Topic Review
Hypoxia in Cardiovascular Diseases
Heart valve diseases are a major contributor to cardiovascular morbidity and mortality worldwide. They affect more than 13% of the population aged over 75 years old and occur when any type of the four heart valves (tricuspid, pulmonic, mitral, and aortic valves) is damaged. Calcific aortic valve disease (CAVD) is defined as a slowly progressing condition that ranges from mild valve aortic sclerosis to severe calcifying aortic valve stenosis. This progression manifests in approximately 2% of individuals over 65 years old annually.
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  • 20 Jul 2023
Topic Review
Reasons for Delayed Diagnosis of Pediatric Acute Appendicitis
Reasons delaying the diagnosis of pediatric appendicitis were discerned. Each cause will be discussed separately although it must be noted that there is a significant overlap between them. Time to hospital admission, duration of symptoms and hospitalization time until surgery will be discussed further as indicative measures of delayed diagnosis. Patient outcomes as conveyed by selected studies will be cited in relation to time to hospital admission so that the reader can appraise their potential importance.
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  • 16 Aug 2023
Topic Review
Avian Influenza Virus: Genomic Epidemiology
Avian influenza virus (AIV) poses a significant challenge to poultry production, with negative repercussions for both the economy and public health worldwide. Since January 2003, a total of 868 human cases of AIV H5N1 have been reported from four countries in the Western Pacific Region, as of 9 March 2023. When AIVs are circulating in poultry, there is a risk of sporadic infections and small clusters of human cases due to exposure to infected poultry or contaminated environments.
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  • 15 Jun 2023
Topic Review
Potential Mechanisms of Action of Diacutaneous Fibrolysis
Diacutaneous Fibrolysis (DF) is an instrumentally assisted manual therapy technique defined as “a specific instrumental intervention for normalizing the musculoskeletal system function after a precise diagnosis and preserving the skin’s integrity”. The aim of this technique is soft tissue mobilization with the assistance of specially designed, hook-shaped steel instruments in different musculoskeletal structures, such as the myofascia, aponeurosis, tendons, ligaments and scar tissues. 
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  • 30 Nov 2023
Topic Review
Low-Grade Inflammation and Ultra-Processed Foods Consumption
Inflammation is an immunosurveillance response essential for host defense, which serves to repair damaged tissues and eliminate toxic agents. When this response becomes chronic, it results in the presence of immune system cells for an increasing period of time. This state of low-grade inflammation can lead to dysmetabolic conditions that disrupt homeostasis, favoring the development of a wide range of noncommunicable diseases such as cancer, diabetes and cardiovascular diseases. Particular attention has been paid to the increased consumption of ultra-processed foods (UPF) worldwide. Characterized by being hyperpalatable, affordable and ready-to-eat, UPF have led to a worsening of the diet quality due to their nutritional composition and have already been recognized as a risk factor for diet-related diseases.
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  • 29 Mar 2023
Topic Review
Population Immunity
Herd immunity is a population condition where the pathogen dispersion between the community members is difficult or impossible because when an infected individual appears, the individuals surrounding her/him are immune against the pathogen, so they do not get infected and do not transmit the pathogen to other susceptible individuals. 
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  • 20 Apr 2023
Topic Review
Relationships between Depression and Social Media Addiction
Depression is positively correlated with fear of missing out, online fear of missing out, and social media addiction, while being significantly negatively correlated with self-esteem; that depression, self-esteem, fear of missing out, and online fear of missing out explain social media addiction scores; that self-esteem mediates the relationship between depression and social media addiction; and that, among Italians between the ages of 18 and 35, younger women report higher scores on fear of missing out, online fear of missing out, and social media addiction.
  • 309
  • 15 Jun 2023
Topic Review
Children with Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder
Children with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder are characterized by inattention, hyperactivity, impulsivity, difficulty in controlling behavior, or such comprehensive symptoms, while children with ASD have apparent deficits in social communication skills and repetitive stereotyped behavior patterns. Despite significant differences in the core symptoms between children with ADHD and ASD, clinical studies have supported the similarity of the behavioral disorders, and the findings suggest that the two types of children not only have highly shared heritability, but also represent the performance of the same endophenotype and can be classified into the same diagnostic entity.
  • 308
  • 03 Apr 2023
Topic Review
Emergency Department Care Experiences
Emergency departments (EDs) are an important source of care for people with mental health (MH) concerns. It can be challenging to treat MH in EDs, and there is little research capturing both patient and provider perspectives of these experiences. 
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  • 28 Jul 2022
Topic Review
The Association between Music and Language in Children
Music and language are two complex systems that specifically characterize the human communication toolkit.
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  • 05 Jun 2023
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