Topic Review
Applications of Quinoa Seeds
Quinoa is a kind of  plant specy that comes from the Chenopodiaceae family, besides its direct consumption as a food, quinoa contains nutritional components such as protein with balanced aminoa acids, lipids, phytochemicals, etc. Quinoa has been remported to play a positive role in anti-oxidative, anti-inflammatory, immunomodulatory, anticarcinogenic, etc. which makes it beneficial for maintaining human health.
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  • 09 Jun 2023
Topic Review
The Genus Capsicum
Chili is one of the world’s most widely used horticultural products. Many dishes around the world are prepared using this fruit. The chili belongs to the genus Capsicum and is part of the Solanaceae family. This fruit has essential biomolecules such as carbohydrates, dietary fiber, proteins, and lipids. In addition, chili has other compounds that may exert some biological activity (bioactivities).
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  • 09 Jun 2023
Topic Review
Degranulation of Mast Cells as Drug Development Target
Mast cells act as key effector cells of inflammatory responses through degranulation. Mast cell degranulation is induced by the activation of cell surface receptors, such as FcεRI, MRGPRX2/B2, and P2RX7. Each receptor, except FcεRI, varies in its expression pattern depending on the tissue, which contributes to their differing involvement in inflammatory responses depending on the site of occurrence. 
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  • 09 Jun 2023
Topic Review
Role of Phage Particles in Chronic Liver Diseases
The gut microbiome is made up of bacteria, fungi, viruses and archaea, all of which are closely related with human health. As the main component of enterovirus, the role of bacteriophages (phages) in chronic liver disease has been gradually recognized. Chronic liver diseases, including alcohol-related liver disease and nonalcoholic fatty liver disease, exhibit alterations of the enteric phages. Phages shape the intestinal bacterial colonization and regulate bacterial metabolism. Phages adjoining to intestinal epithelial cells prevents bacteria from invading the intestinal barrier, and mediate intestinal inflammatory response. Phages are also observed increasing intestinal permeability and migrating to peripheral blood and organs, likely contributing to inflammatory injury in chronic liver diseases. By preying on harmful bacteria, phages can improve the gut microbiome of patients with chronic liver disease and thus act as an effective treatment method.
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  • 09 Jun 2023
Topic Review
Interleukin-33 in Gastrointestinal Tract Cancers
Accumulating evidence suggests that Interleukin-33 (IL-33), a member of the IL-1 family, has crucial roles in tissue homeostasis and repair, type 2 immunity, inflammation, and viral infection. IL-33 is a novel contributing factor in tumorigenesis and plays a critical role in regulating angiogenesis and cancer progression in a variety of human cancers. The partially unraveled role of IL-33/ST2 signaling in gastrointestinal tract cancers is being investigated through the analysis of patients’ samples and by studies in murine and rat models. 
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  • 09 Jun 2023
Topic Review
Bacterial Bioprotectants
Plant growth and nutrition are adversely affected by various factors such as water stress, high temperature, and plant pathogens. Plant-associated microbes play a vital role in the growth and development of their hosts under biotic and abiotic stresses. The use of a rhizosphere microbiome for plant growth stimulation and the biological control of fungal disease can lead to improved crop productivity. Mechanisms used by plant-growth-promoting rhizobacteria (PGPR) to protect plants from soilborne pathogens include antibiosis, the production of lytic enzymes, indole-3 acetic acid production, decreasing ethylene levels by secreting 1-aminocyclopropane-1-carboxylate deaminase, competition for nutrients and niches, parasitism and induced systemic resistance. 
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  • 09 Jun 2023
Topic Review
Computational Drug Design on Ion Channels
Ion channels play important roles in fundamental biological processes, such as electric signaling in cells, muscle contraction, hormone secretion, and regulation of the immune response. Targeting ion channels with drugs represents a treatment option for neurological and cardiovascular diseases, muscular degradation disorders, and pathologies related to disturbed pain sensation. While there are more than 300 different ion channels in the human organism, drugs have been developed only for some of them and available drugs lack selectivity. Computational approaches are an indispensable tool for drug discovery and can speed up, especially, the early development stages of lead identification and optimization. The number of molecular structures of ion channels has considerably increased over the last ten years, providing new opportunities for structure-based drug development.
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  • 09 Jun 2023
Topic Review
Heterologous Production of Type II Aromatic Polyketides
Polyketides are a diverse set of natural products with versatile applications as pharmaceuticals, nutraceuticals, and cosmetics, to name a few. Of several types of polyketides, aromatic polyketides comprising type II and III polyketides contain many chemicals important for human health such as antibiotics and anticancer agents. Most aromatic polyketides are produced from soil bacteria or plants, which are difficult to engineer and grow slowly in industrial settings. 
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  • 09 Jun 2023
Topic Review
Improvement of Photosynthetic Efficiency
Photosynthesis is the largest mass- and energy-conversion process on Earth, and it is the material basis for almost all biological activities. The efficiency of converting absorbed light energy into energy substances during photosynthesis is very low compared to theoretical values. The main way to improve photosynthetic efficiency is to optimize the light reactions, including increasing light absorption and conversion, accelerating the recovery of non-photochemical quenching, modifying enzymes in the Calvin cycle, introducing carbon concentration mechanisms into C3 plants, rebuilding the photorespiration pathway, de novo synthesis, and changing stomatal conductance.
  • 228
  • 09 Jun 2023
Topic Review
Edible Cities
Malnutrition, food security and food safety will remain major global issues as the world’s population grows and the consequences of climate change prevail, so we need to rethink how we grow and source food to create sustainable systems for future generations. Edible cities, as innovative solutions to use public spaces for urban food production, can bridge this evident gap between the present and the future.
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  • 09 Jun 2023
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