Topic Review
Mid-Infrared External Cavity Quantum Cascade Lasers
External cavity quantum cascade lasers (ECQCLs) in the mid-infrared band have a series of unique spectral properties, which can be widely used in spectroscopy, gas detection, protein detection, medical diagnosis, free space optical communication, and so on, especially wide tuning range, the tuning range up to hundreds of wavenumbers; therefore, ECQCLs show great applications potential in many fields. 
  • 477
  • 29 Nov 2022
Topic Review
Old Quantum Theory
The old quantum theory is a collection of results from the years 1900–1925 which predate modern quantum mechanics. The theory was never complete or self-consistent, but was rather a set of heuristic corrections to classical mechanics. The theory is now understood as the semi-classical approximation to modern quantum mechanics. The main and final accomplishments of the old quantum theory were the determination of the modern form of the periodic table by Edmund Stoner and the Pauli Exclusion Principle which were both premised on the Arnold Sommerfeld enhancements to the Bohr model of the atom. The main tool of the old quantum theory was the Bohr–Sommerfeld quantization condition, a procedure for selecting out certain states of a classical system as allowed states: the system can then only exist in one of the allowed states and not in any other state.
  • 814
  • 22 Nov 2022
Topic Review
Preparation of Rare-Earth-Ion-Doped High-Purity Glasses
The main source of impurities in the doped selenide glasses are rare-earth metals and their precursors (halides, chalcogenides). The total optical losses in glasses caused by impurities brought with rare-earth metals at a doping level of 1000 wt ppm can reach 10–85 dB/m.
  • 166
  • 06 Dec 2023
Topic Review
Quantum Information Education
Quantum information is an emerging scientific and technological discipline attracting a growing number of professionals from various related fields. Although it can potentially serve as a valuable source of skilled labor, the Internet provides a way to disseminate information about education, opportunities, and collaboration.
  • 244
  • 12 May 2023
Topic Review
Quantum Stream Cipher
Quantum cryptography includes quantum key distribution (QKD) and quantum stream cipher, but the researchers point out that the latter is expected as the core technology of next-generation communication systems. Various ideas have been proposed for QKD quantum cryptography, but most of them use a single-photon or similar signal. Then, although such technologies are applicable to special situations, these methods still have several difficulties to provide functions that surpass conventional technologies for social systems in the real environment. Thus, the quantum stream cipher has come to be expected as one promising countermeasure, which artificially creates quantum properties using special modulation techniques based on the macroscopic coherent state. In addition, it has the possibility to provide superior security performance than one-time pad cipher.
  • 792
  • 25 May 2022
Topic Review
Quantum Vacuum Thruster
A quantum vacuum thruster (QVT or Q-thruster) is a theoretical system hypothesized to use the same principles and equations of motion that a conventional plasma thruster would use, namely magnetohydrodynamics (MHD), to make predictions about the behavior of the propellant. However, rather than using a conventional plasma as a propellant, a QVT would interact with quantum vacuum fluctuations of the zero-point field. The concept is controversial and generally not considered physically possible. However, if QVT systems were possible they could eliminate the need to carry propellant, being limited only by the availability of energy.
  • 2.4K
  • 11 Oct 2022
Topic Review
In physics, especially quantum field theory, regularization is a method of modifying observables which have singularities in order to make them finite by the introduction of a suitable parameter called the regulator. The regulator, also known as a "cutoff", models our lack of knowledge about physics at unobserved scales (e.g. scales of small size or large energy levels). It compensates for (and requires) the possibility that "new physics" may be discovered at those scales which the present theory is unable to model, while enabling the current theory to give accurate predictions as an "effective theory" within its intended scale of use. It is distinct from renormalization, another technique to control infinities without assuming new physics, by adjusting for self-interaction feedback. Regularization was for many decades controversial even amongst its inventors, as it combines physical and epistemological claims into the same equations. However, it is now well understood and has proven to yield useful, accurate predictions.
  • 614
  • 28 Oct 2022
Topic Review
Sakurai's Bell Inequality
The intention of a Bell inequality is to serve as a test of local realism or local hidden variable theories as against quantum mechanics, applying Bell's theorem, which shows them to be incompatible. Not all the Bell's inequalities that appear in the literature are in fact fit for this purpose. The one discussed here holds only for a very limited class of local hidden variable theories and has never been used in practical experiments. It is, however, discussed by John Bell in his "Bertlmann's socks" paper (Bell, 1981), where it is referred to as the "Wigner–d'Espagnat inequality" (d'Espagnat, 1979; Wigner, 1970). It is also variously attributed to Bohm (1951?) and Belinfante (1973). Note that the inequality is not really applicable either to electrons or photons, since it builds in no probabilistic properties in the measurement process. Much more realistic hidden variable theories can be devised, modelling spin (or polarisation, in optical Bell tests) as a vector and allowing for the fact that not all emitted particles will be detected.
  • 606
  • 17 Oct 2022
Topic Review
Scale Relativity
Scale relativity is a geometrical and fractal space-time physical theory. Relativity theories (special relativity and general relativity) are based on the notion that position, orientation, movement and acceleration cannot be defined in an absolute way, but only relative to a system of reference. The scale relativity theory proposes to extend the concept of relativity to physical scales (time, length, energy, or momentum scales), by introducing an explicit "state of scale" in coordinate systems. This extension of the relativity principle using fractal geometries to study scale transformations was originally introduced by Laurent Nottale, based on the idea of a fractal space-time theory first introduced by Garnet Ord, and by Nottale and Jean Schneider. The construction of the theory is similar to previous relativity theories, with three different levels: Galilean, special and general. The development of a full general scale relativity is not finished yet.
  • 1.4K
  • 14 Oct 2022
Topic Review
SCOP Formalism
The SCOP formalism or State Context Property formalism is an abstract mathematical formalism for describing states of a system that generalizes both quantum and classical descriptions. The formalism describes entities, which may exist in different states, which in turn have various properties. In addition there is a set of "contexts" (corresponding to measurements) by which an entity may be observed. The formalism has primarily found use outside of physics as a theory of concepts, in particular in the field of quantum cognition, which develops quantum-like models of cognitive phenomena (such as the conjunction fallacy) that may seem paradoxical or irrational when viewed from a perspective of classical states and logic.
  • 385
  • 11 Oct 2022
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