Topic Review
SOX2 Anophthalmia Syndrome
SOX2 anophthalmia syndrome is a rare disorder characterized by abnormal development of the eyes and other parts of the body.
  • 2.2K
  • 24 Dec 2020
Topic Review
SOX10 Gene
SRY-box 10
  • 345
  • 24 Dec 2020
Topic Review
Southern Spotted Skunk
The Southern Spotted Skunk (Spilogale angustifrons) is a small and elusive carnivore known for its distinctive coat pattern featuring conspicuous spots and stripes. Inhabiting various regions of the southern United States and parts of Central America, this species exhibits remarkable adaptability to diverse habitats, ranging from woodlands and grasslands to urban areas. Despite its diminutive size, the Southern Spotted Skunk plays a significant role in local ecosystems, displaying nocturnal behavior and an omnivorous diet.
  • 349
  • 04 Feb 2024
Topic Review
Southern African Lion
The Southern African lion is a Panthera leo melanochaita population in Southern Africa. During the 20th century, lion populations in this part of Africa became fragmented and declined in several range countries due to loss of habitat and prey base, poaching and killing of lions to protect livestock and human life. In 2005, a Lion Conservation Strategy was developed for Southern and East Africa. Today, lion populations are stable only in large protected area complexes. In intensively managed protected areas in Botswana, Namibia, South Africa and Zimbabwe, they increased since the turn of this century. The scientific name P. l. melanochaita was proposed for the Cape lion in 1842 that was eradicated in the mid-19th century. P. l. melanochaita differs genetically from P. leo leo; the two subspecies probably diverged at least 50,000 years ago.
  • 965
  • 18 Oct 2022
Topic Review
Southern African Gekkonids Diversity
South Africa is recognised for its high reptile diversity and endemism, specifically among lizards. Phylogenetic diversity, endemism, and richness can have clear implications or raise important questions in a range of fields, and most urgently in conservation. Among squamate reptiles, these indices are very commonly associated with high temperatures and topographic heterogeneity. Indeed, mountainous biogeography has been a critical driver in the radiation of the family Gekkonidae within the subregion.
  • 253
  • 27 Mar 2024
Topic Review
South American Sea Lion
The South American Sea Lion (Otaria flavescens) is a charismatic marine mammal found along the coasts of South America, from Peru to southern Brazil, including the Falkland Islands and Uruguay. Known for its large size, robust build, and distinctive "mane" of coarse hair around the neck of adult males, this species is a top predator in its marine ecosystem. With a diverse diet consisting of fish, squid, and crustaceans, the South American Sea Lion plays a crucial role in maintaining the balance of marine ecosystems along the South American coastline.
  • 261
  • 15 Mar 2024
Topic Review
South American Gray Fox
The South American Gray Fox, scientifically known as Lycalopex griseus, is a captivating canid species native to South America. Renowned for its sleek gray fur and bushy tail, this fox inhabits a variety of habitats, from grasslands and scrublands to forests and urban areas. As an adaptable omnivore, the South American Gray Fox plays a crucial role in its ecosystem by regulating prey populations and participating in seed dispersal, contributing to the overall balance of its environment.
  • 480
  • 15 Mar 2024
Topic Review
South American Fur Seal
The South American Fur Seal (Arctocephalus australis) is a charismatic pinniped species native to the coastal regions of South America. With its distinctive fur and robust physique, this marine mammal is well-adapted to both aquatic and terrestrial environments.
  • 249
  • 08 Feb 2024
Topic Review
South African Medicinal Plants in Metabolic Disorders Management
Metabolic syndrome (MetS) is a prevalent, multifactorial and complex disease that is associated with an increased risk of developing diabetes and other major cardiovascular complications. The rise in the global prevalence of MetS has been attributed to genetic, epigenetic, and environmental factors. The adoption of sedentary lifestyles that are characterized by low physical activity and the consumption of high-energy diets contributes to MetS development. Current management criteria for MetS risk factors involve changes in lifestyle and the use of pharmacological agents that target specific biochemical pathways involved in the metabolism of nutrients. Pharmaceutical drugs are usually expensive and are associated with several undesirable side effects. Alternative management strategies of MetS risk factors involve the use of medicinal plants that are considered to have multiple therapeutic targets and are easily accessible. Medicinal plants contain several different biologically active compounds that provide health benefits.
  • 582
  • 18 Jul 2022
Topic Review
Sourdough Bread Fermentation and Probiotics
Sourdough fermentation is an ancient technique to ferment cereal flour that improves bread quality, bringing nutritional and health benefits. The fermented dough has a complex microbiome composed mainly of lactic acid bacteria and yeasts. During fermentation, the production of metabolites and chemical reactions occurs, giving the product unique characteristics and high sensory quality. Mastery of fermentation allows gluten levels to adjust, delay starch digestibility, and increase the bio-accessibility of vitamins and minerals. 
  • 1.5K
  • 27 Feb 2023
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