Topic Review
Aquila, a constellation in the northern celestial hemisphere, is renowned for its striking resemblance to an eagle soaring through the heavens. Designated by the International Astronomical Union (IAU), Aquila captivates observers with its prominent stars and rich astronomical history, making it a prominent feature in both ancient mythology and modern astronomy.
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  • 29 Feb 2024
Topic Review
Aquarius, a constellation of the zodiac, is rich in mythological and astrological significance. Representing the Water Bearer in ancient Greek mythology, Aquarius is celebrated for its association with the nurturing and life-giving element of water. Positioned along the celestial equator, this constellation captivates observers with its diverse array of celestial objects and its prominent role in the astrological tradition.
  • 431
  • 29 Feb 2024
Topic Review
Apus is a southern celestial constellation first introduced by the International Astronomical Union (IAU) in the early 20th century. Its name, derived from the Greek word for "bird of paradise," symbolizes a bird-like creature, though it does not represent any specific bird species. Positioned in the southern sky, Apus is notable for its lack of bright stars, making it a challenge for observers in light-polluted areas but a rewarding sight under pristine conditions for those exploring the southern heavens.
  • 226
  • 29 Feb 2024
Topic Review
Applications of Thermal Plasma Waste Treatment
Non-thermal as well as thermal plasmas are used for the processing of materials and waste. Thermal (hot) plasmas are characterized by their high energy density and by the equal temperatures of the electrons and the heavy particles, i.e., thermal plasmas are in local thermodynamic equilibrium. Non-thermal plasmas (also called cold plasmas), on the other hand, are non-equilibrium ionized gases, which are characterized by lower energy densities and by the large difference between the electron temperature and the temperature of the heavy particles.
  • 922
  • 25 Jul 2022
Topic Review
Applications of Nanotechnology
The applications of nanotechnology, commonly incorporate industrial, medicinal, and energy uses. These include more durable construction materials, therapeutic drug delivery, and higher density hydrogen fuel cells that are environmentally friendly. Bein that nanoparticles and nanodevices are highly versatile through modification of their physiochemical properties, they have found uses in nanoscale electronics, cancer treatments, vaccines, hydrogen fuel cells, and nanographene batteries. Nanotechnology's use of smaller sized materials allows for adjustment of molecules and substances at the nanoscale level, which can further enhance the mechanical properties of materials or grant access to less physically accessible areas of the body.
  • 973
  • 29 Sep 2022
Topic Review
Applications of Liquid Crystals-Based Sensors
Liquid crystals are a class of chemical substances that exist in intermediate states between crystalline solids and liquids. They thus share the anisotropic properties of crystalline solids as well as fluid properties of isotropic liquids. 
  • 3.2K
  • 23 Mar 2022
Topic Review
Applications of Droplet Microsystems in Optics and Photonics
The micro- and nano-machining techniques applied to solid materials have yielded remarkable success in the semiconductor industry by integrating complex functionalities into microscale devices, thus spearheading the modern electronics revolution. Extending similar miniaturization strategies to process and assemble soft matter for creating multileveled functional structures over various length scales presents significant scientific and practical potential. Soft matter, including liquid crystals (LC), colloids, polymers, and biological substances, exhibits widespread influence across nature, living organisms, daily life, and industry. The biomimetic properties, responsiveness to stimuli, and efficacy in controlled release and sensing make soft matter extensively applicable in biology and chemistry.
  • 660
  • 18 Mar 2024
Topic Review
Application of Two-Dimensional Materials towards CMOS-Integrated Gas Sensors
The semiconductor metal oxide (SMO)-based gas sensor, considered the current workhorse of semiconductor-based chemiresistive gas sensor technologies, requires high temperatures to initiate the surface reactions which result in the sensing response, making it difficult to fabricate and prone to high mechanical instability. Therefore, alternatives at lower temperatures are desired, where 2D materials seem to hold the most promise. Even at ambient temperature, their sensitivity is extraordinarily large due to their extremely high surface-to-volume ratio. However, some ongoing issues still need to be resolved before gas sensors based on 2D materials can be widely used and commercialized. The alternative room temperature solutions involve optical signals, either by designing an nondispersive infrared (NDIR) sensor based on the Beer-Lambert law or by introducing an additional UV illumination to SMO sensors. In both cases, complementary metal oxide semiconductor (CMOS) integration is not feasible, which is why continued interest in 2D-material-based gas sensors persists.
  • 1.1K
  • 02 Dec 2022
Topic Review
Application of Through Glass Via Technology
Glass has emerged as a highly versatile substrate for various sensor and MEMS (microelectromechanical systems) packaging applications, including electromechanical, thermal, optical, biomedical, and RF devices, due to its exceptional properties such as high geometrical tolerances, outstanding heat and chemical resistance, excellent high-frequency electrical properties, and the ability to be hermetically sealed. In these applications, Through Glass Via (TGV) technology plays a vital role in manufacturing and packaging by creating electrical interconnections through glass substrates.
  • 397
  • 18 Jan 2024
Topic Review
Antlia is a constellation recognized by the International Astronomical Union (IAU), situated in the southern celestial hemisphere. Named after the air pump, it is a relatively faint constellation with no stars brighter than fourth magnitude, but it contains several interesting deep-sky objects, including the Antlia Galaxy Cluster, making it a fascinating subject for exploration by astronomers.
  • 320
  • 15 Mar 2024
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