Topic Review
Grid Reference System
A grid reference system, also known as grid reference or grid system, is a geographic coordinate system that defines locations in maps using Cartesian coordinates based on a particular map projection. Grid lines on maps illustrate the underlying coordinate system. Such coordinate lines are numbered to provide a unique reference to each location on the map. Grid coordinates are normally eastings and northings.
  • 21.3K
  • 25 Oct 2022
Topic Review
Urban Modelling
Urban Modelling is an approach to abstracting reality in an effort to demonstrate, classify and explain urban functions in a simplified manner.  There is a long history of modelling in urban studies.  Today's models have become more quantitative, computation, and require large data sets and intense computation due to the complex nature of modern cities. 
  • 9.1K
  • 07 Jun 2021
Topic Review
Early World Maps
The earliest known world maps date to classical antiquity, the oldest examples of the 6th to 5th centuries BCE still based on the flat Earth paradigm. World maps assuming a spherical Earth first appear in the Hellenistic period. The developments of Greek geography during this time, notably by Eratosthenes and Posidonius culminated in the Roman era, with Ptolemy's world map (2nd century CE), which would remain authoritative throughout the Middle Ages. Since Ptolemy, knowledge of the approximate size of the globe allowed cartographers to estimate the extent of their geographical knowledge, and to indicate parts of the globe known to exist but not yet explored as terra incognita. With the Age of Discovery, during the 15th to 18th centuries, world maps became increasingly accurate; exploration of Antarctica and the interior of Africa by western mapmakers was left to the 19th and early 20th century.
  • 8.3K
  • 28 Oct 2022
Topic Review
Entry includes definition of overtourism phenomenon around the world with following literature references both historical and current research.
  • 7.5K
  • 19 Apr 2021
Topic Review
Feminist Political Economy
Feminist political economy is a concept from feminist material scholarship.  It connects market relations with domestic relations. It examines the roles of women, tensions related to women’s paid and unpaid work, how production and reproduction issues affect women, and the interactions at the micro, meso, and macro level contexts within women's lives.  
  • 6.9K
  • 28 Oct 2020
Topic Review
Vegetation Optical Depth
The vegetation optical depth (VOD) parameterizes the extinction (attenuation & scattering) effects due to the vegetation affecting the microwave radiations propagating through the vegetation canopy. It is retrieved from both passive and active microwave remotely sensed observations. It is related almost linearly to the vegetation water content and indirectly to vegetation water status and biomass. It has been retrieved from several satellites operating at different frequencies and provides a long-term record of the vegetation dynamics over land surfaces since 1978. VOD is complementary to classically used vegetation indices derived from multi-spectral images but it is less affected by sun illumination and atmospheric effects than optical vegetation indices.
  • 6.4K
  • 27 Nov 2020
Topic Review
Food Heritage
The entry explores the concept of food heritage, focusing mainly on the anthropological, geographical, and sociological debate. Although the review identifies some conceptualisations that frame heritage in the food and gastronomic domains, it also shows the high degree of fragmentation of the debate. In so doing, it sheds light on how the concept of food heritage from a theoretical point of view is still in progress.
  • 5.7K
  • 02 Feb 2022
Topic Review
Zomia (Region)
Zomia is a geographical term coined in 2002 by historian Willem van Schendel of the University of Amsterdam to refer to the huge mass of mainland Southeast Asia that has historically been beyond the control of governments based in the population centers of the lowlands.
  • 5.1K
  • 25 Oct 2022
Topic Review
Human Mobility and Smart City
Human mobility, the movement of human beings in space and time, reflects the spatial-temporal characteristics of human behavior. With big data analytics, human mobility research can be used to facilitate smart city development, in multiple disciplines such as smart traffic, smart urban planning, smart health, smart safety, smart commerce, etc. A framework for linking international academic research and city-level management policy was established and applied to the case of Hong Kong. Literatures regarding human mobility research using big data are reviewed. These studies contribute to (1) discovering the spatial-temporal phenomenon, (2) identifying the difference in human behaviour or spatial attributes, (3) explaining the dynamic of mobility, and (4) applying to city management. Then, the application of the research to smart city development are scrutinised based on email queries to various governmental departments in Hong Kong. With further improvement in the practical value of data analytics and the utilization of data sourced from multiple sectors, paths to achieve smarter cities from policymaking perspectives are highlighted.
  • 5.1K
  • 06 Jun 2021
Topic Review
Location-Based Social Networks
There are several definitions for “geosocial network” or “location-based social network”: the first formal definition was given by Quercia et al. in 2010, who defined it as “a type of social networking in which geographic services and capabilities such as geocoding and geotagging are used to enable additional social dynamics”. One year later, Zheng refined this definition by stating that “a location-based social network (LBSN) does not only mean adding a location to an existing social network so that people in the social structure can share location embedded information but also consists of the new social structure made up of individuals connected by the interdependency derived from their locations in the physical world as well as their location-tagged media content, such as photos, video, and texts”. In 2013, Roick and Heuser defined LBSNs simply as “social network sites that include location information into shared contents”. Finally, one most recent definition is given by Armenatzoglou and Papadias and is the following: “geosocial network (GeoSN) is an online social network augmented by geographical information”.
  • 3.2K
  • 17 Jan 2022
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