Topic Review
Industrial Applications of Nanotechnology
Nanotechnology is impacting the field of consumer goods, several products that incorporate nanomaterials are already in a variety of items; many of which people do not even realize contain nanoparticles, products with novel functions ranging from easy-to-clean to scratch-resistant. Examples of that car bumpers are made lighter, clothing is more stain repellant, sunscreen is more radiation resistant, synthetic bones are stronger, cell phone screens are lighter weight, glass packaging for drinks leads to a longer shelf-life, and balls for various sports are made more durable. Using nanotech, in the mid-term modern textiles will become "smart", through embedded "wearable electronics", such novel products have also a promising potential especially in the field of cosmetics, and has numerous potential applications in heavy industry. Nanotechnology is predicted to be a main driver of technology and business in this century and holds the promise of higher performance materials, intelligent systems and new production methods with significant impact for all aspects of society.
  • 724
  • 29 Nov 2022
Topic Review
Implications of Gauge-Free Extended Electrodynamics
Recent tests measured an irrotational (curl-free) magnetic vector potential (A) that is contrary to classical electrodynamics (CED). A (irrotational) arises in extended electrodynamics (EED) that is derivable from the Stueckelberg Lagrangian. A (irrotational) implies an irrotational (gradient-driven) electrical current density, J. Consequently, EED is gauge-free and provably unique. EED predicts a scalar field that equals the quantity usually set to zero as the Lorenz gauge, making A and the scalar potential (F) independent and physically-measureable fields. EED predicts a scalar-longitudinal wave (SLW) that has an electric field along the direction of propagation together with the scalar field, carrying both energy and momentum. EED also predicts the scalar wave (SW) that carries energy without momentum.
  • 866
  • 01 May 2021
Topic Review
Impact of Nanotechnology
The impact of nanotechnology extends from its medical, ethical, mental, legal and environmental applications, to fields such as engineering, biology, chemistry, computing, materials science, and communications. Major benefits of nanotechnology include improved manufacturing methods, water purification systems, energy systems, physical enhancement, nanomedicine, better food production methods, nutrition and large-scale infrastructure auto-fabrication. Nanotechnology's reduced size may allow for automation of tasks which were previously inaccessible due to physical restrictions, which in turn may reduce labor, land, or maintenance requirements placed on humans. Potential risks include environmental, health, and safety issues; transitional effects such as displacement of traditional industries as the products of nanotechnology become dominant, which are of concern to privacy rights advocates. These may be particularly important if potential negative effects of nanoparticles are overlooked. Whether nanotechnology merits special government regulation is a controversial issue. Regulatory bodies such as the United States Environmental Protection Agency and the Health and Consumer Protection Directorate of the European Commission have started dealing with the potential risks of nanoparticles. The organic food sector has been the first to act with the regulated exclusion of engineered nanoparticles from certified organic produce, firstly in Australia and the UK, and more recently in Canada , as well as for all food certified to Demeter International standards
  • 13.5K
  • 18 Oct 2022
Topic Review
Impact of Nanostructured Silicon on Thermoelectric Performance
Nanostructured materials remarkably improve the overall properties of thermoelectric devices, mainly due to the increase in the surface-to-volume ratio. This behavior is attributed to an increased number of scattered phonons at the interfaces and boundaries of the nanostructures. Among many other materials, nanostructured Si was used to expand the power generation compared to bulk crystalline Si, which leads to a reduction in thermal conductivity. However, the use of nanostructured Si leads to a reduction in the electrical conductivity due to the formation of low dimensional features in the heavily doped Si regions. Accordingly, the fabrication of hybrid nanostructures based on nanostructured Si and other different nanostructured materials constitutes another strategy to combine a reduction in the thermal conductivity while keeping the good electrical conduction properties. 
  • 460
  • 08 Aug 2022
Topic Review
Immersive Virtual Reality
Immersive Virtual Reality (IVR) is a simulated technology used to deliver multisensory information to people under different environmental conditions. When IVR is generally applied in urban planning and soundscape research, it reveals attractive possibilities for the assessment of urban sound environments with higher immersion for human participation. In virtual sound environments, various topics and measures are designed to collect subjective responses from participants under simulated laboratory conditions. Soundscape or noise assessment studies during virtual experiences adopt an evaluation approach similar to in situ methods. 
  • 1.3K
  • 02 Feb 2021
Topic Review
Imaging Techniques for Morphological Characterization of Magnetic Films
Microscopy imaging techniques are critical for the morphological characterization of thin films because they provide nanoscale structural and compositional information that impacts properties. Techniques discussed below reveal grain size, grain boundaries, surface roughness and interfaces, and defects at high resolution. When coupled with spectroscopy, microscopy may provide compositional mapping and magnetic information. This multiscale morphological information is key to elucidating structure–property relationships in thin films.
  • 198
  • 12 Dec 2023
Topic Review
Imaging Biomarkers
Imaging biomarkers (IBs) have been proposed in medical literature that exploit images in a quantitative way, going beyond the visual assessment. These IBs can be used in the diagnosis, prognosis, and response assessment of several pathologies and are very often used for patient management pathways.
  • 300
  • 26 Oct 2023
Topic Review
Image-Guided Surgical and Pharmacotherapeutic Routines
Medical procedures have moved from a direct fully invasive “hand-eye” pairing process to a minimal invasive (MI) process with robot-imaging pairing in a closed-loop treatment architecture. Acts related to the invasive nature mainly concern surgical interventions (SIs) and the restricted dispensing of drugs. Currently, both of these procedures can use MI image-guided (IG) robotics, which enables patient comfort and safety, and medical staff accuracy and efficiency.
  • 154
  • 15 Dec 2023
Ilesanmi Adesida
Ilesanmi Adesida (born 1949, Ifon, Ondo State, Nigeria) is a naturalized United States [1] physicist of Yoruba Nigerian descent.[2] He has been the provost at Nazarbayev University in Astana, Kazakhstan, from September 2016.[3] Adesida is also the Donald Biggar Willett Professor Emeritus of Engineering[4] at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign;[5] he retired from Illinois in 2016. In
  • 482
  • 27 Dec 2022
Topic Review
Identification of Soccer Scoring Techniques
The immense charm of soccer to millions of players and spectators can be traced back to the most prime idea of the game: to score goals—an idea that will always be captivating. This basic idea shapes the soccer scoring technique (SST) to be the crucial and final determinant of every offensive-maneuver fate of any team. Therefore, the identification of SSTs is particularly important.
  • 494
  • 01 Nov 2022
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