Topic Review
EU Road Transport Carbon Emissions
To accomplish the 1.5 °C and 2 °C climate change targets, the European Union (EU) has set up several policy initiatives. Within the EU, the carbon emissions of the road transport sector from the consumption of diesel and gasoline are constantly rising. (1) Background: due to road transport policies, diesel and gasoline use within the EU is increasing the amount of carbon in the atmosphere and adding to climate risks. (2) Methods: sustainability analysis used was based on the method recommended by the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change. (3) Results: to meet its road transport requirements, the EU produces an estimated 0.237–0.245 billion tonnes of carbon per year from its total consumption of diesel and gasoline. (4) Conclusion: if there is no significant reduction in diesel and gasoline carbon emissions, there is a real risk that the EU’s carbon budget commitment could lapse and that climate change targets will not be met. Sustainability analysis of energy consumption in road transport sector shows the optimum solution is the direct electrification of road transport. 
  • 1.2K
  • 20 Aug 2021
Topic Review
EOR's Significance in Emission Reduction
Limiting the increase in CO2 concentrations in the atmosphere, and at the same time, meeting the increased energy demand can be achieved by applying carbon capture, utilization and storage (CCUS) technologies, which hold potential as the bridge for energy and emission-intensive industries to decarbonization goals. At the moment, the only profitable industrial large-scale carbon sequestration projects are large-scale carbon dioxide enhanced oil recovery (CO2-EOR) projects. This paper gives a general overview of the indirect and direct use of captured CO2 in CCUS with a special focus on worldwide large-scale CO2-EOR projects. On the basis of scientific papers and technical reports, data from 23 contemporary large-scale CO2-EOR projects in different project stages were aggregated, pointing out all the specificities of the projects. The specificities of individual projects, along with the lack of standardized methodologies specific for estimating the full lifecycle emissions resulting from CO2-EOR projects, pose a challenge and contribute to uncertainties and wide flexibilities when estimating emissions from CO2-EOR projects, making the cross-referencing of CO2-EOR projects and its comparison to other climate-mitigation strategies rather difficult. Pointing out the mentioned project’s differentiations and aggregating data on the basis of an overview of large-scale CO2-EOR projects gives useful information for future work on the topic of a CO2-EOR project’s lifecycle emissions.
  • 874
  • 17 Jun 2021
Topic Review
Environmental, Economic, and Social Impacts of Gasification Processes
Computer-based simulations have been used to enhance production processes, and sustainable industrial strategies are increasingly being considered in the manufacturing industry. In order to evaluate the performance of a gasification process, the Life Cycle Thinking (LCT) technique gathers relevant impact assessment tools to offer quantitative indications across different domains. Among LCT approaches, by far, the highest interest belonged to life cycle assessment (LCA), followed by life cycle cost (LCC). Only a few studies have addressed exergetic life cycle assessment (ELCA), life cycle energy assessment (LCEA), social impact assessment (SIA), consequential life cycle assessment (CLCA), and water footprint (WLCA). SimaPro® (PRé Consultants, Netherlands), GaBi® (sphere, USA), and OpenLCA (GreenDelta, Germany) demonstrated the greatest contribution. Uncertainty analysis (Monte Carlo approach and sensitivity analysis) was conducted in almost half of the investigations. Most importantly, the results confirm that it is challenging or impossible to compare the environmental impacts of the gasification process with other alternatives since the results may differ based on the methodology, criteria, or presumptions. While gasification performed well in mitigating negative environmental consequences, it is not always the greatest solution compared to other technologies.
  • 3.4K
  • 02 Aug 2022
Topic Review
Environmental Aspects of Rail Transport
The development of railways stands as a pivotal milestone in the history of transportation, transforming the world and revolutionising the movement of people and goods. From their humble beginnings as rudimentary track systems to the sophisticated and interconnected networks we witness today, railways have played a crucial role in fostering economic growth, promoting globalisation, and shaping modern societies. Railways have long been recognised as one of the most environmentally friendly means of mass transit, offering lower carbon emissions, energy efficiency, and reduced congestion compared to other transportation modes. However, there are still many challenges to overcome to provide continuous sustainability in the context of environmental impacts, especially related to wildlife and habitat protection. 
