Topic Review
Medical Applications of Phages
Bacteriophages (phages) are viruses with a size of 20 to 200 nm that infect bacteria with very high specificity. Due to their bactericidal activity and their inability to infect eukaryotic cells, phages could be used in the fight against infectious diseases. 
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  • 19 Jun 2023
Topic Review
Detection of Biological Molecules Using Nanopore Sensing Techniques
Usually, in the early stages of the disease, the number of specific biomarkers is very low and sometimes difficult to detect using classical diagnostic methods. Among detection methods, biosensors have advantages such as easy operation, speed, and portability, with additional benefits of low costs and repeated reliable results. Single-molecule sensors such as nanopores that can detect biomolecules at low concentrations have the potential to become clinically relevant. As such, several applications have been introduced in this field for the detection of blood markers, nucleic acids, or proteins. The use of nanopores has yet to reach maturity for standardization as diagnostic techniques, however, they promise enormous potential, as progress is made into stabilizing nanopore structures, enhancing chemistries, and improving data collection and bioinformatic analysis.
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  • 19 Jun 2023
Topic Review
Concepts, Procedures and Techniques by Forensic Entomologists
Forensic entomology is a branch of forensic science that incorporates insects as a part of solving crime. Insect-based evidence recovered at a crime scene can be used to estimate the minimum postmortem interval, determine if a carcass/corpse has been relocated, and contribute to the cause and manner of death. Sampling and preservation of insect material is paramount if this evidence is presented in court.  To this end, a qualified forensic entomologist should attend the crime scene, however this is not always the case and such evidence is collected and preserved by a proxy.  After reading this paper and following a number of essential protocols, a proxy should be able to submit insect evidence that a forensic entomologist may be able to use and present a best estimate of the time since death.
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  • 19 Jun 2023
Topic Review
Mycorrhizal Symbiosis in Coastal Grasslands
Grasslands form a large and essential part of terrestrial ecosystems in terms of occupied areas as well as for both biodiversity maintenance and functional importance. Among different grassland types, coastal grasslands are unique in that they are habitats where the influence of marine and terrestrial determining factors combine. Most importantly, interactions between plant and microbial diversity were recognized as the main driving force in carbon storage. There have been more attempts to make functional generalizations of grassland existence related to changes or gradients of environmental factors. For example, the belowground characteristics of plants—the presence of clonal growth organs, vegetative buds, fine root spread—have been related to the degree of water availability in grasslands. There has been an increasing awareness of the fact that precisely functional interactions involving plants and their diversity are important drivers of plant distribution and multiple ecosystem services in grasslands.
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  • 19 Jun 2023
Topic Review
Electrochemical Sensing of Vitamins
Vitamins are a group of complex chemical compounds with very low content in the human body but extremely important functions. Compared with traditional analytical methods, electrochemical techniques, with the advantages of low cost, high sensitivity, flexible detection strategies, easy integration, and miniaturization, have gradually become the main tools in vitamin detection.
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  • 19 Jun 2023
Topic Review
Molecular Mechanisms and Factors of Ovarian Aging
Infertility is a global problem on the rise. The WHO defines it as a condition of the reproductive system that can be diagnosed when there is a “failure to achieve a clinical pregnancy after 12 months or more of regular unprotected sexual intercourse”. It occurs due to four broad causes: lifestyle choices, inheritable factors, health conditions, and aging, with a degree of overlap between each of these factors. There are various mechanisms and factors that contribute to infertility, most of which have some type of connection with oxidative damage.
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  • 19 Jun 2023
Topic Review
Anti-Viral Pattern Recognition Receptors
Pattern recognition receptors (PRRs) play a central role in the inflammation that ensues following microbial infection by their recognition of molecular patterns present in invading microorganisms but also following tissue damage by recognising molecules released during disease states. Such receptors are expressed in a variety of cells and in various compartments of these cells. PRR binding of molecular patterns results in an intracellular signalling cascade and the eventual activation of transcription factors and the release of cytokines, chemokines, and vasoactive molecules. PRRs and their accessory molecules are subject to tight regulation in these cells so as to not overreact or react in unnecessary circumstances. They are also key to reacting to infection and in stimulating the immune system when needed. Therefore, targeting PRRs offers a potential therapeutic approach for chronic inflammatory disease, infections and as vaccine adjuvants. The current knowledge on anti-viral PRRs and their signalling pathways is reviewed. Finally, compounds that target PRRs and that have been tested in clinical trials for chronic infections and as adjuvants in vaccine trials are discussed. 
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  • 19 Jun 2023
Topic Review
Microbial Pathogens in Action after COVID Pandemic
The COVID-19 pandemic impacted the unique means for prompting the scientific community to consider developing healthcare infrastructures and logistics that will deal with any future pandemics, maybe in a manner comparable to dealing with biological war or an outside attack due to Manmade weapons. Biomedical experts have refocused their efforts on creating innovative vaccines and medicines to halt the deadly spread of these infections using new biological approaches. Only a small number of innovative nations have a healthy security policy on national level in the event of a biological attack that has been bio-weaponized by a human. After Covid pandemic, It is assumed that the whole world may have a fight against Multiple resistant bacterial pathogens or microorganism connected to water and food. MDR bacteria (like MRSA and VRSA) in addition to newly mutated microorganism may also infect human beings, birds and animals. 
  • 420
  • 19 Jun 2023
Topic Review
Small Non-Coding RNAs in Extracellular Vesicles of Semen
Reproductive dysfunction and urogenital malignancies represent a serious health concern in men. This is in part as a result of the absence of reliable non-invasive tests of diagnosis/prognosis. Optimizing diagnosis and predicting the patient’s prognosis will affect the choice of the most appropriate treatment and therefore increase the chances of success and the result of therapy, that is, it will lead to a more personalized treatment of the patient. 
  • 408
  • 19 Jun 2023
Topic Review
Golgi's Role in Cancer Therapies
The Golgi apparatus is an important organelle found in most eukaryotic cells. It plays a vital role in the processing and sorting of proteins, lipids and other cellular components for delivery to their appropriate destinations within the cell or for secretion outside of the cell. The Golgi complex also plays a role in the regulation of protein trafficking, secretion and post-translational modifications, which are significant in the development and progression of cancer. Abnormalities in this organelle have been observed in various types of cancer, although research into chemotherapies that target the Golgi apparatus is still in its early stages.
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  • 19 Jun 2023
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