Topic Review
Interaction between Herbicides and the Nitrogen Cycle
The interaction of herbicides in the nitrogen cycle and their consequences on soil health and agricultural production are essential topics in agronomic research. 
  • 283
  • 06 Dec 2023
Topic Review
Innovations and Emerging Cooling Technologies for Greenhouses
The climate control inside the greenhouse constitutes an efficient methodology for maintaining a satisfactory environment that fulfills the requirements of high-yield crops and reduced energy and water resource consumption. In hot climates, the cooling systems, which are assisted by an effective control technique, constitute a suitable path for maintaining an appropriate climate inside the greenhouse, where the required temperature and humidity distribution is maintained.
  • 1.3K
  • 11 Mar 2022
Topic Review
Indonesia Rice Irrigation System
Indonesia is likely to face a water crisis due to mismanagement of water resources, inefficient water systems, and weak institutions and regulatory organizations. In 2020, most of the fresh water in Indonesia was used for irrigation (74%) to support the agricultural sector, which occupies 30% of the total land area in Indonesia. Of all agricultural commodities, rice is one of the major and essential commodities, as it is the basic staple food for almost every Indonesian. However, in 2018, the Ministry of Public Works and Housing (MoPWH) reported that 46% of Indonesian irrigation infrastructure is moderately to heavily damaged. Aside from how climate change influences water availability for irrigation, rice production with a constant water ponding system has been found to contribute to climate change, as it emits methane (CH4) and other greenhouse gases from agricultural fields of Indonesia. Therefore, the required modernization of irrigation systems in Indonesia needs to consider several factors, such as food demands for the increasing population and the impact of irrigated agriculture on global warming. Multi-stakeholders, such as the government, farmers, water user associations (WUA), and local research institutions, need to work together on the modernization of irrigation systems in Indonesia to meet the increasing food demands of the growing population and to minimize the impacts of agriculture on climate change.
  • 699
  • 29 Dec 2022
Topic Review
Hyperspectral Remote Sensing and Plant
Hyperspectral remote sensing provides image data with very high spectral resolution. This high resolution allows subtle differences in plant health to be recognized. Such a multidimensional data space, generated by hyperspectral sensors, has given rise to new approaches and methods for analyzing hyperspectral data.
  • 1.4K
  • 31 Jan 2022
Topic Review
Hydroponic Cultivation
The increasing demand for food, the lack of natural resources and arable land, and the recent restrictions on energy consumption require an immediate solution in terms of agricultural activities. The soil loss, the crop/soil contamination, and the greenhouse gas emissions were the criteria for the environmental comparison of conventional agriculture and hydroponics. As for resource consumption, the water consumption rates (L/kg), energy consumption rates (kWh), and energy required (kW) were the criteria for comparing conventional agriculture with hydroponics.
  • 501
  • 27 Feb 2023
Topic Review
HydroLab is a module designed to implement different fertigation strategies in two independent samples of plants.
  • 386
  • 14 Aug 2023
Topic Review
High-Power Ultrasound-Assisted Extraction of Olive Oils
All the examined works reported an increase in oil yield and extractability index through the use of high-power ultrasound(HPU), which was ascribed to reduced paste viscosity and cavitation-driven cell disruption. Olive oil legal quality was generally not affected; on the other hand, results regarding oil chemical composition were conflicting with some studies reporting an increase of phenols, tocopherols, and volatile compounds, while others underlined no significant effects to even slight reductions after HPU treatment. Regarding the acceptability of oils extracted through HPU processing, consumer perception is not negatively affected, as long as the marketer effectively delivers information about the positive effects of ultrasound on oil quality and sensory aspect. 
  • 385
  • 25 Nov 2021
Topic Review
Ground Autonomous Vehicles for Agriculture
The available autonomous ground platforms developed by universities and research groups that were specifically designed to handle agricultural tasks was performed. As cost reduction and safety improvements are two of the most critical aspects for farmers, the development of autonomous vehicles can be of major interest, especially for those applications that are lacking in terms of mechanization improvements.
  • 1.5K
  • 22 Aug 2022
Topic Review
GHDs with Solar Technologies
Greenhouse dryers (GHDs) are simple facilities that can provide large capacities for drying agricultural products. The solar GHDs (SGHDs) are classified as passive and active systems. The passive SGHDs have a heat transfer through natural convection, whereas, SGHDs having a heat transfer through forced convection are called active dryers. Active SGHDs can be integrated with different solar technologies, including photovoltaic (PV), photovoltaic-thermal (PVT), and solar thermal collectors. Additionally, solar-assisted greenhouse dryers (SGHDs) can be integrated with heat pumps and thermal energy storage (TES) units and presented in hybrid configuration considering their integration with other renewable energy sources with the aim of improving the thermal performance.
  • 729
  • 01 Jul 2021
Topic Review
Fundamentals of Precision Agriculture
Precision agriculture or precision farming is the targeted application of crop input according to the locally determined crop needs. Therefore, it is the geo-referenced application of crop inputs, whose rates should be those required by the crop. The most essential points of information about the topic being described are: overview; brief history of precision agriculture; theoretical basics of precision agriculture; precision agriculture cycle; geo-referenced measurement of within-field parameters; analysis and interpretation of geo-referenced data for mapping within-field parameters; spatially variable rate application of crop inputs; instruments for precision agriculture; current scenario of precision agriculture; current scenario of precision viticulture; Global Navigation Satellite Systems (GNSS) and differential correction technique; proximal sensors of within-field soil and crop parameters; remote sensing from Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAVs) and satellites; devices for setting up and controlling spatially variable rate crop input application; assisted guidance systems of agricultural machines; perspectives of precision agriculture.
  • 728
  • 04 Feb 2023
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