Topic Review
Effectiveness of Physical-Activity-Based Interventions Targeting Overweight and Obesity
Overweight and obesity, including their prevalence and consequences, reflect a leading public health problem. Studies have already shown that physical activity leads to a reduction in body weight in children and adults. It is already known that physical activity is an essential component of combating overweight and obesity. Being overweight causes cardiovascular diseases, diabetes, musculoskeletal disorders, and different types of cancer. According to the WHO, the prevalence of obesity has almost tripled since 1975. In 2016, 1.9 billion people aged 18 years and older were overweight, of which 650 million individuals were considered obese.
  • 396
  • 01 Sep 2022
Topic Review
Techno-Stress and Psychological Detachment in Workload and Well-Being
Psychological detachment is a protective factor to cope with excessive job demands. It refers to the ability to psychologically disengage from work when away from the workplace to recover depleted resources. A high workload can hinder psychological detachment, especially in high autonomy and flexibility conditions, forcing workers to remain mentally tied to work.
  • 396
  • 28 Sep 2023
Topic Review
Mathematical Background of 5D model of the aorta
Visualization is crucial for the display and understanding of medical image data. For diagnostic and surgical planning, radiologists and surgeons must be able to evaluate the data appropriately. Many imaging systems’ data can incorporate both functional and structural information, resulting in 4D datasets. When the image contains spectral information, it can be extended to 5D in some circumstances. Overall, 5D imaging reveals more information than 4D imaging.
  • 396
  • 17 Jan 2022
Topic Review
Neonatal Sepsis and Hemostasis
Neonatal sepsis is considered critical for a significant increase in neonatal morbidity and mortality among hospitalized neonates. Neonatal sepsis, in most cases, coexists with coagulopathy, which can prove to be life-threatening.
  • 396
  • 08 Feb 2022
Topic Review
Social Connectedness
Poor social connectedness has long been recognised as a significant threat to both physical and mental health, particularly for older people. Numerous studies examining the health impacts of loneliness and isolation have demonstrated an association with negative outcomes such as increased mortality, cognitive decline, anxiety and depression and cardiovascular disease. However, with the rapid onset of the SARS-CoV-2 (otherwise known as COVID-19) virus in early 2020 came an additional threat to those already vulnerable to loneliness—enforced physical isolation. Confinement to the home was particularly important for the health of those in older age due to the increased mortality risk from the virus for that section of the population.
  • 395
  • 13 Nov 2023
Topic Review
Therapy for Patients with Hereditary Angioedema during Pregnancy
Hereditary angioedema (HAE) is a rare, inherited disease caused by a deficiency (HAE-1) or lack of functional (HAE-2) C1 inhibitor protein. The symptoms present with mucocutaneous swelling of various organ systems, such as the respiratory and gastrointestinal systems, which can manifest as stridor and abdominal pain, respectively. HAE can present with increased frequency and severity of attacks during the pregnancy and lactation period. This is thought to be due to hormonal changes, which may trigger HAE attacks. The management of this condition in pregnant and lactating patients can be challenging for providers due to disease rarity and the lack of data regarding the management of this specific population. 
  • 395
  • 18 Aug 2023
Topic Review
Atmospheric Environment and COVID-19 Pandemic
Since the COVID-19 outbreak, the scientific community has been trying to clarify various problems, such as the mechanism of virus transmission, environmental impact, and socio-economic impact. The spread of COVID-19 in the atmospheric environment is variable and uncertain, potentially resulting in differences in air pollution. Many scholars are striving to explore the relationship between air quality, meteorological indicators, and COVID-19 to understand the interaction between COVID-19 and the atmospheric environment. COVID-19 and air quality, meteorological factors affecting the spread of COVID-19, air pollution, and human health are the main topics. Environmental variables have a certain impact on the spread of SARS-CoV-2, and the prevalence of COVID-19 has improved the atmospheric environment to some extent. 
  • 394
  • 29 Nov 2022
Topic Review
Safety Management in Industry 5.0 Manufacturing
Safety management is a priority to guarantee human-centered manufacturing processes in the context of Industry 5.0, which aims to realize a safe human–machine environment based on knowledge-driven approaches. The traditional approaches for safety management in the industrial environment include staff training, regular inspections, warning signs, etc. Despite the fact that proactive measures and procedures have exceptional importance in the prevention of safety hazards, human–machine–environment coupling requires more sophisticated approaches able to provide automated, reliable, real-time, cost-effective, and adaptive hazard identification in complex manufacturing processes.
  • 394
  • 07 Mar 2024
Topic Review
Health Plans for Suicide Prevention in Spain
Suicide is a serious health problem affecting people of all ages and in all countries. Suicide prevention, listed by the World Health Organisation (WHO) as a global imperative, has grown in importance in recent years to become a priority task in global public health. Suicide death rates are high, with an estimated 800,000 deaths by suicide each year.
  • 394
  • 15 Jun 2022
Topic Review
Remotely-Based Pulmonary Rehabilitation
Despite numerous benefits, traditional Pulmonary Rehabilitation (PR) as a resource remains underutilized in chronic lung disease. Less than 3% of eligible candidates for PR attend one or more sessions after hospitalization due to many barriers, including the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic. Emerging alternative models of PR delivery such as home-based PR, tele-rehabilitation, web-based PR, or hybrid models could help address these barriers. Numerous studies have tested the feasibility, safety, and efficacy of these methods, but there is wide variability across studies and methods. We conducted a literature review to help determine if these alternative delivery methods watered down the effectiveness of PR. 
  • 394
  • 13 Dec 2021
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