Topic Review
Audit Expectation Gap in External Audit of Banks
The function of the external audit, largely as a result of the scandals and financial crises that have occurred, has been the subject of debate and criticism. This aspect has fostered discussions around the Audit Expectation Gap, which, in short, is understood as the differences in expectations between the audit’s results and what is expected from it.
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  • 27 Nov 2023
Topic Review
The Intersection of Green Finance and Sustainable Development
Attaining sustainable development goals is a complex process that involves a range of economic, social, and environmental factors. It requires investments in infrastructure, technology, and human capital. In this case, green finance is conducive to channel investments toward sustainable projects and initiatives by providing incentives for environmentally friendly practices and technologies and by encouraging companies and investors to adopt sustainable business models. 
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  • 18 Dec 2023
Topic Review
Empowering Women through Digital Financial Inclusion
Financial inclusion empowers women and offers them more financial authority. It ultimately could have a positive impact on a family’s entire home. In addition, agency banking and other digital financial services made available through mobile phone platforms let women conduct transactions easily and safely from their own homes, companies, and communities. Despite the substantial advantages, there are still considerable challenges that need to be overcome before more women throughout the world may access digital financial services.
  • 267
  • 31 Jul 2023
Topic Review
CSR and Taxation Impact on Nigeria’s Sustainable Development
Nigeria’s upstream oil and gas sector is extensively contributing to the economic growth of the country, but the sector is plagued with challenges around corporate social responsibility (CSR) and taxation practices. The Petroleum Industry Act (PIA) was introduced to tackle these challenges towards promoting sustainable development in Nigeria.
  • 266
  • 13 Nov 2023
Topic Review
LSTM-Based Stock Prediction and Selection
A great deal of attention has been devoted to the use of neural networks in portfolio management, particularly in the prediction of stock prices. First, data from historical quotes and technical and fundamental indicators are used in the long short-term memory (LSTM) network to provide good predictions. Second, the EMN strategy allows for the funding of long-position stocks by short-sell-position stocks, thus hedging the market risk.
  • 260
  • 04 Dec 2023
Topic Review
Bitcoin in Conventional Markets
Blockchain technology is being closely studied from a technical point of view and links to the Internet of Things (IoT) as well as its impact on financial investment. A secure blockchain is a distributed network in which information is stored as a chain-connected block. This innovative technology is based on cryptography and decentralization principles, ensuring high data security and integrity. Using cryptographic algorithms, the blockchain can help or face challenges in ensuring privacy and protection against fraud and manipulation. The combination of cryptographic algorithms and consensus mechanisms enables a variety of uses for blockchain technology, such as the development of applications with enhanced security, blockchain distribution networks, intelligent grids or digital financial systems. One of the most evocative immersions of blockchain technology into conventional markets is the innovative use of blockchain to create crypto-assets and the expansive attraction of investors to adopt blockchain currencies for investment portfolio diversification.
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  • 16 Nov 2023
Topic Review
Political Connection and Environmental Protection Investment
In state-owned enterprises, the existence and the increasing proportion of politically connected directors on the board have increased corporate environmental protection investment. In non-state-owned enterprises, the existence and the increasing proportion of politically connected directors on the board lead to lower corporate environmental protection investment levels.
  • 253
  • 27 Nov 2023
Topic Review
CAPM and Fama and French Three-Five Factor Models
Entitled the Fama and French three-factor (hereafter, FF3F) model (1993), it embraces others risk factors in addition to the CAPM beta, such as the mimicking returns for the size factor and the mimicking returns for the book-to-market factor.
  • 251
  • 02 Jan 2024
Topic Review
Coupling Coordination of Digital Finance and Technological Innovation
Technological innovation is the first driving force behind development and the key to achieving high-quality economic development. Innovation activities require financial support, but traditional financial systems constrain the development of innovation. Digital finance can alleviate the financial challenges faced by technological innovation. Studying the coordinated relationship between digital finance and technological innovation can deeply explore the driving role of digital finance in technological innovation, as well as the support of technological innovation in the field of digital finance.
  • 250
  • 31 Jan 2024
Topic Review
Behavioral Biases and Investment Decisions of SMEs Managers
Optimistic managers tend to make investment decisions more frequently, while those who are more risk-averse adopt a more cautious approach. Mimicry was also identified as an influential factor in investment decisions, with executives likely to be influenced by the choices of their peers. Furthermore, intuition bias was also identified as a positive factor in the investment decision-making process, enabling managers to capitalize on their experience and tacit knowledge for more appropriate and timely choices.
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  • 13 Oct 2023
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