Topic Review
Heavy metals removal from contaminated solution using seaweed
Heavy metal contamination affects lives with concomitant environmental pollution, and seaweed has emerged as a remedy with the ability to save the ecosystem, due to its eco-friendliness, affordability, availability, and effective metal ion removal rate. Heavy metals are intrinsic toxicants that are known to induce damage to multiple organs, especially when subjected to excess exposure. With respect to these growing concerns, this review presents the preferred sorption material among the many natural sorption materials. The use of seaweeds to treat contaminated solutions has demonstrated outstanding results when compared to other materials. The sorption of metal ions using dead seaweed biomass offers a comparative advantage over other natural sorption materials. This article summarizes the impact of heavy metals on the environment, and why dead seaweed biomass is regarded as the leading remediation material among the available materials. 
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  • 24 Nov 2021
Topic Review
Management of Sewage Sludge from Municipal Wastewater Purification
Municipal sewage sludge (MSS) is the residual material produced as a waste of municipal wastewater purification. It is a sophisticated multi-component material, hard to handle. For many years, it has been landfilled, incinerated, and widely used in agriculture practice. When unproperly discharged, it is very polluting and unhealthy. The rapidly increasing global amount of municipal sewage sludge produced annually depends on urbanization, degree of development, and lifestyle. Some diffused traditional practices were banned or became economically unfeasible or unacceptable by the communities. In contrast, it has been established that MSS contains valuable resources, which can be utilized as energy and fertilizer. Ambitious and costly plans for remediation, the modernization of regulations, collecting and purification systems, and beneficial waste management using a modern approach. The activated sludge process is the leading technology for wastewater purification, and anaerobic digestion is the leading technology for downstream waste. However, biological technologies appear inadequate and hydrothermal carbonization, already applicable at full scale, is the best candidate for playing a significant role in managing municipal sewage sludge produced by big towns and small villages.
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  • 25 Aug 2022
Topic Review
Membrane in a Microbial Fuel Cell
Microbial fuel cells (MFC) are an emerging technology for wastewater treatment that utilizes the metabolism of microorganisms to generate electricity from the organic matter present in water directly.
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  • 20 Jan 2022
Topic Review
Solid Adsorbents for CO2 Capture
Carbon capture and storage (CCS) is considered to be a promising technology in reducing atmospheric CO2 concentration. Among the CO2 capture technologies, adsorption has grabbed significant attention owing to its advantageous characteristics discovered in recent years. Solid adsorbents have emerged as one of the most versatile CO2 adsorbents. 
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  • 23 Feb 2023
Topic Review
Stationary Fuel Cell System
Fuel cell technologies have several applications in stationary power production, such as units for primary power generation, grid stabilization, systems adopted to generate backup power, and combined-heat-and-power configurations (CHP). The main sectors where stationary fuel cells have been employed are (a) micro-CHP, (b) large stationary applications, (c) UPS, and IPS. The fuel cell size for stationary applications is strongly related to the power needed from the load. Since this sector ranges from simple backup systems to large facilities, the stationary fuel cell market includes few kWs and less (micro-generation) to larger sizes of MWs. The design parameters for the stationary fuel cell system differ for fuel cell technology (PEM, AFC, PAFC, MCFC, and SOFC), as well as the fuel type and supply.
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  • 09 Oct 2021
Topic Review
Barriers to Electric Vehicle Adoption in Thailand
Electric vehicles (EVs) are considered to be a solution for sustainable transportation. EVs can reduce fossil fuel consumption, greenhouse gas emissions, and the negative impacts of climate change and global warming, as well as help improve air quality.
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  • 09 Dec 2021
Topic Review
Sponge City Practices in China
In recent years, China has been committed to strengthening environmental governance and trying to build a sustainable society in which humans and nature develop in harmony. As a new urban construction concept, sponge city uses natural and ecological methods to retain rainwater, alleviate flooding problems, reduce the damage to the water environment, and gradually restore the hydrological balance of the construction area.
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  • 17 May 2022
Topic Review
Cryogenic Carbon Capture Process
The cryogenic carbon capture (CCC) process is a promising post-combustion CO2 removal method. This method is very novel compared with conventional and well-developed methods. However, cryogenic carbon capture is not yet commercially available despite its techno-economic benefits. Thus, a model-based design approach for this process can provide valuable information. 
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  • 15 Mar 2023
Topic Review
Artificial Intelligence in the Effective Battery Life Cycle
The rapid growth of battery production and usage will cause waste and disposal-related issues as these batteries reach end-of-life. Moreover, it also causes the depletion of natural mineral resources. Thus, effective battery reuse and recycling procedures are highly important because they contain metals of critical importance. The recycling of batteries causes the return of valuable materials, including lead, lithium, nickel, cadmium, and copper, back to the value chain, partially easing the need to extract new resources. Moreover, recovering metals from batteries reduces the burden on landfills, the burden on the environment, and the negative impact on human health. The critical material’s recirculation also leads to a reduction of the ecological CO2 footprint, which is connected with battery cell production and may provide CO2-neutral battery cell production. Improper battery waste disposal causes harmful effects on human and animal health, as well as the environment, as they contain a huge number of heavy metals. These waste compounds contaminate water, soil, and vegetation.
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  • 25 Nov 2022
Topic Review
Dam Siting
Dam siting is the study of site selection, a branch of decision making, which has the characteristics of multidisciplinary integration, involving decision making, and coordination, geographic information science, computer science, etc. Siting decisions are constantly iterated and updated as the discipline evolves, and the dam siting process will inevitably face more challenges.
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  • 24 Aug 2021
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