Topic Review
Virucidal Efficacy of Laundering
Viruses contribute significantly to the burden of infectious diseases worldwide. Although there are multiple infection routes associated with viruses, it is important to break the chain of infection and thus consider all possible transmission routes. Consequently, laundering can be a means to eliminate viruses from textiles, in clinical settings well as for domestic laundry procedures. Several factors influence the survival and inactivation of microorganisms, including viruses on hard surfaces and textiles. Therefore, textiles should be regarded as potential fomites. While in clinical and industrial settings laundry hygiene is ensured by standardized processes, temperatures of at least 60 °C and the use of oxidizing agents, domestic laundry is not well defined. Thus, the parameters affecting viral mitigation must be understood and prudently applied, especially in domestic laundering. Laundering can serve as a means to break the chain of infection for viral diseases by means of temperature, time, chemistry and mechanical action.
  • 447
  • 15 Nov 2022
Topic Review
Virtual Reality and Its Influence on Brain Health
Dynamic technological development and its enormous impact on modern societies are posing new challenges for 21st-century neuroscience. A special place is occupied by technologies based on virtual reality (VR). VR tools have already played a significant role in both basic and clinical neuroscience due to their high accuracy, sensitivity and specificity and, above all, high ecological value. Being in a digital world affects the functioning of the body as a whole and its individual systems. The data obtained so far, both from experimental and modeling studies, as well as (clinical) observations, indicate their great and promising potential, but apart from the benefits, there are also losses and negative consequences for users.
  • 133
  • 01 Feb 2024
Topic Review
Virtual Forests Exposure
Numerous studies have confirmed the positive impacts of real forests in areas such as stress relief. However, not everyone can visit forests easily. Virtual technologies offer new ways of experiencing forests for people who are hindered by real-life conditions and provide researchers with a manageable mode of study. 
  • 119
  • 05 Jan 2024
Topic Review
Virtual Exercise and Training
The global internet (Internet of Things, IoT) and innovative information and communication technologies (IT/ICT) are already ubiquitous in the social and individual lives of people. Among them, a very significant role is played by Extended Reality (XR) and its classic components such as Virtual (VR), Augmented (AR) and Mixed (MR) Reality. There are many indications that these modern technologies (XR, i.e., VR/AR/MR, and 3D printing/scanning, holography, artificial intelligence and machine learning, robotics or online (VR) tele-medicine) will be the basis and determinants of the organization and functioning of contemporary and future generations.
  • 486
  • 12 Apr 2023
Topic Review
Virtual Care
Virtual care extends beyond the walls of healthcare organizations to provide care at a distance. Virtual care encompasses the provision of care using advanced video conferencing technology to support remote care that takes place between patients and providers and the use of virtual reality technology to simulate care environments. Some of virtual care’s use in healthcare includes application to pain and anxiety management, virtual consultations and follow-up visits, rehabilitation and therapy services, outpatient clinics, and emergency services.
  • 420
  • 23 Nov 2021
Topic Review
Viral Zoonotic Diseases and Male Reproduction
Zoonotic diseases occur as a result of human interactions with animals with the inadvertent transmission of pathogens from one to another. Zoonoses remain a major cause of morbidity and mortality among human populations, as they have been a source of pandemics in human history. Viral zoonoses account for a significant percentage of pathogens of zoonotic sources, posing a huge risk to men’s general health and fertility. Evidence from reviewed articles showed that viral zoonotic diseases elicit an immune reaction that induces inflammatory mediators and impairs testicular functions such as spermatogenesis and steroidogenesis, leading to abnormal semen parameters that lead to subfertility/infertility. Although most zoonotic viruses linger in semen long after recovery, their presence in semen does not directly translate to sexual transmission. 
  • 401
  • 20 Dec 2022
Topic Review
Viral Eco-Genomic Tools for Aquatic Biomonitoring
Enteric viruses (EVs) occurrence within aquatic environments varies and leads to significant risk on public health of humans, animals, and diversity of aquatic taxa. Early and efficacious recognition of cultivable and fastidious EVs in aquatic systems are important to ensure the sanitary level of aquatic water and implement required treatment strategies. In combination with bioinformatics techniques, genetic tools including cloning sequencing analysis, DNA microarray, next-generation sequencing (NGS), and metagenomic sequencing technologies are implemented to make informed decisions about the global burden of waterborne EVs-associated diseases.
  • 397
  • 05 Sep 2022
Topic Review
Violence Prevention Education in Healthcare
Violence from patients and visitors towards healthcare workers is a serious international issue affecting the safety and health of workers, quality of care, and healthcare system sustainability. The main intervention is violence prevention (VP) education for healthcare workers. Both the healthcare environment and reasons for patient violence are complex, making it challenging to evaluate VP education using traditional methods. An alternative realist evaluation approach offers the ability to understand how, why and for whom VP education is effective to prevent violence and related injuries.
  • 799
  • 27 May 2021
Topic Review
Vasopressin in Cardiovascular Diseases
The automatism of cardiac pacemaker cells, which is tuned, is regulated by the autonomic nervous system (ANS) and multiple endocrine and paracrine factors, including cardiovascular peptides. The cardiovascular peptides (CPs) form a group of essential paracrine factors affecting the function of the heart and vessels. They may also be produced in other organs and penetrate to the heart via systemic circulation. Vasopressin is synthesized mostly by the neuroendocrine cells of the hypothalamus. 
  • 583
  • 23 Nov 2022
Topic Review
Vascular Smooth Muscle Cells Model
Vascular remodeling is a prominent feature of pulmonary hypertension. This process involves increased muscularization of already muscularized vessels as well as neo-muscularization of non-muscularized vessels. The cell-of-origin of the newly formed vascular smooth muscle cells has been a subject of intense debate in recent years. Identifying these cells may have important clinical implications since it opens the door for attempts to therapeutically target the progenitor cells and/or reverse the differentiation of their progeny. 
  • 609
  • 24 Aug 2021
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