data quality in case of tiny protein crystals; in situ or operando setups allow investi-gating changes on powder samples occurring during repeated fast measurements; pump and probe experiments at X-ray free-electron laser (XFEL) sources supply structural characterization of fast photo-excitation processes. In all these cases, MA can facilitate the extraction of relevant in-formation hidden in data, disclosing the possibility of automatic data processing even in absence of a priori structural knowledge.
  • 737
  • 12 Jan 2021
Topic Review
X-ray Photoelectron Spectroscopy
X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS) is a qualitative and quantitative chemical analysis technique. It is surface-sensitive due to its limited sampling depth, which confines the analysis only to the outer few top-layers of the material surface. This enables researchers to understand the surface composition of the sample and how the chemistry influences its interaction with the environment. 
  • 737
  • 02 Jul 2022
Topic Review
Characterization of Electrospun Scaffold Morphology
Electrospun scaffolds are an important focus of regenerative tissue engineering due to their extremely thin fibers with large surface areas, superior mechanical properties, and ease of processing. Studies to design, fabricate and characterize fibrous scaffolds have been manifold. The characterization of morphology is essential to the main purpose of such scaffolds: to aid in cell proliferation. 
  • 735
  • 23 Feb 2022
Topic Review
Recovery of Bioactive from Food Waste
Biowastes, especially food wastes, contain bioactive compounds that are suitable for producing functional foods, supplements, and nutricosmetics. Vegetables and fruits have primary metabolites (e.g., amino acids, lipids, dietary fibers, cellulose, hemicellulose, lignin, and fatty acids), and secondary metabolites (e.g., flavonoids, phenols, alkaloids, glucosinolates, carotenoids, and terpenes). The extraction of bioactive compounds from biowastes depends on the source, functionality, chemical properties, and end-use. Various temperatures, pH values, electromagnetic waves, and extraction techniques are used (e.g., supercritical fluid, subcritical water, ultrasonic wave, microwave, and pulsed electric field).
  • 735
  • 29 Mar 2022
Topic Review
Mechanochemistry in Portugal
In Portugal, publications with mechanochemical methods date back to 2009, with the report on mechanochemical strategies for the synthesis of metallopharmaceuticals. Since then, mechanochemical applications have grown in Portugal, spanning several fields, mainly crystal engineering and supramolecular chemistry, catalysis, and organic and inorganic chemistry.
  • 734
  • 24 Jan 2022
Topic Review
Biochar and Cementitious Composites
Cementitious materials are one of the most used infrastructure materials worldwide due to their low cost, well-developed production methods, and well adaptability to varying environmental conditions. Cementitious composites are mainly divided into three groups, i.e., concrete, mortar and paste. Being quasi brittle, they are prone to cracking, which greatly compromises their strength and durability. Due significance has been given to mitigate the brittle behavior of cementitious composites in the past: Various studies are available, intended at improving the tensile strain capacity of the cementitious materials. Apart from conventional steel reinforcement, inclusion of fibers has remained the focus of many studies.
  • 734
  • 21 Jun 2021
Topic Review
MSNs for Cancer Treatment
Cancer treatment and therapy has made significant leaps and bounds in these past decades. However, there are still cases where surgical removal is impossible, metastases are challenging and chemotherapy and radiotherapy pose severe side effects. Therefore, the need to find more effective and specific treatments still exists. One of the ways is through the utilization of drug delivery agents (DDA) based on nanomaterials. In 2001, mesoporous silica nanoparticles (MSNs) were first used as DDA and have gained considerable attention in this field. The popularity of MSNs is due to their unique properties such as tunable particle and pore size, high surface area and pore volume, easy functionalization and surface modification, high stability and their capability to efficiently entrap cargo molecules. This review describes the latest advancement of MSNs as DDA for cancer treatment. We focus on the fabrication of MSNs, the challenges in DDA development and how MSNs address the problems through development of smart DDA using MSNs. Besides that, MSNs have also been applied as a multifunctional DDA where they can serve in both diagnostic and treatment of cancer. Overall, we argue MSNs provide a bright future for both the diagnosis and treatment of cancer. 
  • 734
  • 22 Sep 2021
Topic Review
Strategies for the Preparation of Phosphorus Janus Dendrimers
Dendrimers, being highly branched monodispersed macromolecules, predominantly exhibit identical terminal functionalities within their structural framework. Nonetheless, there are instances where the presence of two distinct surface functionalities becomes advantageous for the fulfilment of specific properties. To achieve this objective, one approach involves implementing Janus dendrimers, consisting of two dendrimeric wedges terminated by dissimilar functionalities.
  • 734
  • 21 Aug 2023
Topic Review
Biomass Wastes
Biomass wastes are abundant around us. They are renewable and inexpensive. Product manufacturing from renewable resources has caught increasing interest recently. Activated carbon preparation from biomass resources, including various trees, leaves, plant roots, fruit peels, and grasses, is a good example. In this paper, an overview of activated carbon production from biomass resources will be given. 
  • 733
  • 13 May 2021
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