Topic Review
Geopolitical Risk
Geopolitical risk (GPR) is defined as the risk associated with terror threats, war threats, nuclear threats and military build-ups between states or countries that disrupt the usual, peaceful conduct of international affairs.
  • 2.3K
  • 23 May 2022
Topic Review
Gamma Squeeze
In the stock market, a gamma squeeze occurs when the underlying price of a stock increases within a very short timeframe. A higher amount of money moving into call options results in greater buying activity and can push the stock price up as a result.
  • 1.1K
  • 07 Nov 2022
Topic Review
Fund Manager Skill and Mutual Fund Performance
A mutual fund is a common instrument for households and corporations to invest in the financial markets through diversified portfolios of securities. Investing in managed mutual funds involves relying on a fund manager’s knowledge, expertise, and investment strategy to beat the fund’s benchmark. 
  • 574
  • 17 Nov 2023
Frank Li
Professor Li received his PhD degree in Finance from W.P. Carey School of Business, Arizona State University, and two masters degrees (MBA: international business/MIS; MS: Computer Science) from University of Missouri at Kansas City. His work experience includes various analyst and management positions in an international bank, a personal credit company, a small pharmaceutical consulting firm,
  • 701
  • 23 Aug 2022
Topic Review
Fixed Book Price Agreement
A fixed book price agreement (FBPA) is a form of resale price maintenance applied to books. It commonly takes the form of an agreement between publishers and booksellers which set the prices at which books were to be sold to the public. An example of an FBPA was the former Net Book Agreement in the United Kingdom . The key idea of an FBPA is to promote non-price competition between booksellers in order to promote the sale of little-known, difficult or otherwise culturally interesting books rather than catering only to blockbuster readers. To do so, an FBPA is deemed to ensure that the booksellers that provide the corresponding presale services are able to recoup their higher costs with a guaranteed margin on blockbusters. A related case is the existence of a fixed book price law (FBPL), where the book prices are kept fixed by law. An example of an FBPL is the current Lang Law in France . An FBPA/FBPL, with various provisos, has existed in some developed countries since the beginning of the twentieth century. It remains in force in roughly half the countries of the European Union as well as in some other countries.
  • 722
  • 30 Nov 2022
Topic Review
Firm Size and ESG Risk in Banking Industry
Although environmental, social, and governance (ESG) risk is likely determined by a wide array of economic, social, and environmental factors in the case of banks, one of them—i.e., the company size—seems particularly interesting and worth being investigated. Overall, the specificity of the banking industry creates strong incentives for increasing the size of business activity, resulting not only from substantial economies of scale and scope, but also from additional competitive advantages and economic benefits arising from the “too big to fail” (TBTF) status assigned to the largest, systemically important institutions. On the one hand, larger banks may be expected to outperform smaller ones in the area of ESG challenges, as they are usually able to engage more resources and sophisticated knowledge-based management tools to address related concerns. They are also typically under more pressure from equity investors, regulators, and other major stakeholder groups to comply with ESG principles in order to legitimize their strategies and business decisions. On the other hand, however, as banks grow larger, their overall ESG risk exposure also builds up due to more numerous and more complex interactions with their external and internal stakeholders. 
  • 202
  • 22 Jan 2024
Topic Review
Fintech and Sustainability
Current concerns about environmental issues have led to many new trends in technology and financial management. Within this context of digital transformation and sustainable finance, Fintech has emerged as an alternative to traditional financial institutions. This paper, through a literature review and case study approach, analyzes the relationship between Fintech and sustainability, and the different areas of collaboration between Fintech and sustainable finance, from both a theoretical and descriptive perspective, while giving specific examples of current technological platforms. Additionally, in this paper, two Fintech initiatives (Clarity AI and Pensumo) are described, as well as several proposals to improve the detection of greenwashing and other deceptive behavior by firms. The results lead to the conclusion that sustainable finance and Fintech have many aspects in common, and that Fintech can make financial businesses more sustainable overall by promoting green finance. Furthermore, this paper highlights the importance of European and global regulation, mainly from the perspective of consumer protection. 
  • 1.8K
  • 14 Jul 2021
Topic Review
Fintech and Financial Risks
Fintech is the combination of the words of finance and technology. It is literally understood as the application of technology in the financial field. As the financial innovation brought by technology, Fintech can change traditional financial markets, financial institutions and financial services, and create emerging business models, applications, processes, and products.
  • 2.1K
  • 05 Aug 2022
Topic Review
Financial Technology Influence on the Banking Industry
The synthesis of technology and finance is known as financial technology (Fintech), which brings together two of the biggest industries in harmony. Fintech disruption is a deviation from the norm, resulting in a significant shift in banking services and, as a result, risk. 
  • 813
  • 17 Nov 2022
Topic Review
Financial Socialization Theory and Financial Information Literacy
Financial literacy entails possessing and applying financial management skills for efficient and effective financial resource management for individuals’ well-being. While financial literacy is concerned with the possession of adequate financial management skills, financial information literacy entails seeking and possessing adequate knowledge of the existence of financial products and services through diverse information channels.
  • 13.1K
  • 19 Jul 2023
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