Topic Review
Impulse Buying Behavior in Fast Fashion Physical Stores
The health crisis caused by COVID-19 has affected consumption and payment patterns worldwide. Consumers have had to change their habits and deal with new sanitation guidelines and have often struggled with lengthy infrastructure closures. These factors significantly influenced both the choice of payment methods and purchase decisions made by consumers. Still, consumption patterns during the pandemic as a new social situation have not yet been thoroughly investigated. 
  • 4.5K
  • 22 Apr 2022
Topic Review
Idiosyncratic Viral Losses
The viral spread of operational losses through global markets by interconnected multinational banks can be compared to viruses spread through interconnected countries and the significant losses incurred; this can be referred to as idiosyncratic viral loss theory. This idiosyncratic viral loss theory discusses systemic operational losses that are evident in human error, fraud, and legal expenses that are aligned to systemic operational risk. The occurrences of significant losses that are idiosyncratic in nature and that are linked to failed internal processes, people, systems, and external events. This study employs the Compliance and Ethics Group’s (OCEG’s) standard that integrates governance, risk management, internal control, assurance, and compliance (GRC capability model) into one functional goal to improve quality and principled performance through measurable tools that may enhance effectiveness and efficiency practices. Four important considerations were identified that could bolster effective risk management practices: (a) a comprehensive enterprise-wide risk; (b) controlling fraud; (c) going beyond the minimum risk assessment requirements set forth by the banking regulators; (d) independent risk identification and management. These considerations towards effective risk management practices may help reduce systemic operational losses viral spread in banks. 
  • 644
  • 24 Feb 2021
Topic Review
Human Capital Management and Business Performance
Human capital (HC) is a key factor of the performance and competitiveness of enterprises. HC as an element of intellectual capital, efficiency of invested capital and efficiency of human capital positively affect firms' return on equity (ROE) and business performance.
  • 200
  • 25 Jan 2024
Topic Review
History of the Euro
The euro came into existence on 1 January 1999, although it had been a goal of the European Union (EU) and its predecessors since the 1960s. After tough negotiations, particularly due to opposition from the United Kingdom, the Maastricht Treaty entered into force in 1993 with the goal of creating an economic and monetary union by 1999 for all EU states except the UK and Denmark (even though Denmark has a fixed exchange rate policy with the euro). In 1999 the currency was born virtually and in 2002 notes and coins began to circulate. It rapidly took over from the former national currencies and slowly expanded behind the rest of the EU. In 2009 the Lisbon Treaty finalised its political authority, the Eurogroup, alongside the European Central Bank.
  • 3.4K
  • 29 Nov 2022
Topic Review
Historical Development of the Fair Value Model
The use of fair value (F.V.) can help businesses obtain more up-to-date financial information on how they are doing and make financial reporting more transparent than traditional accounting methods. It also poses many problems for auditors because they have to make detailed estimates and adjustments when they look at the assets and liabilities of a company. Because “Fair Value Measurements (F.V.M.s)” are based on the current prices, certain assets and liabilities were not evaluable because there were not enough efficient markets for them. There is an “agency problem” between managers and owners, which means more incentives for managers to manipulate and misrepresent financial information.
  • 913
  • 09 Sep 2022
Topic Review
Heterogeneity of Corporate Financialization and Total Factor Productivity
The most important stylized fact about the Chinese economy is the tendency toward financialization, which is referred to as a key feature of capital extension following the reversal of the real economy. Corporate financialization can be defined as a firm making substantial investments in financial assets. Some empirical research provides evidence that corporate financialization can stimulate the short-term performance of firms and reach higher production efficiency yields, while over-financialization may hinder economic growth by extracting additional profits from the economy into the financial sector, thereby reducing production efficiency. The capital misallocation causes poor allocation of resources, leading to a negative effect on aggregate total factor productivity (TFP).
  • 537
  • 13 Jun 2022
Topic Review
Green Finance of Chinese Commercial Banks
Green finance is a sustainable force in promoting green development. China’s social financing structure determines the key role that green credit plays in sustainable development. Under the dual pressure of future economic downturn and huge capital gaps, it is worth exploring whether to continue promoting green credit that conforms to the long-term market mechanism.
  • 535
  • 11 May 2022
Topic Review
Green Finance & Green Monetary Policy: Different Approaches
Strictly speaking, green finance is part of the broader concept of sustainable finance, a term that explicitly includes social issues, while climate finance is a narrower element of green finance. However, in practice, the distinction between sustainable and green finance and sustainable and green monetary policy is often not made but the terms are used synonymously. Hence, we follow this tradition and use the term green finance and green monetary policy to refer to both. Green finance and green monetary monetary policy are related to each other and can be classified on a common ground. In general, neoliberal, reformist and progressive forms of green finance and green monetary policy can be distinguished. 
  • 829
  • 25 Nov 2021
Topic Review
Green Finance
The concept of green finance, also known as green investments, is widely employed in academia and business, and have a variety of meanings. Green finance (GF) is a developing concept that lacks a clear and universal definition. However, the goal of GF is to balance the advancement of monetary events, environmental stability, and ecological protection to accomplish long-term development. 
  • 1.4K
  • 09 Oct 2021
Topic Review
Granger Causality
Identifying causal network problems is important for effective policy and management, and recommendations on climate, epidemiology, and financial regulations. Identifying causality in complex systems can be difficult. Granger causality is an approach that uses predictability as opposed to correlation to identify causation between time series variables. Variable X is said to “Granger cause” Y if the predictability of Y declines when X is removed from the universe of all possible causative variables. The key requirement of Granger causality is separability, namely that information about a causative factor is independently unique to that variable and can be removed by eliminating that variable from the model.
  • 240
  • 17 Nov 2023
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