Topic Review
Sustainable Housing in Rwanda
Baked clay bricks (Impunyu) is the dominant wall construction material in Rwanda. Clay deposits in the country’s lowlands are utilized for baked clay bricks. Despite the ongoing campaign, the use of wood by some local brick producers is unfriendly to the environment. Recent research has called for alternative methods in order to reduce the cost and impact on the environment. Earlier efforts with compressed earth blocks were saddled with weight and a substantial use of cement for good surface texture and adequate resistance against surface erosion. This research explored the potentials of using an appropriate dose of clay (from Muhanzi), volcanic light aggregate (Amakoro, (from Musanze)), and cement to produce unbaked shelled compressed earth blocks (SCEB). SCEB is a compressed earth block with an outer shell and inner core of different cement content or materials, compressed into a unit block. The result is a masonry unit with a higher surface resistance, durability, and desirable architectural effect produced with a 60% reduction in cement content. A weight reduction of 12% was achieved with an optimum content of 33% of the volcanic lightweight aggregate. A cost reduction of 25% was recorded over conventional compressed earth brick walls and a 54% over sand-cement block walls. Possible future trends were also identified with appreciable prospects in earthen architecture. 
  • 2.3K
  • 29 Jul 2021
Topic Review
Sustainable Energy Strategies for Power Purchase Agreements
Renewable energy strategies for sustainable development perform as best practices and strategic insights necessary to support large scale organizations’ approach to sustainability. Power Purchase Agreements (PPAs) enhance the value of such initiatives. A renewable PPA contract delivers green energy efficiently to organizations that seek sustainability benefits. Consequently, various approaches that define PPAs are utilized to motivate both interested parties to participate in such deals.
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  • 30 Oct 2023
Topic Review
Sustainable Development of Energy, Water, and Environment Systems
Sustainability has become a broad societal goal, aiming to ensure that human beings coexist safely and harmoniously with nature over a longer time. The influence of the COVID-19 pandemic on the global economy is coming to an end. The development and merits of sustainable energy supply, advanced technology, and economic features have received significant attention over the past. Since 2002, the Sustainable Development of Energy, Water, and Environment Systems (SDEWES) conferences have become a significant meeting venue for researchers to introduce, discuss, share, and disseminate novel concepts and ideas.
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  • 01 Nov 2022
Topic Review
Sustainable Construction Projects
There are several definitions of "sustainable construction", but it is positioned as a relevant contemporary issue aligned with the efforts needed to achieve sustainability and development. Sometimes its focus is limited to the environmental dimension, but it must encompass all three pillars: environmental, social, and economic aspects in its scope to be considered sustainable:  Environment: Focusing on the protection of the environment through the reduction of ecological impacts, resource utilization, and waste production. Social: Integrating health and safety aspects in construction and the area of influence, as well as conflict resolution for all stakeholders.  Economic: Integrating efficiency and savings, quality assurance, and profitability. Complemented by the result of the application of biomimetic methodology: the biocircular model.  In this model, it is established that construction processes must be efficient and dynamic, considering the human dimension, management, and technical knowledge to achieve objectives.  In addition, the circular economy approach focused on reuse, recycling, durability, and optimization. 
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  • 13 Dec 2021
Topic Review
Sustainability of HVAC Systems in Buildings
Increasing demand on heating, ventilation, and air-conditioning (HVAC) systems and their importance, as the respiratory system of buildings, in developing and spreading various microbial contaminations and diseases with their huge global energy consumption share have forced researchers, industries, and policymakers to focus on improving the sustainability of HVAC systems. 
  • 1.6K
  • 03 Mar 2022
Topic Review
Sugarcane Supply Chain in the Brazilian Midwest Region
The sugarcane supply chain is one of the main contributors to economic development in many countries. However, it is necessary to consider the relationship of this supply chain with the environment in order to reduce/mitigate adverse environmental impacts. Using fertilizers and pesticides and burning crops during harvest severely threaten the sustainability of this supply chain.
  • 171
  • 08 Mar 2024
Topic Review
Studies of Cultural Ecosystem Services in National Parks
Cultural ecosystem services (CES) provided by national parks (NP) have been increasingly recognized and appreciated by the public and researchers. However, they are often under-represented in ecosystem services evaluations due to their intangible nature. As a result, their application in supporting NP conservation and management remains limited. 
  • 288
  • 27 Oct 2023
Topic Review
Stationary Fuel Cell System
Fuel cell technologies have several applications in stationary power production, such as units for primary power generation, grid stabilization, systems adopted to generate backup power, and combined-heat-and-power configurations (CHP). The main sectors where stationary fuel cells have been employed are (a) micro-CHP, (b) large stationary applications, (c) UPS, and IPS. The fuel cell size for stationary applications is strongly related to the power needed from the load. Since this sector ranges from simple backup systems to large facilities, the stationary fuel cell market includes few kWs and less (micro-generation) to larger sizes of MWs. The design parameters for the stationary fuel cell system differ for fuel cell technology (PEM, AFC, PAFC, MCFC, and SOFC), as well as the fuel type and supply.
  • 1.4K
  • 09 Oct 2021
Topic Review
State-of-the-Art Battery Disassembly towards Automation
As the market share of electric vehicles continues to rise, the number of battery systems that are retired after their service life in the vehicle will also increase. This large growth in battery returns will also have a noticeable impact on processes such as battery disassembly. Due to the significantly increasing return volumes of traction batteries in the near future, a substantial increase in the degree of automation in battery disassembly is required, especially with regard to a stable recycling input flow. 
  • 346
  • 27 Nov 2023
Topic Review
Sponge City Practices in China
In recent years, China has been committed to strengthening environmental governance and trying to build a sustainable society in which humans and nature develop in harmony. As a new urban construction concept, sponge city uses natural and ecological methods to retain rainwater, alleviate flooding problems, reduce the damage to the water environment, and gradually restore the hydrological balance of the construction area.
  • 1.3K
  • 17 May 2022
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