Topic Review
Wastewater Fecal Pollution Management
Global water scarcity has led to significant dependence on reclaimed or recycled water for potable uses. Effluents arising from human and animal gut microbiomes highly influence water quality. Wastewater pollution is, therefore, frequently monitored using bacterial indicators (BI).
  • 755
  • 16 Dec 2022
Topic Review
Wastewater Based Epidemiology
Wastewater-Based epidemiology (WBE) is spreading of any disease or disorder caused by the chemicals or pathogens that come from waste materials such as urine, fecal materials, medical waste  or any solid or liquid waste product. The extraction, detection, analysis, and interpretation of chemical/biological compounds (biomarkers) excreted in the sewage system can eventually contribute to WBE. So wastewater analysis could be equivalent to community-based urine and fecal analysis that can subsequently give a reflection  of community health. Under pandemic situation with time limitations and restrict access to massive diagnostic, an alternative approach as a complementary tool to investigate virus circulation in the community is essential. In the situation of limited and time-consuming diagnostic tests, monitoring sewage systems could better estimate the spread of the virus and determine whether there are potential cases because wastewater surveillance can also account for those who contract mild or asymptomatic state.
  • 800
  • 06 Sep 2021
Topic Review
Walking Needs and COVID-19
More than 150 cities around the world have expanded emergency cycling and walking infrastructure to increase their resilience in the face of the COVID 19 pandemic. This tendency toward walking has led it to becoming the predominant daily mode of transport that also contributes to significant changes in the relationships between the hierarchy of walking needs and walking behaviour. These changes need to be addressed in order to increase the resilience of walking environments in the face of such a pandemic.
  • 504
  • 26 Jul 2021
Topic Review
VR Serious Games and Negative Schizophrenia Symptoms
Schizophrenia is a chronic brain disorder that affects 1 in every 300 people worldwide. VR is an interesting tool that has started to be used in remediation therapies. Although it is typically used as an exposure technique for specific phobias, VR has been applied, with encouraging results, to the study and treatment of schizophrenia. It can offer the potential for a significant therapeutic benefit, since patients are more willing to enter challenging situations and experiment with alternative ways of responding.
  • 648
  • 19 Sep 2022
Topic Review
Volume and Surgical Outcomes in Gastric Cancer
Gastric cancer is ranked as the fifth most frequently diagnosed type of cancer. Complete resection with adequate lymphadenectomy represents the goal of treatment with curative intent. Quality assurance is a crucial factor in the evaluation of oncological surgical care, and centralization of healthcare in referral hospitals has been proposed in several countries. However, an international agreement about the setting of “high-volume hospitals” as well as “minimum volume standards” has not yet been clearly established. Despite the clear postoperative mortality benefits that have been described for gastric cancer surgery conducted by high-volume surgeons in high-volume hospitals, many authors have highlighted the limitations of a non-composite variable to define the ideal postoperative period.
  • 405
  • 05 May 2023
Topic Review
VitD3 and Autoimmune Thyroiditis
Active 1,25(OH)2 D3 is generated in immune cells via 1-α-hydroxylase, subsequently interacting with the VitD3 receptor to promote transcriptional and epigenomic responses in the same or adjacent cells. Despite considerable progress in deciphering the role of VitD3 in autoimmunity, its exact pathogenetic involvement remains to be elucidated. 
  • 352
  • 09 Dec 2022
Topic Review
Vitamin E and cardiovascular diseases
Cardiovascular diseases (CVD) cause about 1/3 of global deaths. Therefore, new strategies for the prevention and treatment of cardiovascular events are highly sought-after. Vitamin E is known for significant antioxidative and anti-inflammatory properties, and has been studied in the prevention of CVD, supported by findings that vitamin E deficiency is associated with increased risk of cardiovascular events. However, randomized controlled trials in humans reveal conflicting and ultimately disappointing results regarding the reduction of cardiovascular events with vitamin E supplementation. As we discuss in detail, this outcome is strongly affected by study design, cohort selection, co-morbidities, genetic variations, age, and gender. For effective chronic primary and secondary prevention by vitamin E, oxidative and inflammatory status might not have been sufficiently antagonized. In contrast, acute administration of vitamin E may be more translatable into positive clinical outcomes. In patients with myocardial infarction (MI), which is associated with severe oxidative and inflammatory reactions, decreased plasma levels of vitamin E have been found. The offsetting of this acute vitamin E deficiency via short-term treatment in MI has shown promising results, and, thus, acute medication, rather than chronic supplementation, with vitamin E might revitalize vitamin E therapy and even provide positive clinical outcomes.
  • 1.1K
  • 13 Oct 2020
Topic Review
Vitamin D: Cost-Effectively Overcoming Infections and Chronic Diseases
The prevalence of chronic diseases increases with age, especially in those with co-morbidities. The two most common denominators are the high prevalence of vitamin D deficiency and low concentrations of angiotensin-converting enzyme receptor-2 (ACE2). Whether vitamin D deficiency initiates or aggravates chronic diseases is unclear: the likelihood is both. Hypovitaminosis D negatively affects all body systems, especially the musculoskeletal and immune systems. Many chronic conditions and infections can be minimized using the right dose of vitamin D supplements administered at the right frequency (daily or once weekly) or direct sun exposure to one-third of the skin between 10:30 AM and 1:30 PM, in summer like sunlight, for 20 to 60 minutes depending on the skin tone. It is advisable to wear sunglasses and a brimmed hat to protect one’s eyes and face. Maintaining the population serum 25(OH)D concentration above 40 ng/mL (i.e., sufficiency) ensures a better immune system, minimizing symptomatic diseases and reducing infections and chronic diseases. The best clinical outcome and longevity are expected from maintaining the serum 25-hydroxyvitamin D concentrations between 50 and 80 ng/mL.
  • 875
  • 04 Sep 2023
Topic Review
Vitamin D—Innate and Acquired Immunity
Globally, vitamin D deficiency is a significant public health problem—a pandemic—that has overtaken iron deficiency as the most common nutritional deficiency in the world. Vitamin D deficiency is associated with many chronic diseases and increases the risk of acute and worsened chronic infections. Both vitamin D and [25(OH]D: calcifediol) and its active form, 1,25-dihydroxyvitamin D [1,25(OH)2D: calcitriol], play critical roles in protecting humans from invasive pathogens, reducing risks of autoimmunity, and maintaining better health. Conversely, low 25(OH)D status increases susceptibility to infections and developing autoimmunity. Individuals obtain optimal results by maintaining serum 25(OH)D concentrations above 50 ng/mL (125 nmol/L) (above 40 ng/mL in the population): this also minimizes community outbreaks and autoimmune disorders. In over 97.5% of people, this can be achieved through daily sun exposure (except in countries far from the equator during winter) or taking between 5,000 and 8,000 IU vitamin D supplements daily (average, ~70 to 90 IU/kg body weight). Only those with gastrointestinal malabsorption, obesity, or on medications that increase catabolism of vitamin D, and a few specific disorders require higher intake.
  • 977
  • 06 Sep 2023
Topic Review
Vitamin D-Fortified Beverages
Vitamin D is a lipophilic bioactive that plays an important role in bone health. Fortification of beverages, such as milk, fruit juices, teas, and vegetable drinks, could be an efficient strategy to prevent vitamin D deficiency and its associated effects on health. 
  • 1.5K
  • 28 Apr 2022
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