Topic Review
Time-Use and Mental-Health in Aged
Time-use of older adults can be different than in earlier life, especially during the transition from pre- to post-retirement or after experiencing major life events, and the changes could affect their mental health. 
  • 417
  • 18 Jun 2021
Topic Review
The Role of Insulin-like Growth Factor-1
The anterior pituitary also referred to as the adenohypophysis, originates from the oral ectoderm during embryonic development. It is enclosed by a network of blood capillaries originating from the hypothalamus, as a part of the hypophyseal portal system, responsible for transporting hormones from the hypothalamus to the anterior pituitary and from the anterior pituitary to the circulatory system. Hence, the hypophyseal portal system prevents hypothalamic hormones from entering directly into the circulation..
  • 417
  • 29 Mar 2022
Topic Review
SARS-CoV-2 Mutational Pattern in Greece
From the 2500 clinical specimens, 220 were tested positive for SARS-CoV-2 indicating a prevalence of 8.8% among suspected cases. The RT-PCR Ct (Cycle threshold) Value ranged from 19 to 25 which corresponds to medium to high copy numbers of the virus in the positive samples.
  • 417
  • 21 Jan 2022
Topic Review
Cannabis Use
Cannabis is a natural drug that humans have been consuming for over 4000 years for medicinal, industrial and ritual purposes. More than 400 chemical compounds can be found in the cannabis plant, of which at least 144 are cannabinoids. Among the cannabinoid compounds, the most important one is tetrahydrocannabinol or delta-9-tetrahydrocannabinol (THC or Δ9-THC), the main psychoactive component of cannabis. Recently, the increase in its use, both medicinal and recreational, its progressive legalization and the change in the cannabis market have caused a greater interest in the research of this drug.
  • 417
  • 28 Mar 2022
Topic Review
Military Relevance of Vaccine-Preventable Infectious Diseases
The military worldwide have always been challenged with the issue of infectious diseases, which may deeply influence the outcome of battles/wars. The military are particularly exposed to the risk of infectious diseases for a series of reasons, including the community life, often in precarious environmental conditions regarding the hygiene of water and food supply, sanitation, the traumatism with contaminated wounds, and the possibility to be exposed to extreme temperatures and to diseases unknown in their country of origin, for which no natural immunization has, therefore, been developed.
  • 416
  • 31 Aug 2022
Topic Review
Diabetes Screening in a Dental Setting
With type 2 diabetes prevalence increasing globally, and the condition associated with many acute and chronic complications, oppurtunistic screening for dysglycaemia in the dental setting has been suggested to identify asymptomatic individuals.  For screening to be effective, individuals at risk of diabetes, need to adhere to their oral health professionals’ (OHP) referral advice and attend medical follow-up for definitive diagnosis of their glycemic status. A scoping research of the literature selecting studies of diabetes screening in a dental setting that recorded compliance to referral to follow-up, and explored any barriers and facilitators to adherence, found referral compliance was low and reported barriers and facilitators to attending medical follow-ups included accessibility, cost, knowledge of the condition, and OHP characteristics.
  • 417
  • 04 Nov 2022
Topic Review
Biocidal Action of Hydrogen Peroxide Vapour and Mechanism
Disinfection is described as a process that eliminates many or all pathogenic microorganisms on inanimate objects, with the exception of bacterial endospores. Disinfection is usually carried out by chemical or physical means. Among other settings, disinfection is of utmost importance in hospital environments due to pathogens living on hospital surfaces being the direct cause for hospital-acquired infections (HAIs). However, the presence of a wide range of pathogens and biofilms, combined with the indiscriminate use of antibiotics, presents infection control teams in healthcare facilities with ongoing challenges in the selection of biocides and application methods. This necessitates the development of biocides and innovative disinfection methods that overcome the shortcomings of conventional methods. The use of hydrogen peroxide vapour to be a superior alternative to conventional methods. Hydrogen peroxide vapour to be very close to an ideal disinfectant due to its proven efficacy against a wide range of microorganisms, safety to use, lack of toxicity concerns and good material compatibility.
  • 417
  • 14 Mar 2024
Topic Review
Viral Eco-Genomic Tools for Aquatic Biomonitoring
Enteric viruses (EVs) occurrence within aquatic environments varies and leads to significant risk on public health of humans, animals, and diversity of aquatic taxa. Early and efficacious recognition of cultivable and fastidious EVs in aquatic systems are important to ensure the sanitary level of aquatic water and implement required treatment strategies. In combination with bioinformatics techniques, genetic tools including cloning sequencing analysis, DNA microarray, next-generation sequencing (NGS), and metagenomic sequencing technologies are implemented to make informed decisions about the global burden of waterborne EVs-associated diseases.
  • 416
  • 05 Sep 2022
Topic Review
Readability of Cervical Cancer Information
It is important to provide information on HPV vaccination and on early detection and early treatment for cervical cancer. Readability is a key aspect in the success of cervical cancer communication using written health information. 
  • 416
  • 28 Sep 2021
Topic Review
Low-Energy Diet in the Treatment of Psoriasis
Psoriasis is a chronic inflammatory skin disease. Immunological, genetic, and environmental factors, including diet, play a part in the pathogenesis of psoriasis. Metabolic syndrome or its components are frequent co-morbidities in persons with psoriasis. A change of eating habits can improve the quality of life of patients by relieving skin lesions and by reducing the risk of other diseases. A low-energy diet is recommended for patients with excess body weight. Persons suffering from psoriasis should limit the intake of saturated fatty acids and replace them with polyunsaturated fatty acids from the omega-3 family, which have an anti-inflammatory effect. In diet therapy for persons with psoriasis, the introduction of antioxidants such as vitamin A, vitamin C, vitamin E, carotenoids, flavonoids, and selenium is extremely important. Vitamin D supplementation is also recommended.
  • 416
  • 14 Jan 2022
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