  • 1.1K
  • 19 Sep 2023
Topic Review
Enhancing Extracellular Electron Transfer in Environmental Biotechnology
Extracellular electron transfer (EET) is a biological mechanism that plays a crucial role in various bioelectrochemical systems (BESs) and has substantial implications for renewable energy production. By utilizing the metabolic capacities of exoelectrogens, BESs offer a viable and environmentally friendly approach to electricity generation and chemical production; however, the diminished effectiveness of EET remains a hindrance to their optimal application in practical contexts.
  • 250
  • 07 Dec 2023
Topic Review
Enhancement of Anaerobic Digestion with Nanomaterials
The number of research reporting the addition of nanomaterials to enhance the process of anaerobic digestion has exponentially increased. The benefits of this addition can be observed from different aspects: an increase in biogas production, enrichment of methane in biogas, elimination of foaming problems, a more stable and robust operation, absence of inhibition problems, etc. Several hypotheses have been formulated, with the effect on the redox potential caused by nanoparticles probably being the most accepted, although supplementation with trace materials coming from nanomaterials and the changes in microbial populations have been also highlighted. The types of nanomaterials tested for the improvement of anaerobic digestion is very diverse, although metallic and, especially, iron-based nanoparticles, are the most frequently used.
  • 513
  • 22 Jul 2022
Topic Review
Enhancement of Anaerobic Digestion Process with Biochar
Anaerobic digestion (AD) process is usually limited by factors such as process inefficiencies from substrate-induced instability, poor quality digestate, and poor management of effluent and emissions. Biochar, which is a highly porous carbonaceous material produced from the pyrolysis of biomass is an affordable accelerant that can be used to improve the efficiency of the AD process. Biochar has large specific surface area (SSA), high porosity, and abundant surface functional groups which allows for adsorption and ion exchange thereby removes free ammonia and ions and curbs their deleterious effect on the AD process. The performance of biochar in the AD process usually depends on its properties which are a function of pyrolysis conditions and the type of feedstock used in its production. However, these conditions/properties are not well understood. Additionally, the various mechanisms through which biochar enhances the performance of anaerobic digestion process. Accordingly, this research provides valuable insights into the utilization of biochar as an accelerator to enhance the AD process, addressing crucial factors such as optimal pyrolysis conditions, biochar dosage, and feedstock selection. Additionally, it delves into the mechanisms through which biochar positively influences the AD process, particularly by influencing microbial communities, reducing VFA levels, and mitigating the negative effects of ammonia. The research also highlights areas for further research in applying biochar for anaerobic digestion.
  • 547
  • 24 May 2023
Topic Review
Enhance the Efficiency of Thermophilic Anaerobic Digestion
Thermophilic anaerobic digestion (TAD) technology has been adopted worldwide mainly due to it being a pathogen-free process in addition to the enhanced biogas yield and short hydraulic retention time (HRT). Taking the high metabolic rate of the thermophilic microbial community with highly efficient enzymatic systems into consideration, thermophiles are being widely explored as efficient inocula for lignocellulosic biomass (LCB) degradation and improved biomethane production. The advantages of TAD over mesophilic anaerobic digestion (MAD), including improved kinetics, efficient degradation of organic matter, and economic and environmental sustainability, make it one of the best strategies to be operated at moderately high temperatures. 
  • 292
  • 14 Feb 2023
Topic Review
Energy-Sustainable Renovation of Building Envelopes
The EU’s low carbon transition relies on the building sector as one of its main pillars, given that around 85% of the 160 million buildings within the EU are thermally inefficient. The energy-sustainable renovation of building envelopes calls for a comprehensive approach from initial design phases to construction, while balancing a series of factors, e.g., function and aesthetics, energy savings and environmental concerns, as well as cost-effectiveness.
  • 390
  • 13 Jun 2023
Topic Review
Energy-Efficient IoT Wireless Sensors
In the design of the monitoring system, microclimate monitoring system was decided that it should consist of ultra-low power autonomous wireless sensors using transmission techniques capable of coping with the particularities of historic buildings and, at the same time, that the batteries should last for years without the need for maintenance.
  • 739
  • 29 Nov 2021
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