Topic Review
Toxic Effects of Poly-Fluoroalkyl Substances in Organisms
More than 7000 synthetic compounds known as per- and poly-fluoroalkyl substances (PFAS) are applied to food packaging and other materials to provide fat, fire, and/or water resistance properties. These compounds have exceptional environmental stability and persistence due to the strong C-F chemical bond, earning them the moniker “forever chemicals”. Emission of PFAS from industrial waste leads to water, air, and soil contamination. Due to this ubiquitous nature, combined with the fact that PFAS in humans are known to have carcinogenic and reprotoxic effects and to cause vaccine resistance and depression of the immunity system, PFAS may constitute a major threat to human health. For this reason, the attention of the scientific community and of control bodies is increasing and as a consequence legislation and the scientific literature on PFAS are constantly evolving.
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  • 19 Jun 2023
Topic Review
Digital Therapeutics (DTx) for Egocentric and Allocentric Neglect
Neglect is a clinical feature observed in cases of brain injury, particularly those affecting the right hemisphere, in which individuals have difficulty recognizing the contralesional side of space. Various therapeutic approaches have been developed for neglect. Many studies have demonstrated the effect of digital therapeutics (DTx) on neglect. Digital therapeutics (DTx) is a newly emerging concept of therapeutic approach in the healthcare system. It is a subdivision of digital health, which is defined as a healthcare system driven by any form of digital technology. The components of digital therapeutics include smartphones, personal digital assistants, virtual reality (VR), and tablet computers that converge with software algorithms. DTx can help reduce healthcare costs and improve availability to patients. However, few studies have reported the effects of DTx on egocentric and allocentric neglect. The differentiation of types of neglect and separate interventions is crucial in the rehabilitation process.
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  • 08 Aug 2023
Topic Review
Prevention of Alzheimer’s Disease in Daily Life
The ageing of the population is resulting in neurodegenerative diseases, including Alzheimer’s disease (AD), which are an increasing social, economic and medical problem. Diet and physical activity are now considered as important modifiable factors that help prevent or delay the development of AD and other dementia-related diseases. The pyramid of healthy nutrition and lifestyle is a way of presenting the principles, the implementation of which gives a chance for proper development and a long healthy life.
  • 410
  • 16 May 2022
Topic Review
Recreational Nitrous Oxide Use
Nitrous oxide (N2O) is a dissociative anaesthetic that is sometimes used recreationally. The prevalence of N2O use is difficult to quantify but appears to be increasing. Research on N2O harms and application of harm reduction strategies are limited. The disparate body of research on recreational nitrous oxide use to inform harm reduction approaches tailored for young people was collated and synthesised. 
  • 409
  • 28 Sep 2022
Topic Review
The Exposome Approach in Allergies and Lung Diseases
Emerging research suggests environmental exposures before conception may adversely affect allergies and lung diseases in future generations. Most studies are limited as they have focused on single exposures, not considering that these diseases have a multifactorial origin in which environmental and lifestyle factors are likely to interact. Traditional exposure assessment methods fail to capture the interactions among environmental exposures and their impact on fundamental biological processes, as well as individual and temporal factors. A valid estimation of exposure preconception is difficult since the human reproductive cycle spans decades and the access to germ cells is limited. The exposome is defined as the cumulative measure of external exposures on an organism (external exposome), and the associated biological responses (endogenous exposome) throughout the lifespan, from conception and onwards. An exposome approach implies a targeted or agnostic analysis of the concurrent and temporal multiple exposures, and may, together with recent technological advances, improve the assessment of the environmental contributors to health and disease. This review describes the current knowledge on preconception environmental exposures as related to respiratory health outcomes in offspring. We discuss the usefulness and feasibility of using an exposome approach in this research, advocating for the preconception exposure window to become included in the exposome concept.
  • 409
  • 17 Dec 2021
Topic Review
Telepractice Training in Clinical Education
With an increasing demand for telepractice services, the need for telepractice education is more important than ever. In addition to learning how to deliver these services, certain clinical and technological skills learned through telepractice apply more broadly to in-person care. Evaluating students’ abilities to master these skills is necessary to ensure clinical skill competence.
  • 409
  • 15 Jun 2022
Topic Review
Intricate Web of Fatigue in Women
The modern woman has taken her rightful place in society as a worker, a caregiver, a mother, and a world citizen. However, along with the privileges of these roles comes the great cost of stress and resultant exhaustion and fatigue. Psychosocial, physical, cultural, and disease-related realms of stress act as strands of a web that serve to bind and hinder women with chronic stress.
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  • 09 Dec 2021
Topic Review
Fatty Acid-Binding Protein 4
Type 2 diabetes mellitus (T2DM) represents a common metabolic disorder that is characterized by chronic hyperglycemia. For more than half a century, the link between insulin resistance and T2DM has been well recognized. Insulin resistance is not only the most powerful predictor of future development of T2DM, but it is also a therapeutic target. On the other hand, gestational diabetes mellitus (GDM) is one of the most common metabolic disorders of pregnancy and its incidence has considerably increased by 10–100% in the last 20 years. There is ample scientific evidence to suggest a link between the fatty acid-binding protein 4 (FABP4) and insulin resistance, gestational (GDM), and type 2 (T2DM) diabetes mellitus. 
  • 409
  • 16 Aug 2023
Topic Review
Psychosis in Women
Early detection and prompt treatment of psychosis is of the utmost importance. The great variability in clinical onset, illness course, and response to pharmacological and psychosocial treatment is in great part gender-related.
  • 408
  • 07 Dec 2021
Topic Review
Security Threats for Medical Wearables
In the past few years, “smart” objects and products have given rise to significant progress in industry production and its security. Advances in digitization that have occurred in the industry, combined with internet technologies and future-oriented technologies in the field of so-called “smart” objects (machines and products), have led to a new and fundamental paradigm shift in industrial production and in their security.
  • 408
  • 14 Mar 2022
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