Topic Review
DYX1C1 Gene on Chinese Children’s Reading Achievements
Reading comprehension refers to the capacity of an individual to comprehend and interpret the intended message of an author through written text in the most objective manner possible. 
  • 191
  • 16 Nov 2023
Topic Review
Adolescents and Trust in Online Social Interactions
Social media have become increasingly embedded in adolescents’ daily lives. Adolescents seem to be aware of online trust value in “selecting” peers to be trusted. To protect themselves from the risks they are exposed to, they choose to interact with peers/friends who are already known in real life or are similar to them in terms of interests, ways of thinking, passions, and age. Additionally, others’ competencies and willingness play an important role in adolescents’ evaluations and decisions to rely on others online.
  • 131
  • 29 Aug 2023
Topic Review
Adolescents Born through Assisted Reproduction
Assisted reproduction techniques (ARTs) are employed by single individuals and couples who are not otherwise able to conceive spontaneously. The use of ARTs is increasing, research is lacking on the attempts made by adolescent offspring conceived via ARTs to integrate their ART conception into their identity and negotiate a connection with, and autonomy from, their parents.
  • 271
  • 20 Dec 2022
Topic Review
Advancement of the Multi-Action Plan Model
The Multi-Action Plan (MAP) model presents as an action-focused, sport-specific, mixed methods intervention model. MAP research characterized four Performance Types (PTs). Each PT operates on an affective, cognitive, behavioral, and psychophysiological level—across performance contexts. The authors propose three areas on how MAP could be extended: First, researchers argue that a better understanding of the phasing/timing of transitions between mental states during performance would greatly expand the MAP framework on a conceptual and applied level. Second,  the authors offer ideas on the role of socio-environmental precursors acting as cues for such transition processes. Third, the authors propose to clarify the role of effort and reward perception post-transition, particularly in relation to micro and macro timeframes.
  • 686
  • 16 Dec 2022
Topic Review
Affect Measures
Affect measures (measures of affect or measures of emotion) are used in the study of human affect (including emotions and mood), and refer to measures obtained from self-report studies asking participants to quantify their current feelings or average feelings over a longer period of time. Even though some affect measures contain variations that allow assessment of basic predispositions to experience a certain emotion, tests for such stable traits are usually considered to be personality tests.
  • 200
  • 14 Oct 2022
Topic Review
Agency and Reward in Typical Development and Autism
The ability to perform voluntary actions and make choices is shaped by the motivation from having control over the resulting effects (agency) and positive outcomes (reward). It is proposed that reduced sensitivity to agency and reward in autism spectrum disorder (ASD) may be related to atypical multisensory processes and motor planning, with potential for understanding restricted and repetitive behaviors.
  • 327
  • 08 Nov 2022
Topic Review
Aggressive Behaviour in Bulgarian Schools
The article examines the influence of two of the main social environments on students’ aggressive behaviours. On the one hand, attention is paid to the general socio-psychological climate in the family environment and the attitude of the parents towards the child; and on the other hand, a less frequently studied aspect related to aggressive manifestations of the children and adolescents towards the parents is addressed. The verbal aggression towards parents (insulting and shouting) is mostly associated with verbal aggression towards both teachers and classmates. Regarding the influence of TV shows and movies containing aggression, it was found that students who watched movies with military, fighting and bloody scenes demonstrated more frequent manifestations of verbal aggression, but the TV contents did not significantly influence the manifestations of indirect aggression and physical aggression. However, the frequency of playing video games with aggressive content has a significant effect on all investigated forms of aggression, with the strongest effect on physical aggression. Aggression in social networks is a significant factor that affects the frequency of manifestation of various forms of aggression.
  • 108
  • 22 Nov 2023
Topic Review
Aha! In perceptual Experience and Problem-Solving Cognition
The Gestalt psychologists’ theory of insight problem-solving was based on a direct parallelism between perceptual experience and higher-order forms of cognition (e.g., problem-solving). Similarly, albeit not exclusively, to the sudden recognition of bistable figures, these psychologists contended that problem-solving involves a restructuring of one’s initial representation of the problem’s elements, leading to a sudden leap of understanding phenomenologically indexed by the “Aha!” feeling. Over the last century, different scholars have discussed the validity of the Gestalt psychologists’ perspective, foremost using the behavioral measures available at the time. However, scientists have gained a deeper understanding of insight problem-solving due to the advancements in cognitive neuroscience.
  • 468
  • 29 Dec 2023
Topic Review
AI Agent Model for Extrinsic Emotion Regulation
Emotion regulation is the human ability to modulate one’s or other emotions to maintain emotional well-being. Despite its importance, only a few computational models have been proposed for facilitating emotion regulation. To address this gap, a computational model for intelligent agents has been proposed for facilitating emotion regulation in individuals. This model is grounded in a multidimensional emotion representation and on J. Gross’s theoretical framework of emotion regulation. In this apporach, an intelligent agent selects the most appropriate regulation strategies to reach or maintain an individual’s emotional equilibrium considering the individual’s personality traits and specific characteristics.
  • 81
  • 11 Mar 2024
Topic Review
AI and ChatGPT for Advancing Teaching and Learning
Technological advancements, especially artificial intelligence (AI), have significantly transformed educational practices. The development and adoption of Generative Pre-trained Transformers (GPT), particularly OpenAI’s ChatGPT, has sparked considerable interest. The unprecedented capabilities of these models, such as generating humanlike text and facilitating automated conversations, have broad implications in various sectors, including education and health.
  • 317
  • 19 Jul 2023
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