Topic Review
Granger Causality
Identifying causal network problems is important for effective policy and management, and recommendations on climate, epidemiology, and financial regulations. Identifying causality in complex systems can be difficult. Granger causality is an approach that uses predictability as opposed to correlation to identify causation between time series variables. Variable X is said to “Granger cause” Y if the predictability of Y declines when X is removed from the universe of all possible causative variables. The key requirement of Granger causality is separability, namely that information about a causative factor is independently unique to that variable and can be removed by eliminating that variable from the model.
  • 220
  • 17 Nov 2023
Topic Review
CAPM and Fama and French Three-Five Factor Models
Entitled the Fama and French three-factor (hereafter, FF3F) model (1993), it embraces others risk factors in addition to the CAPM beta, such as the mimicking returns for the size factor and the mimicking returns for the book-to-market factor.
  • 219
  • 02 Jan 2024
Topic Review
Behavioral Biases and Investment Decisions of SMEs Managers
Optimistic managers tend to make investment decisions more frequently, while those who are more risk-averse adopt a more cautious approach. Mimicry was also identified as an influential factor in investment decisions, with executives likely to be influenced by the choices of their peers. Furthermore, intuition bias was also identified as a positive factor in the investment decision-making process, enabling managers to capitalize on their experience and tacit knowledge for more appropriate and timely choices.
  • 216
  • 13 Oct 2023
Topic Review
Assessing Reporting of Firms
In corporate reporting, anti-corruption disclosures are generally included within the broad category of non-financial disclosures as part of social disclosure, including employee information (gender pay gap, for example), social engagement, and modern slavery reporting. Such corporate anti-corruption disclosure (ACD) purports to inform investors and other stakeholders of a company’s commitment to eliminating corruption and promoting transparency and accountability.
  • 208
  • 20 Feb 2024
Topic Review
Effectiveness Factors of Internal Audit Quality in Banks
Due to the complexity of internal audit effectiveness, it has been less studied in accounting and finance. Internal audits are defined by different authors in different ways. Internal audit effectiveness helps to achieve the set target by the organization and to reach the goals within a specific time is the effectiveness of internal audit quality. Internal audit quality evaluated through potential factors such as competence, objectivity, performance, board audit committee support, and independence. 
  • 191
  • 18 Dec 2023
Topic Review
The Impact of Big Data Credit Technology
As the main force in boosting national economic development, micro and small enterprises (MSEs) play an irreplaceable role in stabilizing economic growth, narrowing the income gap, improving labor productivity, and promoting market competition. Compared with large and medium-sized enterprises, MSEs are numerous and widely distributed, which creates a broad job market for the labor force in both developing and developed countries. However, credit rationing hindered the effective use of credit resources and weakened MSEs’ incentive to engage in technological innovation and alleviate employment pressure. 
  • 188
  • 27 Oct 2023
Topic Review
Firm Size and ESG Risk in Banking Industry
Although environmental, social, and governance (ESG) risk is likely determined by a wide array of economic, social, and environmental factors in the case of banks, one of them—i.e., the company size—seems particularly interesting and worth being investigated. Overall, the specificity of the banking industry creates strong incentives for increasing the size of business activity, resulting not only from substantial economies of scale and scope, but also from additional competitive advantages and economic benefits arising from the “too big to fail” (TBTF) status assigned to the largest, systemically important institutions. On the one hand, larger banks may be expected to outperform smaller ones in the area of ESG challenges, as they are usually able to engage more resources and sophisticated knowledge-based management tools to address related concerns. They are also typically under more pressure from equity investors, regulators, and other major stakeholder groups to comply with ESG principles in order to legitimize their strategies and business decisions. On the other hand, however, as banks grow larger, their overall ESG risk exposure also builds up due to more numerous and more complex interactions with their external and internal stakeholders. 
  • 183
  • 22 Jan 2024
Topic Review
Leverage,  Firm Value and Corporate Governance
The level of debt acts as a disciplinary financial tool. Moreover, more leverage raises firm value (FV) until a specific point, and then the FV starts to decline. 
  • 182
  • 04 Feb 2024
Topic Review
ESG Transparency and Firm Valuation in Palm Oil
Environmental, social, and governance (ESG) integration is an increasingly popular and innovative investing strategy that requires companies to be transparent about their ESG practices to facilitate investors’ decisions. In the palm oil sector, companies are addressing ESG risks by adopting and disclosing ESG efforts to improve access to financing. 
  • 178
  • 28 Nov 2023
Topic Review
Investigating Accounting Factors through Audited Financial Statements
Day by day, the importance and impact of the investigation of accounting factors through audited financial statements are increasing based on qualified staff and investments in technology (equipment, machinery, etc.) toward a new approach in businesses. So, while changes in the global business environment have driven business transformation into more innovative businesses, they move toward profit sustainability by focusing on the efficiency of the costs recorded in the accounting financial statements.
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  • 21 Feb 2024
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